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L16 wont run, carbs gone bad?


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I bought me a 510 after searching for one for 4 years, there aren't a lot of them over here. Been standing on a driveway for 3 years, trailered it home and now it wont run.

I start it, but it wont run for more than a second, stalls immediately and wont keep running, not when i pull the choke, not when i push on the gaspedal.


Fuel pump works fine, fuel sprays out off it when i take of the fuel hose. there is a spark on every spark plug, carbs gone bad from standing stil? Is this hard to clean/rebuild by myself? Never did that before.

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I use a jerrycan as a fuel tank for now, its is a new jerrycan with new fuel,and connected to the fuel pump with a brand new piece of fuel line with a new transparant filter. i am using this just to get it running, already pulled the original tank from the car to clean it. So that part is covered.

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make sure your elelctrical connections are good at the coil and at the white ceramic ballast resisitor.

It might want to RUN in start but not when key is ON. Look there first.


Get soem carb cleaner.

If carb sprays gas when you push the pedal down it should still run if you pump the gas pedal alot(means you run off the accell pump from the carb.


ck for 12volts at the blk wht wire when key is on at the white ballast resistor. If NO then clean the fuse box and reseat the connectors. Take them off clean them and put them back on.

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These are my carbs, they look the same as the ones on my 260z. i checked the electrical connections on the coils and the ceramic thingy, cleaned them and took a bit of sandpaper to sand them down. so that should be ok. I will check the blk/wht wire.

I never took a cab apart, things i should look at before i dod this? what can go wrong? can i just take off the top and then i will find the jets?

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Oh, Hitachi sidedraft do not have jets -- or accelerator pumps. Those should be 38mm, the 240Z had 46mm units.


Remove each dipstick and check the oil level.


Lift the piston inside the hole with your finger. If it moves up and drops back it should be OK. If they are sticky, remove piston chambers (top cylinders) and clean them out. Do not scrape or use sandpaper but lightly brush. The needle, if gummed up, clean it.


Spray a puff of starting fluid (ether) in each carb and see if the engine fires up. it may not continue to run, but it will test the spark ignition.

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ill check that tonight, if the pistons are sticky and ill have to take them out to clean them, is that just a matter of taking off the top or do i need to remove other things before i will be able to do that? and if i cleaned them, i have to grease them up with oil again? just engine oil or something specific?

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Well i tried to move the pistons and they go up and down easily so i guess thats fine, tried started fluid too but that didnt help much, i'll check the rest of the carb functions on the Z board.

I did think of something else that might be the problem, but its kind of a long shot, i replaced the ignition barrel with a Z one cause mine could turn anymore,




The one i am holding with my fingers is the Z one, as you can see it is a bit different from the bottom one since it doesnt have the metal/brass part on the left. on the bottom one it says acc next to the brass thing. Now Banzai510 mentioned the black/white wire, is there the possibility the black/white wire gets is power from this acc brass part?

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Its fixed now! I took the back end of the original ignition barrel and put that on the Z ignition barrel, bolted it back in the car, turned the key and it started right away and kept running :)


Runs a bit rough, and the clucth master is gone but it runs, first step in driving it!


Thanks for the help all of you!

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