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Vote for my son to be the next gerber baby

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Hey guys, this isnt a spam thing, gerber has a contest going for a 50,000 dollar scholorship for the next gerber baby. Its on facebook, heres the link. and entry id humber. ENTRY ID: 30545


And heres the link.



If your logged into facebook it should take you right to him. I really want to win him the scholorship so please. Please vote for my son guys, it only takes a few mins. I would love this chance to get him a great education. Thanks guys.

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wow my phone said this one didnt get posted, yet here it is after i just typed a diffent one out lol. Next post is the post i typed here but actually done on the laptop instead of this crappy evo.

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Thanks everyone. I dont care about the (ipad 2) you can win, i have a laptop. I want my son to be able to get a great education, i want him to go far in life. I know everyone says their baby is the cutest, their baby is the smartest, but even strangers when they see him see the same things my family sees. Hes so cute, but hes just got this light in his eyes. Hes only 11 months, and he started crawling at 5, and trying to walk at 6. Hes already walking around in shoes almost as well as our neighbors 18 month old, and hes only 3 inches shorter. He tries to take his toys apart as well and has already learned about cause and effect, if he pushes a button he knows its going to do something on the tv with the remote. As i tell my wife apparently he got all our good genes. The red hair is a recessed gene on my side of the family, very rare to get.


And he was a miracle baby. She was on birth control, and she has pcos, was told to ever have a kid wed have to go through hormone therapy and all sorts of shit, and yet somehow with that and birth control we got our christmas gift of finding out we were pregnant. Hes just my lil mircale boy, i never thought i could love anything as much as i do him, and i would do anything and everything for him, my 510, my house, my life means nothing compared to him, and id give it all to give him a great life.


Both me and my wife come from divorced parents, and just messed up childhoods, i was pretty much raised by my grandparents because my dad worked hard to support him and me, and my mom...yah thats all im going to say. But i want to give my son the life we never had. A stable home, parents that stick together and actually really love eachother. I want to make sure he gets a education that he can put to good use. I know we probally wont win, but i need to get the word out there and put a honest try behind this. Im not going to cheat like all these parents creating fake fb profiles just to win with their families. If we win its the honest way, with real people that care voting to see a great lil boy get the future education he deserves. So thank you so much people, i really appreciate it. When it comes to my son and knowing their are people out there that do give a damn, it makes me very emotional and happy. So thanks again.

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