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cell phones and driving

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I hope this doesn't go all south just looking for opinions on the no cell phone or hands free device 

I know a cell phone talking driver is distracted that is obvious and driving should always come first

what I have noticed and I do alot of driving is this


drivers now hold there cell phone low while trying to look down to dial a number or even text they do this  to avoid getting caught

the problem is they are looking down

before the law was activated people would hold the cell phone up so they could see ahead of them while dialing (seems much safer then looking down )


ok let the shit fly and hopefully we can all stay respectful and just put in our 2 cents

if the mods see this thread as unuseful or stupid feel free to close it delete it or even make it disappear completely


a distracted driver is still a distracted driver but the old law seems safer to me

cell phones are a distraction just as well as eating or putting on make up or even reading a book I have seen all of these while driving and the old law still seems safer then the new simply because people are taking there eyes completely off the road with minimal peripheral or back vision


let the opinions fly 

Here in AZ, there is no law about texting. but they threatened one, then it failed to pass. HOWEVER, half the idiots in this state think that is the law now cause they are completely ignorant. And now we have the same problem, even though you can text holding your phone in the middle of your goddamn windshield and not get pulled over or ticketed. So again, stupid ass people are the problem Obey the laws. How about just dont text and drive? Or do anything else for that matter. Additionally I am irritated that it takes cell phones to make laws. People have been doing dumb ass crap while driving since cars were invented (well maybe not that long since you had to pay attention to 4 gear levers and a spark advance adjuster back in those days) But you get my point. Eating a sandwich, typing on a laptop, reading a book, PUTTING ON MAKEUP!!!.


I have had a cell phone since 1994, back then they were bricks, huge phones, I can usually tell if someone is talking on the phone, I can tell every time someone is texting, especially in traffic.

I am a contractor, I have to answer my phone, otherwise I would not be in business anymore, people don't like to leave messages, although most my regular customers will leave a message now, as they know I will return the call, but new businesses have to answer, otherwise 90 percent of the time the caller will hang up before leaving a message, people want to talk to someone, not a recorder.


That said, 90+ percent of the people out there have no business doing anything other than driving, they have trouble even doing that, when someone is driving erratically, I want to be in back of them, not in front of them, if I do go around them I get way ahead of them fast, face it everyone, you have to pay attention what's going on around you, you have to drive defensively, you guys have seen what I haul around on my work truck, I also pull a trailer when not hauling wood, I drive defensively 100 percent of the time, although I do answer my phone also.


Sometimes it is fun to hit my air-horns when they are busy talking on the phone(not paying attention), it scares the shit out of them, but I only do it if they are driving erratically and pissing me off.


I have never had anyone shaking their fist at me while driving, but I go with the flow, and more importantly, I stay in my lane, say what you will.

I also understand this aspect, and for the record, %95 of the time I see truckers or contractors talking on their phones, they are driving cautiously on the right, or they are pulled over. Props to them. I know phones need to be answered or money can not be made. But I see a few contractors and truck drivers, still being morons, flying down the highway jammering on their phones in and out of lanes.


that air horn idea is great, I should install some on the 910, and the Civic. I am gonna face them out the fender well. HAHAHAHA.


Not just driving, people are retarded with their phones, everywhere. 


At the park-Mom is on her phone. Your child just fell from the top of the slide-on their head. 

Does Mom know?


At the grocery store-person is in the middle of an aisle, texting. Stopped. God forbid you tap their cart a little to get past them. 


Driving-forget about it. 



I'll admit that I do use my phone in the car. 

I have talk to text on 95% of the time. My wife and I a have walkie-talkie app to keep in contact on the fly. 

So many things I do on the phone are one-touch. 


Before smartphones-I was able to hold phone in right hand while holding the shifter and click out my texts without even looking. 

Not so much any more. I do my best to not use my phone but it happens. 

People are on their phones everywhere. Playing with their kids is the biggest thing that bugs me. You are out at a park with your child, and your fucking with your phone. WOW, really? your a great parent. What happens when mister pedo comes along and takes little johnny back to his basement with some candy? Or when little Johnny falls of the playground equipment on his head and you as his parent are the last one to come to him cause you were ON YOUR GODDAMN PHONE. Fucking parents. Then they do the same thing at the supermarket, and at home. Nobody communicates anymore. I make it a point to have dinner with my family every night, No phones if we can help it.



Phoenix is the number one red-light-running city in the US. Yesterday a woman with two children ran a red light only a mile from my house. Because she was on her cell phone.


A huge truck was going through the intersection, She was killed instantly, the kids survived. Now, because of her ignorance, stupidity, and absence of respect for people and the road, her children have to grow up without a mother.


Just put your phones in your glove box, if you have a key to it lock it, then lock it. Put it on silent, and leave it in there til you arrive somewhere. Or pull over to the side of the road.


Really, people it isnt that big of a deal, and even those of you that are "good" at driving on the phone. It only takes a half of a half of a second of distraction, and your done. And there has never been a conversation that any of us have ever had mor important than someone elses, and your own life.

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Texting while driving(vehicle moving)is moronic at best-it goes without saying.Distraction is a DRIVER issue-not a "appliance issue".When all climate controls, seat controls, radios, CD players, GPS systems AND CHILDREN are removed from vehicles,then we'll talk.


1st step-make it illegal for any make-up to be in the cabin.It should be locked in the trunk.

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We drive Datsuns.


Go look for your stock cup holder


Know why its not there?


The reason its not there is because the Japanese believe that you should DRIVE while your DRIVING, NOT, consume beverages.


In fact its illegal to drink things while you drive in Japan.


This also applies to cell phones and everything else.


My civic in Japan, 2002 model hatchback, No cupholders. My USDM car? 4 cupholders!!


my 910 Maxima? NO cupholders! B)

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1)well it does in the way that they believe that you should drive while driving and not talk on your cell phone.


2)same with drinking any beverage.


And so do many other countries.

1)They can believe what they want.As I said earlier-the phone is not the issue.If you can't talk on a phone while driving,then passengers should be out-lawed also,as you'll be distracted by talking to them.

2)ANY beverage?So I can't drink the coke that I just got at the drive thru?

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1)They can believe what they want.As I said earlier-the phone is not the issue.If you can't talk on a phone while driving,then passengers should be out-lawed also,as you'll be distracted by talking to them.

2)ANY beverage?So I can't drink the coke that I just got at the drive thru?

I already addressed someone elses post about needing to use the phone in the car, that person also was talking about hands free headsets.


Talking in the car is a distraction, listening to the radio, well that one is argueable either way honestly.


In many countries, drinking a beverage whilst driving your car is a legal offense. I wish it was that way here.


Germany for example. Your supposed to stop at the designated rest area on the Autobahn, which also has gas. so the idea is,  stop, drink, gas, talk, and then leave undistracted.


It is illegal for you to even stop your car on the Autobahn, unless an emergency,  and running out of fuel in Germany is considered an avoidable occurrence, and stopping anywhere on the Autobahn network will get you a massive ticket and possibly jail time. Thus they have stops with gas stations every 20-30 miles, which at autobahn speeds equates to every 15-20 minutes.


Can you drive your car and talk on your phone, and feel safe at 100+ mph?, if not, than you arent any more safe at 65, or 45, or 5.


Thats the way I look at it.

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Seen a couple of ladies that were carrying on a conversation hand signing while in traffic made me think it was good I wasn't in the same lane. Not saying we should have laws prohibiting them but the driver had to turn her head and focus on the passanger's hands.



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I just about got put into a jersey barrier this morning by a texting driver.  She was in the wrong lane to exit, heads down following a semi, then suddenly looked up to see she was in the wrong lane and just came over, when I had a 30MPH closing rate.


She was ahead of me for 2 miles, I could see her looking down texting the whole time.  Sure enough, a mile down the road she realized she was in the wrong lane again and I was passing her...  at least then she looked.  Was behind me for another mile, texting away.  She almost hit construction barrels in downtown Renton where they have the 3-lane road shifted into one lane that was the opposite direction.  She then nearly rear-ended me in a crosswalk when traffic stopped abruptly, then she started with the exasperated hand gestures.  Hope she dropped her phone...


Finally lost her when she continued on Park and I headed for Bellevue.


Actually the exasperated hand gestures were kind of funny.  I should have taken a picture of that... went the whole 2 minutes we were stopped. 

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Didn't read threw all the posts but I ride my Honda CB1 too and from school.  It amazes me how many people do this.  Just yesterday I almost got hit leaving school from someone texting while they were driving.  They were drifting into my lane and almost clipped my rear tire.  Luckly I noticed it in the corner of my eye.

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Didn't read threw all the posts but I ride my Honda CB1 too and from school.  It amazes me how many people do this.  Just yesterday I almost got hit leaving school from someone texting while they were driving.  They were drifting into my lane and almost clipped my rear tire.  Luckly I noticed it in the corner of my eye.

Dude I have seen people text and ride out here, I am not even kidding.


You have a CB1????!!!!!!!!, That is absolutely sick. Props.

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I already addressed someone elses post about needing to use the phone in the car, that person also was talking about hands free headsets.


Talking in the car is a distraction, listening to the radio, well that one is argueable either way honestly.


In many countries, drinking a beverage whilst driving your car is a legal offense. I wish it was that way here.


Germany for example. Your supposed to stop at the designated rest area on the Autobahn, which also has gas. so the idea is,  stop, drink, gas, talk, and then leave undistracted.


It is illegal for you to even stop your car on the Autobahn, unless an emergency,  and running out of fuel in Germany is considered an avoidable occurrence, and stopping anywhere on the Autobahn network will get you a massive ticket and possibly jail time. Thus they have stops with gas stations every 20-30 miles, which at autobahn speeds equates to every 15-20 minutes.


Can you drive your car and talk on your phone, and feel safe at 100+ mph?, if not, than you arent any more safe at 65, or 45, or 5.


Thats the way I look at it.

O.K-the autobahn is apples & oranges due to speeds involved.Can I drive my car at 100MPH,talk on the phone and feel safe?ABSOLUTELY.Especially on the 10 between here & Phoenix.And cops do it all the time.Just a point of reference there is no difference between a cell phone and a two-way radio.Not to mention the cop's MDT that is used on the fly all the time.


Please tell me you're not putting driveway speeds(5MPH) in the same category as Autobahn speeds(100MPH)

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Germans being the second best drivers on planet earth, next to the Finns.


Germans having invented the car


Germany having a $1000+ cost to get your license cause of the training involved


Germany having invented the freeway, and having no speed limit in many sections.


And despite having NO speed limits, they on average have a substantially lower accident rate per capita than the US yearly.

Please tell me you're not putting driveway speeds(5MPH) in the same category as Autobahn speeds(100MPH)

Yes, that is the opinion of the Germans, and I share that opinion.

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Yes, that is the opinion of the Germans, and I share that opinion.

No sane person equates 5 mph to 100 MPH.At 5 MPH on flat ground,i can physically stop my vehicles FROM the outside.Do you suggest I try that at 100MPH?

Also the statistics don't validate your position.



Please post a link to the Krauts opinions.

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Dude I have seen people text and ride out here, I am not even kidding.


You have a CB1????!!!!!!!!, That is absolutely sick. Props.

I've answered my phone once at a red light I just hit that knew it was going to be a while.  But texting and riding is just dumb!


Yes, first and only bike. Here is a picture.


Bought it as a junker and have been slowly fixing it up while I ride it.

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I don't deny it, I text and often surf facebook while driving lol, however I only do it on open road or sections of empty highways, never in Traffic that shit is just straight danger zone. When texting I'm paying attention to the road while my fingers work magic on the phone and only glancing down every so often. Used to be way easier before all these smart phones came about, when you actually knew how many times you needed to tap the key for whichever letter you wanted. 


I get bored on long drives and need something to keep me awake. 

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