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If you want it done right - do it yourself

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Fare to say the newb may not have the same skill, or knowledge you do, but judging him for that, now that's "ignorance". We have no fucking idea what this guy's subjective circumstances are. For all we know he could be quadriplegic, but somehow, because he can't swap the car himself he doesn't deserve our help, or respect?  I'm sick of seeing pompous asswipes shitting all over newbs like they were never green once themselves. Sure, we've all seen SR, KA train wrecks. Hell some of us may have even conducted one of these trains, but I'd overlook 10 failures to find one person who becomes a REAL Datsun nut because he, or she got the help they needed to succeed.  One thing is obvious with this poor guy, he has demonstrated real commitment to getting an updated engine in his 510, and that is why I reached out. Beside, if it weren't for those failed builds we'd never find spare parts.



People loose sight of subjectivity when they have their head tucked too far up their own reality.

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So I'm looking for someone to do a KA swap. I have tried this before looking to have an SR20det installed, but the asshole I trusted to do the work was a con man. Little did I know he had been screwing over a handful of people. By taking non projects then avoiding calls and skipping town just to ride it out. His name Ravi Shukla of Santa Rosa. I got my car back but nothing else. My original l16 motor and tranny are gone. I'm assuming still at his shop. He stole over 6 grand from me. Anyways I still want this car to be on the road and I have 3k to invest in a ka24de swap. If any body is local and willing to meet up and chat about this I'm willing. It's a 4 door 510. 1972.


Here's the problem I see.  Dude had 6k to blow on a 510, didn't do his homework.  Had he investigated or posted some questions on here or other forums for instance, I certainly would have told him to keep the L16 and drive the car.  Or rebuild it and drive the car.  If you don't have the skills, either learn, or hire someone reputable.  Too many times I see people pissing and moaning about how they got screwed because they tried to shortcut something.  I'm not saying I wouldn't help the guy, but the way that craigslist ad is written doesn't sound to me like he's learned anything.  It literally screams "Hey, I'm dumb and know nothing about cars, take advantage of me!"  Yes that's sad.  But also, people like that are a sure way to get your time wasted and can even be a trap for a good Samaritan.  Perhaps you'll roll over in your KA swapped 510 to help and instead you'll be jumped and your 510 stolen.


They have a yellow pages for a reason.  It's full of mechanic shops/fabricators who can put x motor in y car.  And if they screw you, at least there's the BBB to complain to.  Putting an ad in cyberspace hoping for a knight in shining armor on a budget is a sure-fire way to get ripped off.  That should be filed under common sense.  But I hope you do help him out paradime, and I hope it turns out well.  I don't want to see anyone ripped off, and at least the guy owns a Datsun.

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Have to mostly agree with Matt, it's good money after bad and more money than brains. Mental limitations more than physical. Blows 6K (allegedly) and goes out and offers up another 3K to some unknown taker again? Stupid really can't be fixed. Posting your stupidity on craigslist just confirms it. He should get a bus pass.


K_trip I think I know what you're trying to get across here, it's just a poor example that invites grief. No amount of preparation and planning could have saved him unless you include a course in looking for reputable shops, not throwing money at people, and if having someone do the work, being involved with lots of oversight and demanding accountability from them. This is something the builder must take care of on his end. It's not our job to say 'don't be stupid'.

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Not sure how this took a turn so quickly. Clearly there is a reason why this guy is looking for help. Maybe it's something out of his control. Maybe he was raised by a single mother and has no clue how to be a guy. Or he just turned the X box off and decided to do something else.


I work with a guy just like this. He aspires to have a nice car, but there is a big disconnect. He asks me Q's every day. He brings his car to my house asks more Q's.


Do I help him? yes.


Does it sink in? maybe


Do I call him a dumbass?  all the time.


Does it discourage him? not at all.


I haven't been to a website yet where noobs are welcome with open arms. Always a bit of torture before they learn the secret handshake. This place is mostly men, and even the women here understand , that is how men talk to each other. It doesn't mean he wont get help and advice here. Hell, he isn't even here.

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Hell it may all be bogus. You can post anything on craigslist to get back at someone. It's the internet. Where truly stupid people post about how stupid they really are. Even that I take with a grain of salt. I smell a craigslist troll.



God helps those who help themselves. Might also apply to most forums.

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Not sure what your getting at. I cant help someone who doesn't ask in the first place. Should we put a thread here to help people with FAQ's? Not a bad idea. Should we walk on eggs around Q's that have been covered 500 times? not sure.


What is the difference between a front diff from a 7204x4, and a rear diff from a Z car. Is the ring gear on the opposite side? is one run upside down? are they completely different and not the same at all?


I would really like to know if I could use a lower gear set from a 720 4x4 on my Z.

If you know the answer, you would be helping me AND showing off your knowledge.  Because you would be pulling the info from your knowledge.

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Not sure what your getting at. I cant help someone who doesn't ask in the first place. Should we put a thread here to help people with FAQ's? Not a bad idea. Should we walk on eggs around Q's that have been covered 500 times? not sure.



Yes ... but at least he was smart enough not to ask for help here!


I wanted to create something that could help folks, it seems I was all alone in that goal.  Whatever :blush:

No problem, I should have figured.  Most here don't want to help, they want to show off their knowledge.



Every forum is different.  RATSUN does has a reputation to uphold, I guess.

There are a lot of internet thugs, folks acting tough online - that's common with car / truck / motorcycle forums - but not all are that way.



I think you posted a poor theoretical example is all. It wasn't even someone coming here asking for help. But yes if someone came here and vaguely posted: "I want to swap SR20DET into my truck I wanna drift it. Tell me everything needed to get r done" they would get hounded for not doing their due diligence search/research and asking a sensible question. Maybe we should instead have a post for teaching noobs how to avoid getting flamed by doing some homework first or just how to ask. As for Mr. 'I got ripped for 6K' if he doesn't or can't, do his own work, he will be forever at the mercy of another. The title is... If you want it done right - do it yourself



Most here do want to help, and do it every day. They shouldn't have to toilet train as well.




What is the difference between a front diff from a 7204x4, and a rear diff from a Z car. Is the ring gear on the opposite side? is one run upside down? are they completely different and not the same at all? I would really like to know if I could use a lower gear set from a 720 4x4 on my Z.

Both are R-180 differentials and will interchange. So yes it will fit and run in an earlier z car. The good thing about 720 diffs is they have only a small percentage of use on them as compared to the over all mileage. Generally the 720 diffs are 4.375 (early) and 4.11 (later Z24 equipped) The '80 Long Bed 4x4 had a 4.625 ratio R-180.


No the ring gears are not on the opposite side and they are not upside down. I suppose they are running backwards on a truck when in 4x4..

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I haven't been to a website yet where noobs are welcome with open arms. Always a bit of torture before they learn the secret handshake. This place is mostly men, and even the women here understand , that is how men talk to each other. It doesn't mean he wont get help and advice here. Hell, he isn't even here.


Oh, so this is what being a "man" is like. Now I get it, we're defending our right to shit on the new guy so we can hide our own insecurity. If we're helpful and considerate everyone will think we're just a bunch of pussies right.  :thumbup: 


The guys I learned to work on cars with never called me a Dumb ass, even when I deserved it. If we're going to act like REAL MEN maybe we need to grow up first.

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Not sure what your getting at. I cant help someone who doesn't ask in the first place. Should we put a thread here to help people with FAQ's? Not a bad idea. Should we walk on eggs around Q's that have been covered 500 times? not sure.


What is the difference between a front diff from a 7204x4, and a rear diff from a Z car. Is the ring gear on the opposite side? is one run upside down? are they completely different and not the same at all?


I would really like to know if I could use a lower gear set from a 720 4x4 on my Z.

If you know the answer, you would be helping me AND showing off your knowledge.  Because you would be pulling the info from your knowledge.


EricJB ,


I run an 85' 4.11 R180 front diff from a 720 4x4 in my 73' 240z ( I think the year is close or right...)

I was lucky enough to get bolt in stub axles ... I cracked those bolts , spun them out , and slid in my 3.36 R180 240z stub axles (after replacing side seals of course ;) )

The rear mounting bolts are the same , and you have a cool METAL vent that is located higher than the plastic cheezy pop up vent it came with :)

The driveshaft flange pattern and cup size seem to be a no brainer ... bolt right up !


You can get 4.11 or 4.375 ... "typical" ones you'll run into at least ;) .

If you get a 720 4x4 diff with "clip in" stub axles which is pretty common !!

No problem ... just pop out the stub axles (in the diff) ...

then pull out the threaded buttons out of your 3.36 or 3.54 Z car R180 after dis-assembling.

transfer them into your donor 720 4x4 front diff.

Bolt in the stub-shafts (side axles)

Then have fun !


I did the r180 720 4x4 front diff swap in my blue z-car thread (240z forum here)

Again it'll all bolt up and in ... away you go having fun :)


Easy peezy and there's a write-up "How To" for the stub axle button swap on here by member "bababoey"  (close to letters in his member name :) )

Here's the link --->http://community.ratsun.net/topic/42794-how-to-convert-a-25-spline-clip-in-r180-to-bolt-in-for-a-510/

NOTE: --- In the "How To" the original poster is not using the rear diff's we are talking about , but same concept as you already very well know.


member:   72240z   has also popped out the buttons and swapped to threaded ones if you want to ask him. I believe he's running a 200sx R180 as well.


You need to join hybridz.org .... people are swapping subi diffs in ... you'll love the reading tech on this stuff as the machinist in you will want to play.


Hope that Helps you on your quest.




P.S for the triple 40dcoe's on an L24... I actually preferred a 4spd ... low first gear ...  a bit rich (tuning lol) ... holy cow that sucker was quick ... the powerband was mind-scrambling .. lol

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Thanks D Mike and David. Unfortunately I was hoping the 720 diff was an r200.


Not sure when the do it yourself thread turned into the Dr Phil show, but I guess I should apologize for my statement about guys verbally jousting with each other. Although I don't remember ever "shitting on the new guy". I wasn't aware he even showed up.


And don't worry about the aforementioned dumbass. He usually fires the first shot anyways.

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Hey Eric,


I agree, My apologies for being so heavy handed.  I will admit, I do get my rump in a bunch defending the civil rights of the oppressed newb.  :angel:  Honestly though, I wasn't calling you out in particular, rather I wanted challenge the idea that dissing newbs is just a "Guy Thang". In reality, bashing the newb is (a very primal) guy thang. This instinctual behavior establishes the social pecking order through posturing and intimidation. Why do forums always displays each member's number of posts right below their avatar? Why do we ding the newb in public rather than PM? Why are the biggest peckers always quick to defend their own status? The truth is, fear and insecurity is what drives this need to display our feathers, to show how tough and knowledgeable we are, and to peck. 


Maybe this does serve a purpose, I've pocked my nose in on a few Nissan drifter site while swapping my 510. Straight up, I have no fucking clue how anything gets done on those sites with all the little monkeys flinging shit in all directions. At the same time, I don't think us Datsun folk will fall into middle school anarchy if we cut our newbs a little slack. We might even save an old car or two that way.








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A noob either gets 'dissed' or not. Sometimes it's hit or miss how it's applied but usually there's some small thing that sets it off. A comment, or 'vibe'... whatever, maybe there is no reason.


The successful noob says the right things, plays the game and instinctively knows how to integrate into a new group. Maybe he just fits and others move over and make space. He may still randomly get hazed but accepts it with good nature and quickly recovers and can actually come out further ahead if handled properly.


The 'poked' or 'dissed' noob may have played his hand too soon or too fast, displayed attitude, taken an unpopular stand on something, or has said something wrong that ruffles feathers. Mob mentality can rule in these circumstances and lower rank members can band together to get their licks in on someone they perceive as different, lower than them, or threatening even their low status. The poked or dissed noob can do several things... he can beg forgiveness (risking scorn although sometimes it's greeted with respect if judged genuine.... welcome aboard) he can stand up humbly and take it (also can be well received, club honor satisfied and welcome aboard) If not then it may eventually proceed to....  he can blow up and leave...problem solved.

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Hey Eric,


I agree, My apologies for being so heavy handed.  I will admit, I do get my rump in a bunch defending the civil rights of the oppressed newb.  :angel:  Honestly though, I wasn't calling you out in particular, rather I wanted challenge the idea that dissing newbs is just a "Guy Thang". In reality, bashing the newb is (a very primal) guy thang. This instinctual behavior establishes the social pecking order through posturing and intimidation. Why do forums always displays each member's number of posts right below their avatar? Why do we ding the newb in public rather than PM? Why are the biggest peckers always quick to defend their own status? The truth is, fear and insecurity is what drives this need to display our feathers, to show how tough and knowledgeable we are, and to peck. 


Maybe this does serve a purpose, I've pocked my nose in on a few Nissan drifter site while swapping my 510. Straight up, I have no fucking clue how anything gets done on those sites with all the little monkeys flinging shit in all directions. At the same time, I don't think us Datsun folk will fall into middle school anarchy if we cut our newbs a little slack. We might even save an old car or two that way.










No worries here. I don't usually think about all the pecking order/ post count much. Honestly I never look. There are a few here that don't post, or come here much that seem to know a lot. I wish they would show up more so I could learn from them. I haven't been here that long, Not long enough to be considered a chief. Still an indian like everyone else.


Heres a fact. If you have been a automotive enthusiast for very long, you have been ripped off in one way or another.


I have


Bought cars with the promise of a title that never showed. or it turned out to be a salvage title.


Sold cars I was never paid in full for.


Bought parts that never came, or showed up and were a total disappointment.


Ordered the wrong shit in the first place. Painful lessons.


I have also started projects that became too expensive, or waaay over my head. I have been dragging one around with me for almost 15 yrs.  


So when I see someone else headed full speed for the brick wall that I've hit many times, It's hard not to say something. But I usually don't. Unless I'm reasonably sure it's HRH fucking with us.  

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Well said Eric,


To your dif question,


Can I assume you'll be drag racing your Z? If so, the R200 is by far the best choice. Hard launches with loads of torque behind them is what kills diffs, stub axles, and U-joints.  Although the short nose R200 is not a straight ahead swap for your Z that's not to say one can't be installed. In fact, if you have the right one with the right mounting hardware, it will bolt right up (except for the drive shaft length) . There are 4 generations of the R200 from the 280ZX to the S15 silvia. With each generation there may be differences in the Ring Gear Bolts, Stub Axles, Flanges for U, or CV Joints, and Driveshaft Yoke Flanges. Depending on the vehicle it came from though, it could be an open, VLSD (crap), or a clutch LSD. The only way to be REALLY sure you are getting the one you want is to find the right donor and pull it yourself. All four generations are configurable to use in your 240 though, and they all use the same moanting hardware. If you have a reliable source you can find Silvia Clutch LSD R200s for under $200. These are presumably low milage, but they are latest gen and  require the most re-configuring for a Z swap.



Check out this How To right up in Zhome.com http://www.zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/R200.htm


Bets of luck,



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This may come as a shock, but my outpouring of compassion and good will went totally unanswered. If this guy pops up again, I anticipate a good portion of that laugh will be on me K_trip. And deservedly so. Will this be the last time I stick my neck out for someone like that? Naaaaah I'm a proud decedent of Don Quijote himself.




Orale Pendejos

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