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laotsu is actually making sense


some people identify with the opposite gender as to what they were born with. that's where you get cross-dressers and transgenders usually. s/he could be expressing the way they feel inside externally, just because they don't have the right equipment doesn't mean that they are what you see. the brain is a mighty thing. maybe you should try it sometime bro, you might learn something about yourself

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now wait a minute. How do you know who she was? To hear you tell it you are just some slack jawed yokel she asked to do "his" ( if you really do have an Y chromosome) job. You have no idea what other people are or how they have grown. Be you and let others do the same. Otherwise CARB is going to come take your Datsun.


Slack jawed yokel? Why? Because I am not politically correct? Because I don't support the gay agenda?  :fu:

SHE?  "HIS"? He is a man, imitating a woman. He was born a man, is still a man, I don't give a damn what the gays want to call it! I did my fucking job, hooked up the diag tool, got the code, made recommendations on how to fix it, and sent "it" on it's merry way. I didn't insult it, beat it up, murder it, etc. No "gay bashing" there. So take your political correctness on somewhere else. Now you want to know what offends me? The fact they ruined rainbows and the word "GAY", which used to mean happy.

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laotsu is actually making sense


some people identify with the opposite gender as to what they were born with. that's where you get cross-dressers and transgenders usually. s/he could be expressing the way they feel inside externally, just because they don't have the right equipment doesn't mean that they are what you see. the brain is a mighty thing. maybe you should try it sometime bro, you might learn something about yourself


So I am stupid for not being politically correct? Go search up some gay porn, then come back to me with your gay agenda. Tell me it's OK then. Yeah, that's right, go watch them have sex with each other, I dare ya!


Done with this conversation...

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The lady Dothan protest to much


I think s/he turned you on and you don't want to admit it

Slack jawed yokel? Why? Because I am not politically correct? Because I don't support the gay agenda? :fu:

SHE? "HIS"? He is a man, imitating a woman. He was born a man, is still a man, I don't give a damn what the gays want to call it! I did my fucking job, hooked up the diag tool, got the code, made recommendations on how to fix it, and sent "it" on it's merry way. I didn't insult it, beat it up, murder it, etc. So take your political correctness on somewhere else. Now you want to know what offends me? The fact they ruined rainbows and the word "GAY", which used to mean happy.

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Whatever, done, moving on.  Everyone I know laughed when I told them about him, and everyone at work did as well. Not "gay bashing", just thought he looked funny.

Some people have no sense of humor. But some people here are too politically correct and put their panties on backwards this morning.




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I just have issues with people that feel the need to care about other people's lives like that. Especially when it deals with that specific culture since so many have been oppressed, beaten and even killed over the lifestyle that they choose when nobody but then has any concern in the matter


I think it's ridiculous that the state's have to pass laws to allow for people to marry whoever the Fuck they feel like

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you used hateful language directed at someone you didn't understand, that is ignorant. I used inflammatory language to help you feel the hurt that LGBTIA folks have endured for far too long. It's not a choice it's the way some people are. is it ok to use the "N" word on people? Is it ok to refer to a Down's Syndrome child as a retard? I don't expect you to understand but I do expect you to respect other people when I am present. Otherwise I will correct you as I see fit. That's my job as an intelligent person.


I don't hate you Joe, just be cool.

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