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how does one achieve that?

actually been looking at datsun 510 racer color schemes and patterns,


my neighbor is planning on getting an 85 kawasaki 500.he just bought his helmet it is this color and is planning to buy a matching jacket and gloves and says he will paint the bike the same color.that part is cool but hes handicapped. one leg and one arm is a little shorter that the other(had a stroke when he was a child) but he walks with  a limp and can barely use his right hand. yesterday he showed me his stepstool he bought so he can climb on the bike.........i just dont see it going well for him.ill be waiting with some cash when he finally says it isnt for him

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my neighbor is planning on getting an 85 kawasaki 500.he just bought his helmet it is this color and is planning to buy a matching jacket and gloves and says he will paint the bike the same color.that part is cool but hes handicapped. one leg and one arm is a little shorter that the other(had a stroke when he was a child) but he walks with  a limp and can barely use his right hand. yesterday he showed me his stepstool he bought so he can climb on the bike.........i just dont see it going well for him.ill be waiting with some cash when he finally says it isnt for him


hmm, probably not the smartest move only because you need both feet touching the ground when you come to a stop, actually if he was into racing and never had to stop it might work.

Matching get up?     never been big on that, miss matched get up is a better look.

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my neighbor is planning on getting an 85 kawasaki 500.he just bought his helmet it is this color and is planning to buy a matching jacket and gloves and says he will paint the bike the same color.that part is cool but hes handicapped. one leg and one arm is a little shorter that the other(had a stroke when he was a child) but he walks with a limp and can barely use his right hand. yesterday he showed me his stepstool he bought so he can climb on the bike.........i just dont see it going well for him.ill be waiting with some cash when he finally says it isnt for him

I know a guy that had a horrible spine injury, can barely walk and has limited movement if his right arm.....best fucking rider I've ever met. If you saw him walking around you wouldn't think he could drive a car let alone out ride 90% of the people on the road.

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Ok, here's the random Littlerock Wa farm report for July 15 2014.

This is the new bed we just tilled this year so it lacks the heavy steer manure so peas are going real slow.


  The frickin deer mowed them twice before we got fence up.


You can reach it little buddy..


This is the older bed that has literally  shit tons of manure over the years. Stuff grows better here,,,,,, there is very little that compares to green peppers that have been aged on the vine.. OMG



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  The frickin deer mowed them twice before we got fence up.




You need one of these.......







...he's a hybrid....never had a deer problem again.....his piss stinks that much.....

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We have more than 8 deer coming from the powerline clearing that goes by at the far end of the property,  wandering through here ,, the dog is always chasing them off.. But they are pretty immune to any wolf repellent as the neighbors use to spray that shit all over to protect their roses,,, and every moonless night they walk.  Eating everything in their path like very large locusts. We also have at loads of wild rabbits sneaking around out there ,,,,,, watching ,,,,  waiting.

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What works really good for rabbits is............death, takes care of them real good


This thing brings dead rabbit carcases to the front steps where the dog naps all the time as some kinda weird ritual offering of evil .




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I need something for the damn deer out where I live. Fuckers keep eating my bushes and flowers in the front until they die. And I am not up in the middle of the night, I work for a living, so shooting them doesn't work. So don't even go there! And I really don't want to put up a high, tacky looking fence either.


And on the cats, I have a three outside, and one in. Have not seen or heard a mouse in a couple of years, and this old (1890) house used to be bad for them, so many damn little holes and cracks it is impossible to find them!

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Do they sell this in those pot stores, in WA and CO? Fuckin genious!!

If by pot stores, you mean cooking pot stores, then yes. This is strictly a cooking apparatus. Any alternate associations are rediculous and not condoned by Williams Sonoma.

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