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The Club Buster - WTF!?

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If you see someone with one of them, they would be a car thief, period.

If I seen someone with one, I would likely get in trouble, as I would point out that fact very loudly, as that is who I am, gets me in trouble a lot, as I say what I think to most everyone except except law enforcement, and in government buildings/their employees as they don't like their short comings being pointed out.

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For fucks sake hahaha. Think this is something new?  Most times they just drill out the lock and its done. They can be broken other ways, too...  the club is one of the worst theft deterrents they make.  Why do you think people preach about kill switches instead? 


All the club does is slow down car thieves. While it may be made of hardened steel, your steering wheel is not...

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 i guess it comes down to if a thief wants your car bad enough, they'll figure out how take it. I hear thieves are stating to just tow the car. nothing can stop them, no club, no kill switch no nothing.


My first 510 was stolen about 12 years ago, so i know the pain of getting jacked. I had bunch of performance brands stickers and attracted attention to myself. I was young and dumb and that it was the shit. So that's one reason i am not a fan of "performance" stickers and fancy paint schemes. I try to attract the least amount of attention. So far so good. *knock on wood*

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you can buy anything online nowdays, you can even buy shaved keys aka "jiggle keys"



but i do agree, clubs are fucking garbage.

spray some R134a in the lock until ice forms around it, slam the shit out of it with a heavy hammer. and thats all there is to it

switches, wheel/pedal locks, slow down thiefs, but car alarms will make them work faster...

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My 2-way alarm kills power to the ignition, coils and fuel pump via three different relays while armed, then on top of that there is a self powered Computrak GPS/cell tracker somewhere nice and hard to get to. I look forward to an idiot trying to steal or car jack me. I don't call the cops, I call a hunting party   :mad: there is no need to die for your ride, but killing over... that's another story.   :devil:

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My 2-way alarm kills power to the ignition, coils and fuel pump via three different relays while armed, then on top of that there is a self powered Computrak GPS/cell tracker somewhere nice and hard to get to. I look forward to an idiot trying to steal or car jack me. I don't call the cops, I call a hunting party   :mad: there is no need to die for your ride, but killing over... that's another story.   :devil:

damn kentucky! don't mess with you. haha. I hear you though. i literally could have killed someone when my 510 was stolen.


tracking system seems like the best bet to recovering a car the quickest. I'm gonna look into that.

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damn kentucky! don't mess with you. haha. I hear you though. i literally could have killed someone when my 510 was stolen.


tracking system seems like the best bet to recovering a car the quickest. I'm gonna look into that.



Actually I was living in Tacoma when I installed all this. Now that I am in KY the Lil Mule has a garage too.

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