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Ramblings of an old guy

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I'm of that youngest generation.

I generally stay away from anything after 75', when the compression ratios and mileage went to shit. I guess I should say pre 75' American cars. My datto is a 77 but not a bit different from my 75'. Anything with a computer on it is scrap worthy in my opinion.

Not to big on the flashy crap, thousand dollar (or more) paint jobs, body kits, sound systems. I dig reliability, simplicity, and sexy body lines. I've used my datsun to teach a couple of people how a car/truck works and the mechanics of an internal combustion engine. It's all right there in your face, not hidden behind a chunk of plastic or driven by a computer.

Datsun and Mercedes are where it's at. German and Japanese vehicle engineering is the finest in the world. Ok, maybe the Italians make good cars but not in the average consumer price range...

Rambling in someone else rambling thread... whatever

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I dream of the glory days.


My dad tells me stories from back in the 70's as a kid when gas was $.25 and when it snowed, you still had to walk to school, uphill and in 0 degree weather. Looking at where my generation is, I feel disgraced. Everyone's trying to be a gangster hardass, and somehow it's cool to treat woman like shit? Kids these days (including me) don't see how easy they have it.


I love watching movies based pre-1980. life looked so much more fun. I'd love to have the opportunity to grow up those days.


Hitch, you're an awesome guy. Easy to talk to, great advice, and an awesome person in general. Not to mention you have a ton of Datsuns laugh.gif One less now, thanks to me.





I think my favorite thing about Datsuns is the community, and this thread is why.

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I dream of the glory days.


My dad tells me stories from back in the 70's as a kid when gas was $.25 and when it snowed, you still had to walk to school, uphill and in 0 degree weather. Looking at where my generation is, I feel disgraced. Everyone's trying to be a gangster hardass, and somehow it's cool to treat woman like shit? Kids these days (including me) don't see how easy they have it.


I love watching movies based pre-1980. life looked so much more fun. I'd love to have the opportunity to grow up those days.


Hitch, you're an awesome guy. Easy to talk to, great advice, and an awesome person in general. Not to mention you have a ton of Datsuns laugh.gif One less now, thanks to me.





I think my favorite thing about Datsuns is the community, and this thread is why.

+1 ... i love this datsun community!

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I think my favorite thing about Datsuns is the community, and this thread is why.



True words MM.I've toyed with the idea of another brand here and there. Maybe a 60's Yota Corona... but then I go to those forums, and it is crickets compared to Ratsun.


My friends think that if I hit the lottery I would move on from Datsuns to more expensive makes, I have a hard time seeing that happen. And a big reason is the people here.


Hell look at my a signature. I could draw any car brand I want in my spare time. I've been asked too multiple times, but I say i have a bunch more Datsuns to finish first.

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I could have a Hondar right now... all my friends call my Dime Ron Weasly's car ollz... Yeah i DD a beat up 92 G20, friends drive BMWs, Mustangs, Hondars, etc... Older people ask me why i want a "POS" car like a 72 510, I just mug em. I'll be honest all this new shit on these new cars drive me insane. I can't say for sure why I like Datsuns other than the obvious reasons..


My 510 is in too good condition to cut it up and add flares, neg camber, or swap a V8 in. Although a FJ sounds tempting, i'll do it to a more beat up 510, I'm trying to keep it period correct and classy. It's by no means a show car, but if for whatever reason i decide to let it go, i want to make sure the next generation has as much as fun as i will with it.


If it wasn't for the this awesome community and Ratsun, i would of finished my HW by now lol but more importantly, my car would most likely be sitting with fried wires...

I think my Datto appreciates it :lol:

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Banana, how's the visibility from the A pillar on the new car, compared to the 510? Bet it's shit! ;)



It`s my parents ..


It does have a few weird spots , where you should be able to see out mirrors but in reality you have to crane your neck pretty hard. Or look around to see out the front corners , like you mention.. But it might be me trying to be careful, because im way to old to have " wrecked moms car "..biggrin.gif




( disclaimer ) My parents are so old ....really old people ask how their holding up , and they bought a prius because they ( my parents) are so cheap... They could give a crap about the environment.


But it is lower to the ground than my 510 thoughdry.gif

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I used to drive a new beetle (ex gf), and like every single new car, feels like glass, I couldnt shift as hard as in the datto I felt like the bos was going to get broken. Every single piece on nes cars is from some space grade plastic, our cars the only plastic thing that they have are the emblems haha Also, sensors every where, I dont know you guys but my sensors are my feet on the pedals and my hands on the steering wheel... Cars tuned with a laptop or the idle with a tester? Sooo sad, so fashion, soooo empty.

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I hate driving new cars dry.gif They feel sooooooo cheap. Datsun ftw! Just can't get away from that good old datsun smell.


i hate driving anybody else's cars period. i can tolerate driving my moms cherokee and my friends cherokee and maybe his duster. it might be because i put my own time and effort into each one of those. but i did a lot of work on my dads ranger too but i cant stand driving it. i love driving my car. it feels like it just reads my mind and stays where i want it to on the road. other cars feel completely weird to me and i'm scared to death driving them. and the smell is pretty good too. even my buddies 72 z that got flooded has a totally different musty smell than i've ever smelled. its not even unbearable.

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Mike is so right, Up until the mid 80's I could tell most cars at night from the headlights and tail lights. We as teens, would spend hours in the domestic dealer lots, looking at stickers and option packages in the hope of finding a performance gem. Now days I couldn't tell the difference between most car brands midsize cars, they are all clones. Guess part of what got me thinking about this, is a couple of posts where clearly someone was overt in their opinion on what the asking price was for cars for sale. I hope everyone gets a premium and I see nothing but increased value for prime examples. A car is worth what someone will pay, I'm willing to pay a premium for a clean car and clean parts. Others will pay more for the nicest swap or fancy wheels and body additions. That is what makes these older Datsuns so attractive. People like me, can spend free time looking for the next great car to add to the collection, others look for their 1st car and the enjoyment of something you can turn wrenches on. It keeps me out of the bar and out of trouble. That being said, as long as parts are available, you are in luck. Engines and transmissions seem readily available, but decent body pars are getting more difficult. Usually you can buy a complete parts car for what a good fender or door goes for. That is the problem, you guys (gals) who want to drive the balls out of these old cars will eventually hurt something. The affordable fender, bumper, is going away, or just not available. I've had my fun and experienced so many things in the automotive world, I feel blessed. The young guys are never going to see a time like right now again. Where a couple of grand will get you a cool ride and good times. What I'm saying, if you have plans to move a project forward, do what you can to accelerate it, the time is now and the stuff you want and need is not going down in price.


So true.

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So true.


i can still tell most cars by tail lights and headlights night or day. even by the sound of a v8 in the distance i can tell chevy or ford. dodge not as much. it leans towards more of a chevy sound for their efi v8's. i can even tell a lot of v6's and 4 cylinders apart. i can tell the difference between a non vtec honda and a vtec honda from a distance. and anybody can tell a subaru from any distance that it can be heard. i can usually tell what type of exhaust system a car has from a distance too. glasspacks, straight pipes, open headers, fart can, flowmasters, etc

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  • 1 month later...

Had some time today,so thought I'd add to my post. My Aluminum radiator arrived from (Datsun Parts LLC), beautiful part! I need to start my project page for the 510. My main reason for posting is thinking about the for sale wanted forums. Seems like an increase in people looking for a Datsun, great! Most have the dream of a cool 510 and it looks like it might be their 1st Datsun and possibly their 1st car. These cars are simple, easy to work on, and a great car for anyone willing to learn. The only downside is that they are very old cars. Many / most have been changed / swapped and updated quite a bit over the years. So when it breaks, gets dented, does not run right when it is cold, overheats when it gets hot, does not cool when the AC is turned on, creaks and moans when you turn or stop, drips oil all over mom's driveway, fails to blink when the turn signal is engaged, looks like a Flintsones car when you lift the mat, sounds like it will fly apart when traveling over 60mph, knobs and handles fall apart when touched. just remember.... You bought a classic and daily maintenance is part of ownership, have fun and welcome.

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as long as you aren't in a hurry then most of that stuff adds to the driving experience. its too easy to just hop in a newer fuel injected car with ac and drive off. but hey the heat works pretty darn good in my car, and it runs pretty good in the cold so i will enjoy winter driving.

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