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just a thought. shipping what looks like NOS parts from thailand

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So ive been on the hunt for part from around the world. I get bored ok that said.


I ve been having the thought of shipping loads of datsun emblems logos mirrors and small things for datsun even rhd 620 dashes cause he has a few. He is a parts seller who is a reputable seller of parts ive been talking to for a little. If i am not able to do this i will prolly just share the info with someone so they can do their thing.


I know the answer is yes but do you guys see stuff that are hard to get that will be baught here or is it not worth the bother cause its easy to find stuff?

Im not trying to make riches here just maybe a side hobby.

Here are pics by him when he sells stuff idk where. all i know its in thailand.


Its just pics i got from him not much really but he has tons of stuff for sale.


















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We've had bad luck with Taiwan sellers and a lot of pissed of and sorry ratsun members.





Member Since 25 Feb 2011
Posting Disabled Mod Queue Offline Last Active Mar 03 2012 05:46 AM

Parts were being sent that were advertized as New Old Stock and were cheap re-pops or rusty crap from a junkyard. Some were good but when there were problems with quality there were problems with the seller.
Read this...
AKA.... http://community.ratsun.net/user/11795-lovedatsun/




There were others too.

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I really wish I was into Datsuns and JNC years ago. I would have brought so many things back from Thailand and the Philippines. I saw many a swap meet similar to the pictures posted and could have scored big on parts. 



but im sure the STDs you brought back make up for sometihng

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but im sure the STDs you brought back make up for sometihng


Never once slept with any prostitutes :) And we only had one guy get crabs once... otherwise everyone came home clean. With some of the places I saw people going into in Philippines, it surprises me. 

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Everyone did but one guy... His name was Robert and we called him "Raw Dog Rob" after that. A lot of crazy shit happened while we were in the the PI. I have stories for day. Its a really cool place and if anyone gets the chance to go overseas, I sugest you go. 


Fun time. 

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I go for the inexpensive dental work but stay for the ladyboys.

This reminds me of a story an ex Navy guy (wasn't Tristin) told me about a trip to Thailand. Anyway, certain bar, lots of tables, patrons sitting there, lady's? crawling underneath the table. All he said was "a mouths a mouth".


Better give Konig back his thread.


If you find anybody selling repro 510 Euro Goon taillights in Thailand can you let me know.


They are like Rocking Horse shit here.

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