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Are you gonna be feeding everyone at your shindig?


By what he quoted though, i'm thinking that stoned fucker don't know where deer ends and genocide starts. I may have to buy my twin boys bullet proof outer wear,, in case he and Qtip come by to "help" me with my problem.



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By what he quoted though, i'm thinking that stoned fucker don't know where deer ends and genocide starts. I may have to buy my twin boys bullet proof outer wear,, in case he and Qtip come by to "help" me with my problem.



No, I can tell the difference. Deer have fur.






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So I guess the whole trick to deer hunting is just go about your day, blast the radio, wrench on your ptoject, feed the dog and then walk 30 feet outside and shoot a deer for lunch.


Its the same with duck hunting, wake up, walk down to Starbucks, get the paper walk down to the local pond/park and shoot a duck.


why all this shit?



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So I guess the whole trick to deer hunting is just go about your day, blast the radio, wrench on your ptoject, feed the dog and then walk 30 feet outside and shoot a deer for lunch.


Its the same with duck hunting, wake up, walk down to Starbucks, get the paper walk down to the local pond park and shoot a duck.


why all this shit?



And this leads me to subject you all to a "cool story bro".


I have this friend (Cliff). He is one of those guys that takes hunting WAY too serious. Like months before the season starts, he will be out sneaking around in the brush doing reconn. Well, one elk season years back, he made the huge mistake of inviting me and my Brother to go with him on opening day. We got to "the spot" at like 3:30 AM and were waiting for it to get light out. Mike and I were bored out of our minds, so we started to hit the whiskey. Pretty soon, we were being too loud, which lead to us laughing about Cliff giving us the SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH a bunch of times. Soon, Cliff had enough of our grab assery, read us the fuckin riot act and told us to leave. So, we did. It had just started to get light out at this point, Mike and I were bumbling down the logging road on our way back to civilization when this absolutely MASSIVE elk comes crashing down the bank in front of us and stops right in the road. I shut the truck off, Mike slowly opened the door, got out and shot it.


Cliff drove by (with nothing) as we winching it into the back of my truck and flipped us off, which lead to even more laughter. 


This story has no morals.

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So I guess the whole trick to deer hunting is just go about your day, blast the radio, wrench on your ptoject, feed the dog and then walk 30 feet outside and shoot a deer for lunch.


Its the same with duck hunting, wake up, walk down to Starbucks, get the paper walk down to the local pond/park and shoot a duck.


why all this shit?




Gotta get the dumbass rednecks money somehow! A long time ago people didn't buy all that bullshit. They hunted in regular clothes, used silver, shiny guns, etc. They sure as hell didn't put deer piss on themselves and wash their clothes in special bullshit detergent! Nor did they didn't wear Mossy Oak camo or dress up their carriages, wear it out in public, and dress up their homes in camouflage.  Deer have tiny brains, they are stupid. That is why they run out in front of cars.

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Gotta get the dumbass rednecks money somehow! A long time ago people didn't buy all that bullshit. They hunted in regular clothes, used silver, shiny guns, etc. They sure as hell didn't put deer piss on themselves and wash their clothes in special bullshit detergent! Nor did they didn't wear Mossy Oak camo or dress up their carriages, wear it out in public, and dress up their homes in camouflage.  Deer have tiny brains, they are stupid. That is why they run out in front of cars.


kinda true with everything, 500 years ago if a monk found the head of a Christian, he'd bring it inside the castle, kick it around for a bit and call it soccer.

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