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A10's U-nite !!!!

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A cracked/warped  head would most likely overheat all the time not just in low speed traffic,, if you were to take your head to anybody a machine shop would be a much better option than just a general repair shop.. but before you do that read the part of this paragraph that i underlined.




try to spin alternator by the blades can you get it to turn with one finger ,,, your belt is too loose.




By this picture i found in Elmerfudpuckers build i see no fan shroud either , have you put one on like mentioned a few pages back?, not having one will make it run hotter at low speeds ,, your looking for the answer but you don`t seem to be listening to the answers you have been given..







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A cracked/warped  head would most likely overheat all the time not just in low speed traffic,, if you were to take your head to anybody a machine shop would be a much better option than just a general repair shop.. but before you do that read the part of this paragraph that i underlined.




try to spin alternator by the blades can you get it to turn with one finger ,,, your belt is too loose.




By this picture i found in Elmerfudpuckers build i see no fan shroud either , have you put one on like mentioned a few pages back?, not having one will make it run hotter at low speeds ,, your looking for the answer but you don`t seem to be listening to the answers you have been given..







the shop would be taking it to a machine place, they wouldnt do it them selves.

alternator is all tight. i dont have a shroud... ill go out and find one today. 

sorry that i am all over the place lol. 




btw, fuck oil pans.... im replacing the old gasket with a new one haha pain in the ass 

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Simple. With engine off spin the fan blade. It should be very firm to turn with a finger and should not spin loose when you stop pushing. For most speeds above 20-35 MPH (depending on engine load) you don't even need a fan. The vehicle motion pushes air through. For extra cooling climbing hills at lower speed or idling in traffic a fan is needed. If very loose the special silicone oil inside has leaked out.


also, the fan blade does feel easier to push then mentioned here. not by mutch but it feels loose and just barely spins anymore after i push it.

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Fan sounds to be operating normal. I bet money it's cause you don't have a shroud. The shroud is there to make sure the fan actually pulls air through the rad. Otherwise all the fan does is whirl air around the engine bay, doing nothing

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any tips on where i can get one? or how to find out which one i need? also, wtf is the black plate on the front of the head face thing? i need to seal it better cause im losing oil from that i believe. im hoping its that and not the head, cause its right behind the fan so its blowing shit all over the place. 

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also, the fan blade does feel easier to push then mentioned here. not by mutch but it feels loose and just barely spins anymore after i push it.


Firm is very subjective. I'll see if I can describe it a bit better. Place a couple of fingers on the fan blade and suddenly push down on it trying to spin it. The blade should move smoothly but with resistance, and when your fingers slip off at the bottom the blade should stop right there.


The clutch fan is supposed to limit fan speed to about 1,500 RPMs no matter the engine RPMs. If over heated rad air warms it too much there is a thermostat inside that changes this to about 2,300 RPMs for extra cooling.


If the clutch seizes up it will sound like an F-18 Hornet at take off.


If it spins freely by hand the silicone oil has leaked out. I've heard of taking apart and filling the cavity with grease.

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Very nice. I see the dealer installed molding strip along the side. Very 70s. They are, or were, on both my 710s but the sedan was re painted and it's was removed. Highly recommend it.. the car looks way better without it.


Good price!

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My brother is a total Datsun nerd and is giving me a hand. I'm going to take the side trim off, slam the shit out of it and gloss black it. I also need to pick up some new wheel's and tires. Recently I just tore out the whole dash, center console and seats because some crack head was in there going wild. Went to pick and pull and got some flawless seats and a perfect center console and whole mint dash. That I also am painting to avoid that '80's tan. :p

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Well I was going to gloss black the body, did a test on the replacment fender I got and it looks great. That is my brother [Logical1], he's giving me a hand with the whole learning process.

Edit: The next time he goes to a meeting I'm sure I'll be there as well.

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Ooooh your that quiet dude.. i was the fat guy with the really loud son. :rofl: . I read black ,, i asssumed flat, i see you said gloss, Carry on. :P

Didn`t your brother say you were going to college in Tacoma ,, maybe you can sneak over to one of those meets ( if they ever have another one) in the future...



welcome to you youngster.

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Yeah, Good memory! Only quiet because I didn't know what I was talking about. Soon though, with the teachings of my brother I should have this beast up and running soon. We just ripped out all of the emissions bull and got rid of the AC. If weather pemits I'm going to rattle can it this next weekend after some bondo work.


After a few weeks I'll do a post about my progress after it looks and runs nice.

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I think they riveted the trim on so you may have to weld up the holes like mine was.


Usually 12-14 holes per side on a 4dr.  :blush:


If you're painting it black, just paint the trim black too? A friend did this on his 510. JC Whitney still sells the rubber insert in black, so he took the aluminum base off and powdercoated it black and put it all back on. On a black car it becomes almost invisible.  :thumbup:

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