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The movie Harold and Maude began filming in late 69. BTW If you haven't seen this movie you are miss'n out. The one cult classic that inflenced me more than Rocky Horror.



Oops, wrong thread, but still good movie

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Looks like he tried to steer around him and fishtailed away from the other driver. Why would you get out of your car into harms way in  to confront a moving car the first place?


That's what I thought. 

Ya can't get back in the race if you get out of your car. 


I sent Ed the link-he instantly sent me that video. 




So far-not being criminally investigated.  

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I find it hard to believe that Stewart would intentionally hit the guy, I think at the end of the day this was a myriad of bad decisions that drivers often make in American racing, and they've finally culminated in a terrible outcome. 


1. Never get out of your car on a track, even when the other cars are under yellow they are still going at fatal speeds if you're hit with nothing around you. 


2. Don't walk up to a car that's oncoming, on a dirt track, and is open wheel. 


3. I'm sure that Tony Stewart may have gotten intentionally closer, as he's prone to be an instigator as much as the next guy. But I sure as hell don't think he intentionally hit the other driver. Datzenmike is right it looks like he attempts to make a correction and the car's back end just doesn't make it... they are on a dirt track. 

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Yeah, bumping someone (even if intentioned, not saying he did, shit happens in competition and is part of the race) and having said driver forced out of the race and what only could be described as angrily come at you on foot sure isn't enough reason to 'run him down'. Stewart probably looked up coming around the bend and had a major wtf? moment. Tragically the victim should not have been on the track. Probably watched too many nascar helmets thrown at cars.

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Islamists that do this suicide bomber shit (read: nut job fundamentalists) are told they will meet 72 Virgins in "heaven".



However obviously they do not think this through; most virgins are hopeless with sex and scared to death of all kinds of things like putting a penis in their mouth,penis being inserted into their vagina.



So.....  maybe "Dad" realised that the more experienced women here on Earth are a better lay than the "72 virgins" could ever be.     :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

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