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No offense.. I've just grown up around them my whole life. Seeing them out of their parents house for the first time is such an awkward experience... you know, when real life smacks them in the face and says, "Welcome to the Jungle".


I would rather learn when I am ready


This sounds like parental brainwashing, which is understandable. Unfortunately, they are trying to protect you but at the same time you aren't learning any valuable experience or life lessons from your peers. Not saying you have to go out and get laid by 16 or 18 or whenever just saying there is more to life that what is filtered through your parents.



yesterday I found out Canada burned the white house down in the early 1800s.never once read anything about it my history books from school


It wasn't burned down. It was torched and burnt. A sort of 'fuck you' by the British.



 What we know as Canada didn't come into existence until 1982 when the Statute of Westminster was completed and Canada severed it's legal dependence on the British parliament. Shortly after that they bought into the "North America Free Trade Agreement" and unknowingly became the 51st State in the union, economically speaking.



The problem with history is it's written through the subjective lens of the victor. Therefore 90% of it is propaganda that justifies their actions in war, and rationalizes why they deserve their spoils. In short, We Are The Good Guys, We Were Defending Our People and Their Righteous Value, We Will Use Our Victory To Serve The Greater Good.


In something as messy as politics and war, there is no truth. If you've ever seen a fight and heard stories about it later, inevitably there are totally different accounts depending on who's side they were on, where they stood, how they felt about one person or the other, when they came in, etc. That is the nature of individual subjectivity. Multiply that by a factor of 1 Million to the 10th power and you have war.

'82???? I don't think so. Maybe in the eyes of the British parliament but to Canada we are only very slightly affiliated with Britain and have been that way for decades before '82. We retired the British ensign on our old flag and replaced it with the red maple leaf around '64. We've been our own country for almost 150 years. The Queen is the titular ruler of the British commonwealth but has no power over us whatever or the British parliament. Her face is on out coin currency (which is the dollar NOT the pound) more from habit and custom.


As the US writes history what you say is proof of that.


I heard a rumor that when the space shuttle is filming the mechanical arm launching a satellite or retrieving something the Canadian flag decal on the arm is either never shown or erased for use on US television. Is that true?

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The new move on Craigslist seems to be to advertise a set of tires for X amount of money, then when I call, inform me the price they listed is for each tire. Today was the third time in the last 6 month I have had this happen. My response this time was "good, because I only want to buy one tire". Silence on the other end...then "no, I won't split them up". "Oh, well why are you pricing each tire individually then?" Silence, then a sigh and hung up on me.


So, naturally, I called back and said "Sorry we got discontented, where would you like to meet up so I can buy the tire?" I was hung up on again.



I sold a set of used tires on craigslist once......


................when he showed up...........he got upset cuz he thought the price included installation.........


I never mentioned or met him at the shop.........nor did he know I worked at one...........


I asked him where the hell did you come up with that......all I got was... :confused:

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