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Japan Trip

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A Friend of mine and Ratsuner is going to Japan, and he wanted me to make a thread to let y'all know in case anyone needs anything or has requests of items they are needing.


Just Post here what you are looking for and I will get the info to him via Text!





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Hey guys so yeah I am the one that will be going to Japan. I haven't had internet for awhile but I wanted to make sure ya guys knew I was going


Sorry I may have confused Radio about my departure but I leave on the 27th for 2 1/2 weeks


I have wrote down the stuff you guys wanted ( the ladies might be dead by the time I get back) no refunds but I'll send oics to prove they were alive going into the suitcase

Anyways, I'll be going for two and a half weeks and I'll be posting oics of the stuff I find and basically it's first come first serve( hopefully I'm not violating any rules) but I am going to be Looking for some crazy rare Sh*t and want to let you guys have first dibs at whatever I find. I see this as a way to payback Ratsun for all the help you guys gave me! So just shoot me your wish list and I'll do my best


Ohh by the way I'm bringing back a 20' container with me So parts and wheels are ok to :cool:

Shoot me a PM if ya want anything special

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