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Ethanol, The Ponzi Scheme and YOU: A Retrospective.

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Actually my wife and I have been boycotting Walmart for years. We do our best to buy American and if not then a reputable country. Whether or not thats doing something is arguable but I enjoy feeling good about the things I buy and not supporting those douche nozzles.

Its sad, I mention the evils of Walmart and China at every chance and people always agree whole wholeheartedly then go right about their business of buying from them.  

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Actually my wife and I have been boycotting Walmart for years. We do our best to buy American and if not then a reputable country. Whether or not thats doing something is arguable but I enjoy feeling good about the things I buy and not supporting those douche nozzles.


Its sad, I mention the evils of Walmart and China at every chance and people always agree whole wholeheartedly then go right about their business of buying from them.  



I can't say I never go to walmart... but I rarely go to walmart. Lets not pretend they are the only one peddling Chinese wares though. Most shit in almost every store these days is either made in china, or the components are made in China. I too try to buy shit made in any other country than China.

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I can't say I never go to walmart... but I rarely go to walmart. Lets not pretend they are the only one peddling Chinese wares though. Most shit in almost every store these days is either made in china, or the components are made in China. I too try to buy shit made in any other country than China.


almost everything everywhere is chinese made, you'll notice the new stickers "assembled in the usa" on some stuff. I shop at walmart because its really about the only ones left in our city and they are less than 1 mile from my house. In the end walmart uses chinese stuff because they are cheap, not because they support china, look at how bad the living conditions are for walmart's sweat shop workers.


walmart wants maximum profits but the lowest price, only one way to do it, underpaid, underage labor and a life of true slavery. (thats china in a nutshell)

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No absolutely, go to any number of stores and find wall to wall Chinese bullshit. A person has to constantly be mindful to avoid it when they can. I boycott Walmart for more then their Chinese garbage. Their practices are shitty as well. Their employees are like fucked in this loop of not being able to find a better job because Walmart closed all the competing stores and needing food stamps, only being able to afford to shop AT Walmart and give their paychecks right back. 

No nerdi, see this is the misconception about Walmart and those like it. THEY are the ones who set this tone of needing to pay people shit and sell garbage in order to survive. This concept is new beginning in the 90's and exploding in the 00's. Prior to this gross undercutting using mass bought Chinese shit you could work in a dpt store and survive without sucking on the gov teet. With NAFTA and trade concessions with China and other shit holes this country has become flooded with their use 2 times and throw out bullshit. Whats worse is everyone here thinks the solution is to pay ourselves even less in order to try and produce as cheap as them!!! I swear people are retarded... Thank god Chinas middle class is exploding as well as their worker rights violations coming under fire upping their own costs drastically. Because thats whats going to help turn the tide. 

I applied at an electrical fitting supplier as a mech last year and they were telling me they moved production BACK to America because it was cheaper to make it in house. They also only had a tues-friday 9 hour a day work schedule, with the last 4 hours given and ot starting after the 36th hour, which is fucking amazing on all counts. They studied and found thats how to get maximum production out of their machines and staff. THAT is what we need, companies to give a shit about employing people here and making it work not just saying fuck it and going abroad. On the other side of the coin we need the people to say we will pay 50 fucking cents more so that a person can live on their wage or so that more people can get jobs producing things right here at home again.     

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To add to all of this, gas taxes are going up because people are using less gas... WTF?


The consumer will always lose, always.


yessir. all this talk of immigration reform comes at a time when illegal immigration is at it's lowest in decades. businesses can no longer get the cheap labor they like so they have to do 'reform' to draw more chumps to risk their lives to come do the jobs Americans don't want to do because we priced our labor out of the market at the behest of our politicians, OSHA, etc.

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Guest Rick-rat

How did this go from a Ponzi scheme to a bash Wal-mart and China thread, I shop at Wal-mart for certain products I refuse to pay more for a product because another store with the exact same product just to be paying for their increased profit margins.  Not everything in Wal-mart is made in China. Any of you that say you never go to Wal-marche I call B.S.

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How did this go from a Ponzi scheme to a bash Wal-mart and China thread, I shop at Wal-mart for certain products I refuse to pay more for a product because another store with the exact same product just to be paying for their increased profit margins.  Not everything in Wal-mart is made in China. Any of you that say you never go to Wal-marche I call B.S.


well if you'd like we can add some more ponzi if its lacking flavor

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There was never any ponzi to begin with lol. 

I NEVER go into walmart, you call bs? KMA, like someone cant live without that shit hole? I feel like I'm going to cop Hep C just walking in there, its actually really easy to not go. Even going to petsmart which is next door is like pulling teeth for me. I still buy cat food there even though its cheaper in Walmart. 
Their prices aren't lower because other stores have higher profit margins, they are lower because of their back handed policies and tactics. 

Too many people would just rather same those cents even though it costs them dollars...  

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I NEVER go into walmart, you call bs? KMA lol, like someone cant live without that shit hole?


Same here. Not a Walmart shopper... though I will admit to looking for 510 Hotwheels there (never bought any), but other than that I dont shop there. Far better and nicer places here to pick up stuff. 

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Guest Rick-rat

I guess if I had tons of money like the rest of you, I would go pay more somewhere else. In the meantime I go wherever I get the most for my limited funds

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There was never any ponzi to begin with lol. 


I NEVER go into walmart, you call bs? KMA, like someone cant live without that shit hole? I feel like I'm going to cop Hep C just walking in there, its actually really easy to not go. Even going to petsmart which is next door is like pulling teeth for me. I still buy cat food there even though its cheaper in Walmart. 

Their prices aren't lower because other stores have higher profit margins, they are lower because of their back handed policies and tactics. 


Too many people would just rather same those cents even though it costs them dollars...  


Oh so your not satisfied with the style of ponzi in this thread? no? ok I can go get some extra ponzi if you'd like? or are you trying to say that this ponzi thread isnt what it claims to be? is it not ponzi enough for you?


Should i fetch a turtle? this thread could afford to be a bit more turtle-ly, yes?


meh anyways wal-mart sucks but oh well. As for american made stuff, sure a little bit still exists but it commands much higher prices and that normally wouldnt be a problem if everyone was getting paid a real american wage...but most are not, most people get crap for wages and dont make a living wage. Like the people at walmart for example or any retail store actually, $7.50 an hour woooooo! isnt minimum wage fun?!


The american dream, get a low paying dirt poor job, get a house and a massive mortgage with your very own leg breakers to visit you once a month and a ton of utility bills. Also somehow afford your datsun habit, it just aint happening but oh well thats life, aint it swell?™

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I guess if I had tons of money like the rest of you, I would go pay more somewhere else. In the meantime I go wherever I get the most for my limited funds


Haha no need to be bitter Rick... Im a full time art student with no day job. Im not making the big bucks over here. 

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I guess if I had tons of money like the rest of you, I would go pay more somewhere else. In the meantime I go wherever I get the most for my limited funds



Woah there big guy ,,,  You know i be shopping at wallmart.


And about the China owning everything ,,, my ancestors tried boycotts in 1492 didn`t work then either.

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Guest Rick-rat

Oh so your not satisfied with the style of ponzi in this thread? no? ok I can go get some extra ponzi if you'd like? or are you trying to say that this ponzi thread isnt what it claims to be? is it not ponzi enough for you?


Should i fetch a turtle? this thread could afford to be a bit more turtle-ly, yes?


meh anyways wal-mart sucks but oh well. As for american made stuff, sure a little bit still exists but it commands much higher prices and that normally wouldnt be a problem if everyone was getting paid a real american wage...but most are not, most people get crap for wages and dont make a living wage. Like the people at walmart for example or any retail store actually, $7.50 an hour woooooo! isnt minimum wage fun?!


The american dream, get a low paying dirt poor job, get a house and a massive mortgage with your very own leg breakers to visit you once a month and a ton of utility bills. Also somehow afford your datsun habit, it just aint happening but oh well thats life, aint it swell?™

I don't have any mortgage, My house was paid for before I got my Datsun (not Nissan) I live within my means. If you got a massive mortgage thats your own fault. Go fetch a turtle and climb into the shall and stay there

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Guest Rick-rat


There was never any ponzi to begin with lol. 


I NEVER go into walmart, you call bs? KMA, like someone cant live without that shit hole? I feel like I'm going to cop Hep C just walking in there, its actually really easy to not go. Even going to petsmart which is next door is like pulling teeth for me. I still buy cat food there even though its cheaper in Walmart. 

Their prices aren't lower because other stores have higher profit margins, they are lower because of their back handed policies and tactics. 


Too many people would just rather same those cents even though it costs them dollars...  


I would not know where to start to KYA
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I don't have any mortgage, My house was paid for before I got my Datsun (not Nissan) I live within my means. If you got a massive mortgage thats your own fault. Go fetch a turtle and climb into the shall and stay there


well first off ricky boy, i gots no mortgage, and i know how to live in my means just fine, chill out dudeski.

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You can start right at the brown eye lmao 

I have been unemployed making ends meet doing side work for a long time now. Needing to be rich to afford not to shop at Walmart is a sad point to try and make. I also happen to live in one of the most expensive places in this country. Its very possible to live well not perpetuating the bullshit cycle of Walmart.

Nerdi I demand ponzi to my standards!!!

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Well if you invest just $5.00 via western union I can lead down the path to a ponzi-ful forum experience, once you invest the $5 bucks necessary bring in a couple of friends and have them also invest $5.00 and with each investment into Monk Enterprises you'll be one step closer to this ponzi you seek


Also I shop at walmart not because im cheap but because its close by and most stores around here are closed after 9pm.

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