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Eagle Rock Datsun Nippon Swap meet and car Show 21st July 2013

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And who is the DICK wad with the black 620 with a KA swap?? You know the asshat that smoked his tires when he left.


what the fuck is with pepole that do this kind of shit. No one cares BRO!!!!!!!

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Chebito I think is his handle?

That definetly wasn't cool..... there was someone else who did it too though.
There is a reason someone ALWAYS crashes or fucks up their shit at these things, and this is why.

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it was a good turn out got a front lip for my 510 and a wink mirror any more pictures?

I've got more, I'll edit them later tonight or tomorrow, Have to edit other pictures from a Job first. :/

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It was chill. Last time I was here there were definitely more peeps, though. I heard some numnuts burning rubber, but didn't see who or what it was.


Overall I had a good time, even though I went as a vendor and left with more parts than I arrived with  :blush:

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 What are you going to do about idiots and tire burning???


 It is all useless ranting unless you  do something about it.


 You should have a person taping the exit, or mount a camera there at exit. Anyone burning tire will be on tape.If cops come over, turn the video in, and let them go after the idiots.


 If no cops show up, post the images and information about car on any and all sites where you advertise your event.


 That is why you should require name of driver and license plate number plus vehicle description of all cars entering premises. If there is any incident happening, at least you will be able to solve the identity issues. You do not want to register drivers name, plus license plate number because you want to "BE COOL" ???, then cool brings you what you are complaining about.


 You will be surprised how much control over idiots and incidents you will have when you collect license plate numbers.  vehicle description plus drivers name ( as seen in the actual drivers license, or else you will have Abraham Lincoln and Mike Tyson amongst the names !) . Idiots brains have a minimal degree of intelligence, enough to know that once their info is registered, their bad deeds will leave trace.


 Smart ass does not want to show his license?, then that idiot has no reason being there. You do not want a bunch of unlicensed teen agers and troubled drivers roaming around.


 Be "PROACTIVE" instead of reactive. Reaction w/o information becomes ranting.


 Many of these events are fun, but seem organized by elementary school classmates.

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on with the pics 

although it is fun to burn the tires and such  at these types of events is not the time or place 

many cars have been crashed because of people doing these things while leaving 

we always want to think that people are responsible but sometimes we all do stupid things 

registering at the entrance sounds like a good Idea but the ones who left with tires burning wont be forgotten 


the people who put this show on are very responsible and have always had a great show so hopefully people respect what they do for us all and not leave like asshats 


and to those with sticky fingers I NEVER FORGET FACES 

this was a good show and to my knowledge nothing was stolen although I had to track one down to ask if they wanted to know the price of the item they walked off with 

It was then paid for 

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Chebito I think is his handle?


That definetly wasn't cool..... there was someone else who did it too though.

There is a reason someone ALWAYS crashes or fucks up their shit at these things, and this is why.


At first I thought it was you, But then I thought naw he can't be that lame.. I did hear the other dumb ass but didn't see it.

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 What are you going to do about idiots and tire burning???


 It is all useless ranting unless you  do something about it.


 You should have a person taping the exit, or mount a camera there at exit. Anyone burning tire will be on tape.If cops come over, turn the video in, and let them go after the idiots.


 If no cops show up, post the images and information about car on any and all sites where you advertise your event.


 That is why you should require name of driver and license plate number plus vehicle description of all cars entering premises. If there is any incident happening, at least you will be able to solve the identity issues. You do not want to register drivers name, plus license plate number because you want to "BE COOL" ???, then cool brings you what you are complaining about.


 You will be surprised how much control over idiots and incidents you will have when you collect license plate numbers.  vehicle description plus drivers name ( as seen in the actual drivers license, or else you will have Abraham Lincoln and Mike Tyson amongst the names !) . Idiots brains have a minimal degree of intelligence, enough to know that once their info is registered, their bad deeds will leave trace.


 Smart ass does not want to show his license?, then that idiot has no reason being there. You do not want a bunch of unlicensed teen agers and troubled drivers roaming around.


 Be "PROACTIVE" instead of reactive. Reaction w/o information becomes ranting.


 Many of these events are fun, but seem organized by elementary school classmates.


Lots of good info here, But not really workable. It's a pain in the ass to get in as it is. So if Jose had to stop every car and check for ID it would back the line out into the street. Yes I was ranting, But people should know better,

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Overall I had a good time, even though I went as a vendor and left with more parts than I arrived with  :blush:


Hah, this is awesome! :D


And a kind reminder to those who like to ruin events with inappropriate hooning while exiting the grounds.  Don't be that guy.


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