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Tell her to tell them it's a stigmata. The office workers will coo and ahh. Can I get an A.... Men from the forum?????


She already thinks every single person on this forum is a nerd as it is ,, without springing a word like that on her. . Quoted from every Datsun meet-up "Oh you and Donovan are going to meet-up with those nerds in their nerd mobiles this weekend? "



But she always lets us go,,  so we just nod our heads.






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I just find that one about the Head and Shoulders funny because I have eczema and due to it being on my scalp I use dandruff shampoo regularly for relief and control.

shea butter and pure honey. It might be hard to get 100% Shae butter where you are at. Its straight from Africa and un cut. All that shit at Walgreens says shae butter but its usually cut with other stuff. Worth a shot. Pm me and I can send you some info. Not at a computer right now.

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Took my 521 up the coast. Why is it that when I downshift coming to a light the throttle keeps accelerating but a tiny tap on the gas pedal stops that shit? Driving me nuts.

Could be the linkage hangin up a bit, a vacuume leak or if its an electric choke it needs to be adjusted.

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Simplify and convert to fuel injection? Or a bigger spring, those are good too.


Take the cable off and feel if the linkage to the carb is sticky. If not check the cable. It may be kinked, or might be sticky and need some lithium grease to free it up. 

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On the very rare chance that any of you end up going through something like I was trying to register my buggy, I figured I would post this in case it might help you, because I found a loophole (kinda). As you may remember, I have a title for the car and they were making me jump through all sorts of hoops while at the same time trying to bleach my wallet free of any unsightly green paper. I was not thrilled about the whole deal. Now...the car had an Oregon title and I could very easily just put it in my Fathers name, but the point of it was bugging the shit out of me.


So, I find out that back in 2011, SEMA helped push through a bill for custom car registration. This registration is for custom built cars, hot rods, kit cars, and so on. The gist is, they give you a plate that NEVER has to be renewed. As long as the car is not your daily driver and you only use it for shows, club things, the occasional pleasure drive and is 30 plus years old, you can try for this.


What you do (in Washington anyway) is show up at a state police office with your vehicle, your title, your ID and 65 bucks. I figured it was worth a try, so it's what I did. My buggy is pretty road legal as far as blinkers, lights, horn, e-brake and all that jazz, so I was not worried about it passing that part. As it turns out though...none of that was even checked. They just made sure the number on the frame (tunnel in this case) matched what was on the title. Gave me the paper work to hand the gal at the DOL and I was off.


I turned all that shit in, paid 43 bucks, got my plates that I will never have to buy tags for, registration and my title is in the mail. No weighing it on a certified scale, no appraisal from "Chip" at the Honda dealership, just here's your plates, have fun.


I would have been more than happy to pay the tax on the car and more than happy to buy tags for it but they forced my hand to only give them the 43 bucks...ONCE. Moral of the story, don't make it difficult for me to hand you money, just fuckin take it.

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You just had to say it on the internet. Now within the next three months all your vehicles are going to have to be reregistered requiring emissions.



That's just because you actually managed not to pay extra on one vehicle and well, it's the internet that you said all this on


Congratulations on the one vehicle though, wish I didn't need tabs

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