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Voting thread - photoshop contest number i dont f$(^ing know

Chop chop - get out the vote!  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your favorite chop

    • tristanGrind
    • robopineapple
    • tristanGrind - (chops were different enough)
    • Shonuff
    • ]2eDeYe
    • REDnGOLD
    • GreenEggs&Ham

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alright guys standard photoshop contest rules apply no stealing must use original image and so on prizes will be figured out a little later but there will be some kind of prize as well as being able to host the next contest 


im gonna run 2 pictures 





dead line for entries july 12th at midnight


Standard Photochop ruleZ

-must use supplied image to start from

-add/subtract any elements as you want

-anything in the pic is fair game

-no stealing, if somebody post's up a preview, anything they've added or done thats unique cannot be used. as in new wheels, paint color, ect. despite how smart you may think you are, its pretty easy to tell when something is "borrowed".

-use any methods at your disposal to edit/chop pic, dont have to use photoshop if you dont want to.

-entry's must be submitted on time to be eligible for fabulous prizes

-entry's must be posted in this thread, a new thread will be started for voting

-winner will be chosen by the ratsun users via poll thread. there is no 2nd place, your just the first to lose

-winner is responsible for running the next contest,including: choosing the pic, rules, contest date and providing prizes (if you want)




Here is a mostly done piece... I may work on it more, time permitting:





i was feeling very lazy and bored haha.... enjoy?   :rofl:




Finished work I think... similar, but a slightly different direction:






im in






might get better, but hopefully not in a lucas way








LOL. i had something nearly similar. So, i guess Im not playing this time.


DATSUN Interceptor. Mad Max Leno



Time for a bump..


Damn, its been a while scince I posted. It must be time for a 620 update too.






Bonvo ran 2 pics, so I guess Tristan gets to run 2 as well :lol:

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Bonvo ran 2 pics, so I guess Tristan gets to run 2 as well :lol:

 Haha not what I expected to happen... 


Crap, I voted for the wrong



If youre on the full site youre allowed to delete your vote and recast it. 

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You good losers :lol:


How bout this, pic one pic each for the next contest. I'll send you both a couple stickers :D

Just remember to get envelopes :rofl:

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Would it have been a tie if Tristen didn't vote for his own chop?





Are you saying you can't vote for yourself? Pretty sure the Presidential candidates do it, so I think we're ok here :rofl:

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