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ok, i'm starting to like this guy. at least for now

you used hateful language directed at someone you didn't understand, that is ignorant. I used inflammatory language to help you feel the hurt that LGBTIA folks have endured for far too long. It's not a choice it's the way some people are. is it ok to use the "N" word on people? Is it ok to refer to a Down's Syndrome child as a retard? I don't expect you to understand but I do expect you to respect other people when I am present. Otherwise I will correct you as I see fit. That's my job as an intelligent person.


I don't hate you Joe, just be cool.

also, i understand the lgbta part but what's the i?

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you used hateful language directed at someone you didn't understand, that is ignorant. I used inflammatory language to help you feel the hurt that LGBTIA folks have endured for far too long. It's not a choice it's the way some people are. is it ok to use the "N" word on people? Is it ok to refer to a Down's Syndrome child as a retard? I don't expect you to understand but I do expect you to respect other people when I am present. Otherwise I will correct you as I see fit. That's my job as an intelligent person.


I don't hate you Joe, just be cool.

I do miss using the word retard at will.

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God damn you guys a a bunch of sandy vaginas.........except smoke, I like his take on his situation.

this picture was taken at work in march because someone had a fifth grade reaction to me reacting to something. i think it was the guy that got yelled at for picking up my brand new phone without asking





my last name is webb for the record

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So I am stupid for not being politically correct? Go search up some gay porn, then come back to me with your gay agenda. Tell me it's OK then. Yeah, that's right, go watch them have sex with each other, I dare ya!


Done with this conversation...


I think you picked the wrong horse to ride off on. If it was lez porn you'd be all over it and think it was fine to watch. Or did you include lesbian porn in that comment? Someone who uses the term 'gay agenda' makes it sound like they are a homophobe. Telling other people what to think is just ignorant. You always fear what you don't understand. Try to be a little more tolerant of your brother is all.

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you used hateful language directed at someone you didn't understand, that is ignorant. I used inflammatory language to help you feel the hurt that LGBTIA folks have endured for far too long. It's not a choice it's the way some people are. is it ok to use the "N" word on people? Is it ok to refer to a Down's Syndrome child as a retard? I don't expect you to understand but I do expect you to respect other people when I am present. Otherwise I will correct you as I see fit. That's my job as an intelligent person.


I don't hate you Joe, just be cool.


I was going to let this die, but you keep digging it up! What "hateful language" did I use? Calling him a him? Or was it calling him "it" since he is clearly undecided of what he wants to be.  And it is a fucking CHOICE. Don't give me that bullshit. You aren't correcting me, I am not your kid. Go watch some gay porn and get back to me on this wonderful happy lifestyle choice nonsense. Make sure you find a nice long video of anal sex between them. Then tell me how it is "normal" and since you are such an "intelligent person" tell me how that form of sex can reproduce humanity.

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I think you picked the wrong horse to ride off on. If it was lez porn you'd be all over it and think it was fine to watch. Or did you include lesbian porn in that comment? Someone who uses the term 'gay agenda' makes it sound like they are a homophobe. Telling other people what to think is just ignorant. You always fear what you don't understand. Try to be a little more tolerant of your brother is all.


Wrong. Lesbians are not right either. And "homophobe" is a stupid made up word by the gay community. Sounds as dumb to me as the dreaded word "nigger" used by racist morons to literally refer to a black person years ago.


And I might be "riding the wrong horse" but at least I know which way to face, and I didn't kick the horse with spurs or beat it with a whip either, just a gentle tap on the reigns to get it moving.. All I did was describe a person who came into my store I work at, and suddenly I am somehow gay bashing. That is my whole point. I guess trolls just like to start shit?

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Wrong. Lesbians are not right either. And "homophobe" is a stupid made up word by the gay community. Sounds as dumb to me as the dreaded word "nigger" used by racist morons to literally refer to a black person years ago.


And I might be "riding the wrong horse" but at least I know which way to face, and I didn't kick the horse with spurs or beat it with a whip either, just a gentle tap on the reigns to get it moving.. All I did was describe a person who came into my store I work at, and suddenly I am somehow gay bashing. That is my whole point.

the reason i got upset is the way you went about describing the individual. 

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so teh only porpoise of sex is procreation? You must HATE oral then. Me I know what anal sex is like from both perspectives I find nothing wrong with it. it is you who are disgusted by it, which is fine, but don't propose to tell others how to feel. If you act like a child the onus is upon any adult that witnesses the bad behavior to correct you. Otherwise we risk internment camps for Datsun drivers. Or we could just nuke all tobacco producing states because I hate smoking?


Who makes a choice to be beaten and ridiculed by the ignorant? Who makes a choice to endure snickers and "reeducation" by Palin-esque dolts and dullards? Your characterization of the poor soul ( I call her that because she had to deal with your all to obvious ogling) was mendacious and wrong you, owe that woman an apology.


how's your truck running? 

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so teh only porpoise of sex is procreation? You must HATE oral then. Me I know what anal sex is like from both perspectives I find nothing wrong with it. it is you who are disgusted by it, which is fine, but don't propose to tell others how to feel. If you act like a child the onus is upon any adult that witnesses the bad behavior to correct you. Otherwise we risk internment camps for Datsun drivers. Or we could just nuke all tobacco producing states because I hate smoking?


Who makes a choice to be beaten and ridiculed my the ignorant? Who makes a choice to endure snickers and "reeducation" by Palin-esque dolts and dullards? Your characterization of the poor soul ( I call her that because she had to deal with your all to obvious ogling) was mendacious and wrong you owe that woman an apology.


how's your truck running? 

dude if you nuke the tobacco producing states people like me will just get it from overseas or something. and it won't be the same but it's still tobacco

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