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Minty Fresh 510


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I think everyone has an ideal of what their car is for and I cant fault them for that. 510s became popular on the race circuit so I can understand that someone wants to put something high horse in the bay and go. Its hard to get that kind of power out of the older engines without spending the kind of money you would be to get something newer under the bay. 



In my opinion I think a lot of guys do swaps for all the wrong reasons. There are a few members here and other forums that seem to just throw money at their car because they think thats what makes the car cool or fun to drive. You basically just turn your car into a rolling billboard for how fat your wallet is and not the show piece to how much time and effort youve taken to make the car your own. Dont get me wrong, Im not against spending money... if anyone sees the stupid Japanese pieces I put (of have put) on my car, youll know theres some good money involved. But unless youre really "in the know" a lot of guys wont know that it took me a long time to source some of the key pieces on my car to round out the look or feel I was going for. Its not a hunk of shaved chrome and carbon fiber rolling down the road roaring at you and scream "Look at me! Look at how cool I want to be!" through its titanium tip. 


If you take the time to carefully source hard to find parts, invest a lot of effort, and determination in a car... I think thats where its at. Id give more respect to the guy that wrenched day and night on his b210 than the guy that drop $10000 on a swapped blindingly painted 510. 


I think thats the beauty with most of the cars on Ratsun. Most of the owners drive piles of shit (not an insult) because it makes them happy and they are in it for the driving experience. Not all the trendy show offs measuring how fat their paycheck is. If you dont have to work for the endgame, is it really a fulfilling experience?





If youre doing all these new upgrades to maximize reliability and to keep your ride on the road so you can enjoy it to its greatest potential then Im all for swaps of any part. You take care of the car and the car takes care of you. I hate seeing people pour money into a vehicle so they can brag to their friends about how they have such a nice ride... yet no one ever sees it because they only drive the car on the 5th Sunday of the month as long as there was no rain for a week prior and they only go 35mph through side streets to not tax the car. Why own a $20,000 510 or Z if youre not going to terrorize the freeway or the track?


Might as well throw your money directly into a trash bag, set it on fire, and go watch whatever game is on TV. Save yourself the trouble and me from having to listen to your inane ramblings. 







Sorry, those last couple of posts have been way longer than I anticipated. I promise the next few replies will have more pictures and less words. Good night everyone.

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The only part that stuck was "most of the owners drive piles of shit" :rofl:

But seriously I see my car as a blank canvas to express myself and show people how I'm unique. And that's how I view others cars. And in the end we all get ideas and inspiration from each other.


Now time for the pics!

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I really like what I just read, I approve of everything said. I don't know how satisfied you are with your night vision but my car came with one high beam replaced with a aircraft landing light. Super bright, still incandecent and looks normal on the otherwise stock front end.

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I really like what I just read, I approve of everything said.

Thanks. I just think your priorities should be with helping breath new life into the vehicle and driving it around to enjoy everything it has to offer. If that means a stock restore, some basic mods, or a complete swap so be it. I just think its silly to throw money at any hobby just so you can flex your wallet at people. But whatever... enough of that, back to the project :)


I don't know how satisfied you are with your night vision but my car came with one high beam replaced with a aircraft landing light. Super bright, still incandecent and looks normal on the otherwise stock front end.


Im not happy at all. I picked up some relays to wire in for better power to the lights, Id like to upgrade to a larger alt so my shit doesnt flicker, and eventually Ill buy some new sealed beams. Im thinking that Ill do maybe a Hardbody alt when I swap in my L20. Probably easiest. Im only rocking two lights right now, so I have to make them count. 



Trying to button up a few things to make a couple hour trip up to snag a rear seat. CarterB is hooking me up with an amazing condition cream backseat. Now Ill look a little more respectable when you peer in the windows. :thumbup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^^hahahaha that's still sitting in my garage, along with the LAST one he got......


Wow, I wanted to come down and see about swapping it in, but you wanted to go camping instead... I blame this all on you. 

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oh, i had it backwards then. 


Yeah I had a small garage at the last apartment I was living in and when I moved, I lost it. The garage was about as deep as yours, but only about 2ft widen than a 510. It was awkward to work in, but it was better than nothing. 




Im hoping within the next month I have the L20 in, new exhaust mounted up, and possibly even a new and refreshed cooling system installed. 

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Wow, I wanted to come down and see about swapping it in, but you wanted to go camping instead... I blame this all on you.

I've been not camping I would say......every other weekend than that one this year....just saying

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