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Ethanol, The Ponzi Scheme and YOU: A Retrospective.

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Anyways i have no idea what gas prices are on the west coast but anyways its like $3.85 a gallon here give or take.


The best part being that besides the fact that a gallon of gas only costs like 0.60 cents (maybe less maybe more, idk) to produce (which means they could sell it for $1.00 and make a killing) they dont even have the common kindness to give you pure gasoline, but instead water it down with ethanol, under the guise of increasing octane (which it does), but heres all the bad they dont tell ya:


d) you get bad gas mileage

e) lower performance in most vehicles which forces them to use even more fuel to compensate (see reason A)

r) it eats rubber for breakfast, good luck you'll be changing your rubber fuel lines more often has they up the mixture to e15 (which is being considered as law right now)

p) it eats everything else for lunch (enjoy having your valves toasted and your engine expiring early because ethanol loves metal too apparently)

!) when it comes to stewed prunes, is 4 too many? but 3 not enough?


Anyways there are several websites with maps showing the closest pure e0 fuel stations and if your in the midwest and west coast your in luck because they are much more common, ol' nerdmeister here is unfortunately stuck using e-10 (soon to be e15 if they get their way). They get to charge top dollar for fuel and then water it down and the best part they are torching our food supply just to accomplish this. I also love having to pay extra for stabil so i can try to protect my truck, my lawnmowers, my gas cans and well anything else within 15 feet of this awful stuff. (ive lost 2 weed eaters because of this modern fuel they sale)


and the best part being that if your outside the midwest, ethanol doesnt even save but a few cents per gallon.


So there you have it, ethanol the biggest sham in the energy business. Good Day Sir.

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I remember $0.34 a Canadian Imperial gallon which is 4.546 liters or 1.2 US gallons. And that was premium for use in my 10.5 compression muscle car.


i often thought about rigging the truck for e85, but heres the sad fact, theres no such thing, sure you can put ethy ready rubber lines in it, an ethy ready pump, and ethy hardened carb kit, but in the end it will destroy your engine and everything its exposed to, i had a weedeater that i was sentimental of (i know) but i had it since i was a kid, an echo weedeater, nearly 2 decades of tireless service and it just died out of no where, so i did an autopsy on it and the inside of the engine looked like a bomb went off inside of it, the rings were so brittle they just shattered the piston was so pitted.


Ethanol sucks to put it lightly. I unceremoniously chucked my weedeater in the bin.

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Another current sham in the industry is diesel overpricing gas.. at least it does here, by about 70 cents right now.  Taking advantage of the recent sharp increase in diesel popularity, IMO.


i really wanted a diesel nissan truck, but the engines seem complex and besides a nissan diesel would be hard to come by, i like to have things i can fix myself, a diesel might be pushing it for me.

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We just replaced a ton of lawn equipment at my house. 


New push mower, since the old Craftsmen that was about 30 years old finally gave in at the carb after the last few years of Ethanol. 

New trimmer. It was about 10 years old, and after Ethanol increased here, we noticed it running worse and worse.  

Our blower is shot. Carb is crapped up. Tried cleaning it, but it just won't run.

None of the above were repairable. Either the parts needed weren't readily available, or the carbs were shot to hell so bad that it wasn't worth rebuilding. 



Ethanol is a monster and I'll never support it. I'm in shock looking at the way gas prices have increased in the last few days here in Indiana. Yesterday afternoon passing through Indianapolis, we stopped to get gas and the station attendent said the price the night before was $2.98. Outstanding!! The price that we paid was $3.48. Now I'm seeing prices all day today from $3.60-$4. 


total shit. 


There's just excuse after excuse and none of them actually worth a grain of salt. Just....total....bullshit....


And now I'm having to pay extra for 93 octane. And it fucking sucks. but worth the little bit for all the torque i get.

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i really wanted a diesel nissan truck, but the engines seem complex and besides a nissan diesel would be hard to come by, i like to have things i can fix myself, a diesel might be pushing it for me.


An older mechanical diesel is relatively simple.  Newer common rail electronically controlled engines are another story.  I considered a small diesel for my 620 build, but I am unfamiliar with the few Nissan offerings and wouldn't know which would be desirable, if any.

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i often thought about rigging the truck for e85, but heres the sad fact, theres no such thing, sure you can put ethy ready rubber lines in it, an ethy ready pump, and ethy hardened carb kit, but in the end it will destroy your engine and everything its exposed to, i had a weedeater that i was sentimental of (i know) but i had it since i was a kid, an echo weedeater, nearly 2 decades of tireless service and it just died out of no where, so i did an autopsy on it and the inside of the engine looked like a bomb went off inside of it, the rings were so brittle they just shattered the piston was so pitted.


Ethanol sucks to put it lightly. I unceremoniously chucked my weedeater in the bin.


I dont know where you were getting e85, but I never once had issues running e85. From stock (other than a Walbro 255) engine all the way to a near 700hp. Maybe its not beneficial at low percentages, but Ive had zero problems with neither e85 or e100.

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well considering how many mechanical devices ive seen die because of ethy, and besides that im not the only one who says e85 is bad for your vehicle, go do some research, and make sure it isnt from a scientist thats paid by the petrochemical industry


you also talk like e85 has been around since 1980, you couldnt even buy around here till 3 years ago.

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well considering how many mechanical devices ive seen die because of ethy, and besides that im not the only one who says e85 is bad for your vehicle, go do some research, and make sure it isnt from a scientist thats paid by the petrochemical industry


you also talk like e85 has been around since 1980, you couldnt even buy around here till 3 years ago.


I dont really care to. I just pointed out my personal experience... 

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and thats fine again it goes back to 'its your equipment, treat it as you will, afterall its there to serve you and no one else'


me on the other hand, i try to do what i can to protect my hardware, afterall it works hard for me so i dont have to break my back, its the least i can do.


also i forget to mention in my main post ethy's lovely water absorbing qualities

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As long as we`re argueing ,,, i think it is more of a bait and switch,,  than a Ponzi scheme. Maybe even bad faith agreement  ,, but Ponzi ,, not so much


i know that, but anytime you can use the word ponzi scheme in your thread title, go for it!


it sounded catchier than bait and switch

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The main thing I have a problem with is the fact that even though the fuel is cut with ethanol, which was done to make it cheaper it keeps going up in cost, an with an increasing price gap between grades. I remember when it was 10 cents between grades, now its 30!!! Isn't that considered price gouging? Did the chemical properties of crude oil around the world change, and now we're just unable to extract as much 89 and 93 as we are 87? I think not.

I vote nationwide gas boycotts for a day. Its helped in the past.

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