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Movin' on up!


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Some of you may have noticed I haven't been on the forum near as much lately. I'm pleased to announce I am now the other assistant manager at Dishman NAPA in the Spokane Valley. Things aren't going too badly, definitely different from Post Falls. If you need Datsun parts in the Spokane area, stop by and see me. In fact, a beautiful, absolutely beautiful 620 showed up the other day. Bullshitted with the guy for a bit, told him about ratsun, not sure if he's popped on or not.


On to my movin' on up moment. I have this couch I've had since I moved in here. It was a great couch, but has finally gotten to the point of methhead status. I finally realized it the other day. All the cushions are ripped, and the dog has made a dig hole on the front of one where she hops off. So I look for couches on craigslist. Most are sold by the time I call. Most others don't look nice or aren't my style. Finally after looking all day, I say F it and start hitting up furniture stores.


I found an awesome couch I totally wanted, it was only $4000. :blink: Went to some cheaper stores after that. Finally settled on one, a nice brown leather blend (not full leather, 17% leather, 57% polyurethane, and some other percentage of some other thing) from Complete Suite. Just got it set up in the living room, it's freakin' awesome. Dad called and I told him I was looking at the equivalent of a Datsun in my living room. $542, which is more than I have ever paid for any piece of furniture. In fact, I've never bought a new piece of furniture. Figured what the hell, might as well start making the bachelor pad look like a livable home.


So that's all the news, here's an oic of my super sweet new couch! I better be careful, I'll get all snobby and buy a Z car! ;) (Kidding, kidding!)



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I kept one cushion for her. She's not that thrilled about it. Just hoping I can keep her off the new couch.


510 still remains broken in the garage. :( Hopefully I'll get everything else out of the way here eventually and get to work on her.

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