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I love beer! PNW beer...

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Beer is the fucking best! Hard alcohol... wine... sake... it sucks dick. Beer fucking kills it!


So I'm drinking, obviously, and it's got me thinking... Beer is soooo much better in the PNW. I'm not some world traveler or anything like that but in the last couple of years I've been to a lot of different states and all kinds of social-economic areas and the beer selection SUCKS. I mean I can go to the smallest, tiniest, backwoodsiest, no teethiest GAS station here in Wa or Or and find all kinds of great beer. I go outside of the PNW and the beer selection sucks, I'm talking all over the SW, NE, up and down the Ca coast, the SE, jack shit.... I'm form the Bay Area and had this illusion in my mind that everything was better "back home" but it's not, the beer sucks there too....


For me it's even become a joke. Npw when ever I travel I take pictures..... of the beer isle. Then I send them to my friends here and we have a laugh. They are starting to do the same thing and the results are in... PNW has the best beer selection hands down, with out a fucking question.


Can you feel me?



***This is for the average persons exposure to beer, of course you can find good brew anywhere if you look hard enough and know where to look***

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Yeah I was really enjoying a local breweries scotch ale last night. I just got back from being in California and I was disappointed in the beer selection big time.


Figured with all of the members on here from the northwest I can't be the only one feels let down when traveling.

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hey I also love beer, beleive it or not my county just went "wet" we have been a dry county since way before prohibition even. Normally I drive 2 hours round trip just to get beer. Im so glad these fucking old cocks got their heads out of their asses and voted wet. After the votes were tallied women were crying in front of the courthouse. Jese fucking christ I dont knwo what is wrong with people. I havent been drinking more than a few years but so Far I love blue moon and the original yuengling lager most of all. What are your guys favorite beers? Doesnt sam adams have their chocolate boch out this year since its a leap year?

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Portland seems to be the perfect place for craft beer and good food. Nothing sounds better than hanging out at a small brewery on a rainy day like today. And people around here aren't afraid to order a style of beer that they've never tried before.


I love the fact that we can support people that really have a gift and can make amazing beer. They're doing what they love and I'm helping it happen. The best part of living in Portland starts tomorrow, July is Oregon craft beer month. There's an event happening every day throughout July, from the NAOBF this weekend to the Oregon Brewers Festival the last weekend in July.


California has some good beer too, but it's spread out in that big old state. Here we have Portland, Eugene, and Bend that's about it.

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Yeah, Portland rocks for beer and food, way dog friendly too.


It was a big culture shock going from the PNW to LA a few weeks ago. Everywhere up here is about fresh local food and good craft beer, chilling at an outdoor table with you pooch and your buds is the norm. Down there it was all chains and dogs aren't even allowed in the hardware stores, what... no dogs in the hardware stores? I couldn't believe it. Probably sounds silly to some people but I guess I'm just used to it, and like it the way it is here. Now if the rain would just stop....

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ohhhhh at makes more sense.


Tricerahops for tonight.


Had one of those 3 nights ago. Yummy. Total Dom for the last 2 nights and a Lagunita IPA one of those nights as well.


Have you had Pyramid Outburst? 8.5% and pretty good and its findable under $3 a 22 or under $7 for a 6 pack.

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Actually I got it for $2.50... Kinda hard not to buy at that price. I highly recommend it. It made me think again about Pyramid as a brewery.


My local grocery store about 2 months ago claimed to have the largest selection of craft beer in the NW... How true is that? I have never seen a larger selection... Still not sure if its true though.

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I'd have to see it. Up here we have Central Market, they carry a lot of good stuff. Tacoma Boys in Tacoma always has really hard to find stuff along with all the special releases. Stone, Dogfish and Victory did a special release were they brewed a beer together called Saison du BUFF, TB had it. I didn't like it, maybe with some Lamb it would have been good, I was eating chips and salsa, lol.

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Silver City Brewery Rocks! Not only great beer but the best food in Kitsap County.


Always been a fan of the Deschutes brewery as well.


The Ale house downtown Port Orchard had an excellent selection of brews on tap. But like every good thing it ended :blush:

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