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Wheel scammer?

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Yea the guy is still talking to me and possibly getting a paypal account... Thats still to be determined. But Paypal is probably the most secure and easiest way to buy and sell things online. It protects the buyer from a lying seller and protects a seller from a fraudulent buyer

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Jesus people here ready to just shit one people for no reason. Ya ya neg rep, flag him, report to this site even though we dont know fuck all about the perspective buyer accept he doesnt like or know paypal and has an accent... so sad. 

Banks have literally hundreds of anti forgery prevention and detection tricks on every cashier check. Think you can print one up a bank wont laugh at when you give it to them, I dare anyone to try, I'll even bet paypal money on it haha. 

I hope he really does sign up for paypal and the sale goes through just to stick it to everyone peaking through their blinds for Nigerians.  :rofl:

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This is from the FDIC's site, here: http://www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/news/cnsum02/fraud.html


"Fake Cashier's Checks
A cashier's check—one where funds are already set aside in a special account at a bank—can be a safe way to receive payment for that used car you're selling or items you auction over the Internet. Unfortunately, FDIC fraud investigators are reporting that fake cashier's checks are getting easier for crooks to produce on personal computers. In one example recently reported to the FDIC, an individual lost a classic car worth $41,000 to a thief who used a counterfeit cashier's check. How can you protect yourself?"

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If there is a form of currency you can bet someone is trying for counterfeit it .When its for something as valuable as 41k its also reasonable to think they can invest the money it takes to even try and counterfeit. All someone needs to do to prevent it though is contact the bank that cut the check, done.

I find it hard to believe someone would got through all this trouble or have even close to the means of successfully counterfeiting a cashiers check for a set of ratsun wheels. The usual check scam is to send more then the product is worth and ask to have to remainder forwarded back. Buying low value goods using a bubblejet printed cashiers check with the intent to resell them is like the shitiest scam ever, even if it works there is no winner lol.  

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I agree it's hardly worth the effort.  It just has several of the signs of a classic CL scam and I would be wary.  Besides, the offer to add excess funds to the check is sometimes last-minute.  Happened to a friend of mine with a motorcycle.  That was in the early days of CL, and thus CL scams, and he actually said he was in Nigeria, lol.

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Ya the Nigerian thing was def popular for a time lol. I'm not saying to just go through with deals that set off bells or that scams dont exist on craigs. It's just that in my over a decade of buying and selling thousands and thousands of dollars of stuff though craigs I have never once scammed or been scammed. The closest its come is the bullshit fishing and spam emails. I think when people actually use common sense its pretty hard to scam. I mean who the hell gives up a 41k car without the funds being 110% confirmed? Who believes a Nigerian prince needs their help to get money and gets beat out of thousands? Idiots imho lol

The same can be said for the scammers. Who is risking a federal offence for a couple hundred bucks? Tweeker retards maybe, not people with the sophistication to be forging passable cashier checks. 

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Ya the Nigerian thing was def popular for a time lol. I'm not saying to just go through with deals that set off bells or that scams dont exist on craigs. It's just that in my over a decade of buying and selling thousands and thousands of dollars of stuff though craigs I have never once scammed or been scammed. The closest its come is the bullshit fishing and spam emails. I think when people actually use common sense its pretty hard to scam. I mean who the hell gives up a 41k car without the funds being 110% confirmed? Who believes a Nigerian prince needs their help to get money and gets beat out of thousands? Idiots imho lol


The same can be said for the scammers. Who is risking a federal offence for a couple hundred bucks? Tweeker retards maybe, not people with the sophistication to be forging passable cashier checks. 



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If there is a form of currency you can bet someone is trying for counterfeit it .When its for something as valuable as 41k its also reasonable to think they can invest the money it takes to even try and counterfeit. All someone needs to do to prevent it though is contact the bank that cut the check, done.

A Nigerian 'bank' in someone's home?
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Easy to avoid CL scams, just sell locally in person.


Ive had almost the same thing happen except it was a personal check for 500$ for a paintball gun I was selling. Took it to the bank and they said it was fake. When I got home, I sent him one NASTY email lol. And they also said they would "have theyre mover come and pick it up"...ya ok


I wouldnt go for it, but thats just me.  

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Cash, cash, or cash for me.


Years ago I sold a car (a mini of all things) to a fellow who wanted to pay me with what we call a bank cheque.


What could go wrong I thought?


Arsehole took the car and when I went to deposit the cheque in my account, bank told me the cheque had been reported lost by the drawer and subsequently cancelled!


Douche fucked up in a number of ways including showing me his drivers license where I dutifully memorised the details.


Long story short (although I don't normally involve the Police), authorities were called, guy got charged for theft and fraud, and fortunately I got the car back. It helped he lived in the same (relatively small) city as me, which was another fuckup on his behalf.


How the fuck he ever thought he was going to get away with a scam like this, who knows?


Since then I heed what the voices in my head tell me and only take cash, or wait till money has been deposited in my account.


Much safer this way!

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If you to ship parts, throw it on a forum, want local and cash, throw up on craigslist.


Best revenge I've seen was on the galantvr4.org forum, somebody in Australia failed to up on parts a US member sent him on fleebay, Requested help on the forum, Aussie members that lived near the douche rolled up to his house and got his money.

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A Nigerian 'bank' in someone's home?

 No, common sense like I also said. Who the hell is taking a Nigerian (or any foreign) check for domestic goods on craigs? A MO-RON is who. 


Foreign is an automatic no unless its through paypal. Domestic can be a confirmed cashiers check, MO or PP. It's so easy a caveman could do it, never understood the people with torches running around freaking out. People blow PP left and right but you know you pay for that service. They will also freeze a chunk of it so you cant even take it all out unless you have had a standing account with them for a long time. 


Anyone who adheres to simple common sense practices is safe. The rest it seems need to learn shit the hard way.  




Ya its also really easy to troll with 88 posts and a mitsushitty. The BUYERS money is on the line. You know what protection a buyer has paying with a cashiers check? Jack shit. 


I'd never advise anyone to buy or sell against their better judgement or feelings, I said that already. Just dont think this thread needed to be so long and full or mud slinging paranoia. Buying and selling safely these days is very easy. 

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Why would anyone try to scam you for a set of Libra's ?  if the guy sends a cashiers check ( from a bank you have heard of ) and it clears,there shouldnt be a problem.The bank should know immediately if the check is fake or forged.You could recieve the check and call the bank that issued it to be safe.Anybody willing to send you money and not having anything in return, i would think you could trust.

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Ya its also really easy to troll with 88 posts and a mitsushitty. The BUYERS money is on the line. You know what protection a buyer has paying with a cashiers check? Jack shit. 


I'd never advise anyone to buy or sell against their better judgement or feelings, I said that already. Just dont think this thread needed to be so long and full or mud slinging paranoia. Buying and selling safely these days is very easy. 

LOL... good "diss".  I guess those amazing responses just come out after spewing 4,000+ troll/hate/shit-stirring posts.


"The BUYERS money is on the line."  Yeah, "sling some paranoid mud of your own", the buyer's money is on the line in this case because RTB is a scamming seller.  That makes sense because he's suspicious of a buyer who wants to pay for a CL ad, by a check, and have it shipped.


"Thread so long"... hmmm... wonder why...


Let's see you troll it out even longer...



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Wow you just put a lot of effort into that response for no reason since it makes no real points lol. You even quoted something I didnt say. 

Actually read the stuff posted before you decided to troll and sidetrack, its been laid out 10 different ways so easily a child could figure it out. Anyone who can't understand should probably work on mitsu... ah, ya

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Lol all the Hipster can resort to is trying to diss another car maker, as if that is an insult. His large collection of Fedoras must be on too tight. Can't even comprehend sarcasm, what a waste of time.




lol, yes IBTL.



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I quote Ronin:  "Whenever there is doubt, there is no doubt."  Rather loosely because I can't remember, but if alarm bells are going off, just call it quits and sell them to somebody else.  Cashier's checks can be stolen or forged quite easily.

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