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Canby 2013: Where Wet Dreams Come From


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I need to:

 Find, and install a weber. 

 Install a pertronix kit that I already ordered 

 install all new clutch hydraulics, which I already ordered

 hope that I dont need a new clutch

 Figure out why I must double pump my brakes

 Get my back tires replaced

 get  my exhaust re done 

 and get a bed full of bitches :) 

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They don't want anyone selling out of their car/truck, others paid for a spot to sell, so everyone selling pays for a spot to sell.

I know this because I sold a gas tank to a member and brought it to canby, I was paid for it and it was then grabbed out of my rig, and I was caught and got in trouble, same thing with windshield gaskets, they were sold before I arrived, still got in trouble.


Fuck that, im bringing tons of shit to people at Canby. They can blow me



i dont know how to adjust them though :/.. is it difficult? 

not hard man, i could help ya via PM 

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I like this^ You cant argue with good logic! 



They don't want anyone selling out of their car/truck, others paid for a spot to sell, so everyone selling pays for a spot to sell.

I know this because I sold a gas tank to a member and brought it to canby, I was paid for it and it was then grabbed out of my rig, and I was caught and got in trouble, same thing with windshield gaskets, they were sold before I arrived, still got in trouble.


Fuck that, im bringing tons of shit to people at Canby. They can blow me



not hard man, i could help ya via PM 



Make sure your clutch is good enough to make it, get your dizzy fixed... Drive there, we can show you when you get there... Its pretty easy :rofl:  Fair warning, if the adjusters are locked up... DONT pry them.  Pull them out, tear them apart, clean, re-grease... install, adjust.

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Damn. I don't wanna pay to sell some rims haha


There was a few people that went in a a vendor spot. 5 people pitch in for the price and everyone lays their stuff out on a single blanket. Maybe you can set something like that up. 

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Whats with the truck yo? can you make it to keepers place and catch a ride with him? I think he usually brings his truck and a trailer full of parts... Did you get the brakes fixed?

I can probably make it to keepers. I'm still having overheating issues. The brakes work, I've adjusted them since that guy did it. I think I need to replace the booster.



Selling these at canby?? I want one

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I don't think I'll make many of these. I have this proto for chester, and mebbe make a few more. Prolly just give em out or trade em. The labor for such small text and dual color would put these outside a reasonable price. I'm still thinking it over, I'll prolly change my mind and do a run of em. Hey, I gotta buncha 620 boosters sitting in my garage, I'd bring you one if you want (not sell). LMk.

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I'll have a table at Canby, and will bring as many decals as I can. I'll also bring lil sample squares of all the colors I have, so you guys can see the color options for your custom orders. It frustrates me that a lot of the cool vinyl doesn't show well in photos. I'll have a lot of inventory, and would love to discuss custom orders with people. My girl might be wearin the Oregon 205lb woman's MMA title belt by then :D I can't fucking wait for Canby, let's just get started noaw. Rent a wigwam at Promontory Park until then? I suppose we'd prolly get kicked out before June. I know of some badass private hot springs up near there, just come pick me up I'll show you the way :D

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Guest Jamee

My girl might be wearin the Oregon 205lb woman's MMA title belt by then :D

:w00t: I want to meet your girl.  :wub:  I've wanted to be an MMA fighter for the longest time. I just cant afford all the training.

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:w00t: I want to meet your girl.  :wub:  I've wanted to be an MMA fighter for the longest time. I just cant afford all the training.


If youre looking for some cheap training, you can download the Gracie Jui-Jitsu system. I have the blue belt DVDs which I used as suplemental training when I was going through the program. 

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Double Dee, we own an MMA gym but it's in Cornelious, OR. Little bit of a drive for you I suspect. When we move up to Northern WA, we're gonna run high altitude training camps. And we have some of our fighters down here wanting to come fight in Omak, WA. My girlie is fighting the Oregon title holder (Hillary somethin or other) who is pretty much all jits ground fighter. Whereas my girlie is a stand-up fighter with decent jits. May 15th, should be a bloody one. Hillary has backed out twice now, and she's a seasoned fighter. This will be my girl's first fight.

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i thought jits said tits at first lulz.  You will have a vendor spot at canby man? maybe some of these guys can sell there stuff under your table and you could collect a small fee from the sales of their stuff?


If not, I understand. you are there to sell your stuff. But, who knows, the stickers might draw attention to the parts, the parts might draw attention to the stickers....

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Oh I don't need no fee. I've already offered tristin some space. Just depends on how much room is left. A one-stop shopping center vibe may develop :D Get yer sticker fix, shirts, and datto parts all in one place! What's on your list today? lulz, I hate jingles.

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