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Minty Fresh 510


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Picked up some bolts on the cheap from Fastenal here in Tacoma. These should work out fine... they are smaller than the OE units, but since they arent a needed (read: load bearing) piece, they should be fine. Ill try to get them installed today or maybe this Saturday depending on what my schedule is like.





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Grill pic? ^_^


Assuming the car has a cassette player? That's a cool little tape holder. I have an old tiny Recaro seat that holds a cell phone. Sadly it was made in the pre-smart-phone era so it only fits old school flip phones and such... :P



Wheel bolts look sharp. :thumbup:

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The grille is not 100% done yet so I have no pictures other than the ones I already have up. I still need to think on what Im going to do for an emblem and I still need to spray the center black.


Yes, my car has a tape player in it... I forgot that I had that cassette holder and drinker holder. I picked them up last time I was in Japan so Im excited to find them and use them. The drink holder wont be able to hold much more than a can of soda or paper coffee cup, but whatever.


I like the bolts as well. I thought it was going to be easier to leave the wheels on and installing them, but I really needed to take them off to easily turn a wrench behind the rim.

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Well I figured out my speed wobble and also my pull to the right when I was braking. It was actually all the tires... once I replaced them, I havent had either of those come up. Youd be surprised how a nice new set of tires can improve the handling of the vehicle.


Looks like the voltage regulator is going out in my dash, as for half the drive to work today I had no fuel/temp gauge. Wheres the preferred place to pick one of those up? Im also going to be redoing all the fuel lines I think... I got a good tip from the Elma meet on my my car runs out of gas at quarter tank, but I havent been able to implement it yet.

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i got a external on my 521 thats brand new and not in use....(saturn alt swap...) not sure if its the same or not....it mounts on the inner fender...


wheres d mike or hainz when u need them...i also have a spare sat alt with plug if you would like to enhance your charging system...other wise u can have my brand new reg...





(everytime i post, i remember i could just text u this but then we wouldnt be imortalized on the tinterwebs)

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Ive been thinking of redoing all the engine electrical by going to electric ignition and the Saturn alt swap, but I kinda ran out of money haha. Thats why Ive just being thinking of doing bay cleanup since its close to free.


Can the regulator be going out or does it just break? Because it seems like sometimes I have no gauges and sometimes I do. To me the regulator is either going out, or its a loose/bad connection that can be fixed.


I figured you liked posting in my thread because it makes you look busy at work. Your employees just think youre doing some important owner paperwork or something... if you were texting me, they would all know exactly what youre doing.

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hahahahah fawk u einstein......if u want u can take my sat alt for my wagon ( we can replace it later..)its a great swap and theres like 7 saturns here at the pnp in olympia....voltage regs are usually just out, not intermitent... if its out, u wont make any voltage other than what the batt has.... hook up a meter the volts should rise with throttle input..... if they dont move, bad alt or voltage reg.......


two best mods for my l16 521 .......saturn alt and matchbox dizzy....thing ran like a computer controlled injected car after i added the dizzy.... and theres no substitute for amperage when it comes to a alt...

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Yeah it seems like everything Ive read has pointed out that the electric swap is a really good upgrade. Its been near the top of my list for awhile now, but the blowout made me move funds immediately to a spot where I wasnt planning on it yet.


THanks for the offer Jon... Ill text you later for details.

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Spent most of the day with GoonFan pulling some parts for his 240... I planned to get some work done in my bay, but now Im tired as shit. I was thinking of at least washing the car, but I guess I can just do that tomorrow. Maybe after a bit of a break I will pop my hood and start taking some notes on what I need to do in order to tuck my harness.


My stalling issues are back so Im pretty sure the carb is junk. I also have a small leak coming from my oil pan gasket... looks like Ill need a new one of those.

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Yeah, the sun made me pretty tired. I think my neck may be a little burned.


Oh man, that would be sweet if you have one. I was thinking of doing an oil change right before Canby, but with the fact that Im going through oil pretty fast with the leak I dont think I need to. I just keep adding oil so its always fresh lol. Ive been meaning to install a new gasket since I figured out where my leak was last week.

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Cleaning and packing the car up for tomorrow and stumbled upon the door sill plates I have. How are people refinishing them? I know I can media blast them and then shine them, but what to do about the dents and such? Any known metal-workers to fix these?




Also... I know what the two sets of longer sills are for, but what are these for?



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Before you change that oil pan gasket, make sure it is not the oil pressure gauge leaking, and leaking down the block to the oil pan seal. This is kinda common, and makes it look like the oil pan gasket is leaking.


If you determine it is your oil pan, when you pull it make sure to take a hammer to it and flatten the rim.


Finally, It is a terrible job to do in car. If you do it in car, make sure to drop the centerlink, and possibly use a engine lift to lift the engine off of the crossmember (dont disconnect anything but the engine mounts). If you find yourself wondering how to get it back on the engine mounts, take one engine mount off of the crossmember (I like to do drivers side), bolt the engine to the other mount loosely. Now take the mount you removed from the crossmember, and bolt it onto the engine. Drop the engine down. Now use a hammer to move the engine mount to align the bolts to bolt the mount back to the crossmember. This is the fastest way I have figured out to bolt the engine to the mounts, I have done it about 5 times now, including once on a 521.

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Wow... that seems a little more involved than I thought. I was going to put it on the lift and drop the pan that way... I havent quite looked to see if anything was in the way. Ill check the pressure gauge port and hopefully its that since it seems easier to fix.


Thanks for the advice Laecaon.

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