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New problem, and by research cant be fixed until there is a new update... yea...


The old version you used to be able to change the number of posts per page on a user setting, and now it is a global setting.


I thought my pages felt short. I had just changed to 40 posts per page, from the default 20.


Funny thing is, with the new update, and the now loading less threads, the forum feels to be the exact same speed for me as before.


Hopefully one day IP.Board will bring the setting back to a user setting, and then of course the site would need an update... sigh.

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I've been wondering if there was an "ignore topic" option in ip.board. It looks like there is with an add-on (http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5166-sos33-ignore-topics/). Is anyone else interested in this, or is it just me? There are some nefarious threads that I'd rather simply never have to see or would rather not have show up when viewing ratsun with mixed company. I'm wondering if it would be possible to install this mod? I'd be willing to chip in towards the $7 cost...

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Has anyone noticed there screen shimmering when you change pages, as I type this, there is a green box at the top of the page still loading something, I can't be the only one with all this weird stuff happening, like how my typing appears in these replies, it randomly changes with each reply, sometime the editing mode is activated, sometimes the editing mode isn't activated, so if I want to put a smiley face in the reply, I have to stop and change the mode, as none of the boxes above the reply are highlighted.

Ratsun is extremely slow today for me, sometimes it's 5 to 10 seconds or more for a page to change, and each time I click to go back to the home page(ratsun forums), or any other page for that matter, the screen shimmers.

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Id like for the "Full Version" button to take you to the desktop mode while in mobile. Right now it just takes me to the top of the page... I hate the mobile version and would like to not use it if possible.


Lol, dont get an iPhone...


seriously though, I hate it too, and so I use the full site, works well on my phone (WP7)


And Wayno, are you still using Internet Explorer? I would drop that faster than a bag of anthrax.

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Lol, dont get an iPhone...


seriously though, I hate it too, and so I use the full site, works well on my phone (WP7)


And Wayno, are you still using Internet Explorer? I would drop that faster than a bag of anthrax.


Yes I am using IE, I have never used anything else, not sure how to change anyway, I am not a computer guy, but I usually can figure most things out given enough time.

What do you use?

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I use FF, but wouldn't suggest it.


I would suggest Google Chrome. It is probably the favorite browser in the world, and therefore everyone must accept it or risk losing large percentages of traffic.


It should have the option to bring in all your bookmarks and such from IE. To try to get things to seem normal right away, I would have it do all it can on importing information and settings.

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I use FF, but wouldn't suggest it.


I would suggest Google Chrome. It is probably the favorite browser in the world, and therefore everyone must accept it or risk losing large percentages of traffic.


It should have the option to bring in all your bookmarks and such from IE. To try to get things to seem normal right away, I would have it do all it can on importing information and settings.


If I were to try to import anything myself, I would likely be down till someone came in and fixed it for me, I am the worst virus my computer has ever run across so far, one time I tried to change servers, what a nightmare that was, I had to call in two differant guys to fix it, the first company I called in was worse than worthless, all they wanted to do was sell me anti virus software, I thought really, that will protect my computer from me, I paid them and sent them away.

Tell me this, I only have one thing in my favorites on the IE browser, at least I think that is how it works, there are 3 differant places to keep my favorites, all of them except photobucket are on the top bar where it says, "File Edit View Favorites Tools Help", on the next bar below that are another two differant places to put favorites, photobucket is in one of them, the other is empty.

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Another question, are you using Windows XP?


Dont worry about messing up when switching.


Chrome wont ruin any current setting of IE. And if you do mess up anything on the install, its not really messed up, just not, per se, optimized for you. If you feel like you messed up something, just go back to IE. Chrome is trying to make it as easy as possible to switch.


Changing servers (I am thinking of having to change you IP address manually) is not for any sort of novice computer user.


As for favorites, I am not sure, I have never used IE7, or IE8, and my IE9 has no option for viewable favorites.

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Another question, are you using Windows XP?


Dont worry about messing up when switching.


Chrome wont ruin any current setting of IE. And if you do mess up anything on the install, its not really messed up, just not, per se, optimized for you. If you feel like you messed up something, just go back to IE. Chrome is trying to make it as easy as possible to switch.


Changing servers (I am thinking of having to change you IP address manually) is not for any sort of novice computer user.


As for favorites, I am not sure, I have never used IE7, or IE8, and my IE9 has no option for viewable favorites.


Yea, Windows XP

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I just searched "google chrome", it's supposed to be free, so now I will pick someones brain, when I double click on the "IE" icon (short cut), it goes to google search, then I go to favoites, so if I load "google chrome", it will likely load a short cut icon as it usually does once I go into the programs and pick something, is it going to be that easy?

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That means you dont get IE9. You are stuck with IE8. As time goes on, more and more sites will drop support as they dont want to code for it.


For a second I thought you might have had Vista, which would have meant you had IE9.

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I just searched "google chrome", it's supposed to be free, so now I will pick someones brain, when I double click on the "IE" icon (short cut), it goes to google search, then I go to favoites, so if I load "google chrome", it will likely load a short cut icon as it usually does once I go into the programs and pick something, is it going to be that easy?


When you install it, it should add an Icon to your desktop for you. It should be that easy.

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That means you dont get IE9. You are stuck with IE8. As time goes on, more and more sites will drop support as they dont want to code for it.


For a second I thought you might have had Vista, which would have meant you had IE9.


Never had "Vista", I bought a closeout computer that has "Windows XP".

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I am already having problems, it's telling me I have to have an accout with passwords, ect.

I didn't have to do any of this with IE

It's telling you you NEED one? Or just saying you can?

I have never signed in to Chrome, and it's my default browser. It's just a Gmail account, same as if you have a Droid phone or Youtube account.

I don't remember any account thing when installing.. Maybe someone who has installed it recently can chime in?


edit: just tried to install Chrome again, and it was a simple pop-up "installing" box. After it finished, it gave the option to close, and after I assume it would be installed. No other pop-up or anything. However since I already have it installed, I can't tell for sure.


You're here right?

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Screen shot?I am 100% sure it does not require an account.


Only other browser I would tell you to use is Opera...


What email service do you use?


It loaded google chrome, with the icon and everything, but when I double clicked on it, it went to a page to sign in with a password, I didn't open an account, at least I don't think I did, it is now uninstalled, as least I think it is, when I uninstalled it, it went to another page asking why I uninstalled it, I started filling that stuff out, then it wanted email, ect. I just closed the window, hope that doesn't come back to haunt me.

I have "gmail.com", but there are others out there that once I opened the email account, it wouldn't let me in anymore, I wish I knew more about this stuff, but I don't.

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You have gmail!!! yay!


When it asked for your account you could have simply left. Another thing would have been to sign in with your gmail account. That is actually your master google account, and it will control all google products, including youtube.


It wont come back to bite you.


I would encourage you to redownload chrome, signing in with your gmail is up to you, but it is not stealing your info (and if it did, well its google, they already own your information since you have a gmail account...). Maybe try in the morning with a clear head...

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