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Dude I feel your pain. I've worked with metal flying all over and only had it happen once. They put my head in a vice and clamped me down, Then dug a piece of cast iron out of my eye. Cool thing was I got to wear a priate patch over my eye for a couple weeks,


You don't look like a dork with goggles on. You look like a smart guy that knows better. :lol:

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glad your eye is okay..for now @ least...good luck with it.


worst I've had is metal lodged in my arm from hammering out a wheel bearing....swiped my magnet over the spot where it when in and saw the chunk pop up...did it again and it came out.


its not recomended that you do this as it can tear shit up on the way out....but it was just my arm.


I always wear goggles....but shit still happens.


we are a distributor for a full line of glasses, shields, welding helmets....basically any PPE ....I've started investing in more of it.

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Jesus. I guess i've been lucky all the times i've had metal fly into my eye. I was grinding down a bag bracket for a buddy of mine one night on the bench grinder, saftey glasses that fit tight to my face, full face sheild, gloves, jacket, all that stuff and i was squinting when i was doing it but i still had a flake fly into my eye. Washed a magnet really well then soaked it in rubbing alcohol, put it to my eye and the flake came right out. I knew it had to come out right away, my uncle almost went blind because he was too stubborn to go to the hospital to remove the rusty piece that landed in his eye.

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i have been lucky.... but i did have a hydrualic hose burst onto myy face. i was freaking the fuck out cuz i had thought i was going to die. but it didnt break the skin. so i was fine. i have the poisen controll number as an emergency contact. cuz im now friends with the local kids that work there. mainly cuz i have ingested antifreeze. gas. diesel. oil. i have 6 scars from rusty edges. and this one time i took a shot of liquor. and i guess it had bleach or something in it.

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i have been lucky.... but i did have a hydrualic hose burst onto myy face. i was freaking the fuck out cuz i had thought i was going to die. but it didnt break the skin. so i was fine. i have the poisen controll number as an emergency contact. cuz im now friends with the local kids that work there. mainly cuz i have ingested antifreeze. gas. diesel. oil. i have 6 scars from rusty edges. and this one time i took a shot of liquor. and i guess it had bleach or something in it.


Suddenly your screen name and avatar make a whole lot more sense. :)

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Fuck I just got a little chunk of metal stuck right to pupil last night. i went through the whole prosess of digging the metal out that was the easy part. The rust ring is the real bitch, the doctor gound at it for a bit but could not get it all out. Now I have to go back on Tuesday to finish grinding out the rust.


So now the doctor wants me to take 4 days off of work and take percocette every 4 hours.......FUCK this sucks

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yeah that blows! i have had to go in for metal twice in the last year both from workin on derby cars. i go to the eye dr. when it happens. Once i got a glass sliver in my eye, that really sucked! i always try to wear goggles now. hope it feels better soon man!

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Ive had to have things removed 3 times from my eyes. Two were metal shavings, and one was a wood splinter. The splinter was easily the worst. Whats odd, is that 2 of the 3 times I did have eye protection. I never work without safety glasses, and I cringe watching those who choose not to. Apparently they haven't personally felt how nice it is to have something jammed in your eye.

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