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so much win to this story!!

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What I am having a hard time with is how the fuck the bank could even start to foreclose on a house that they had no security interest in? I bet that branch manager was shitting his pants when that moving van showed up!



It actually happens quite a bit, some banks have tried to foreclose on people who paid off their mortgage completely.. They are too big for their own good at times and can't keep up with basic record keeping.

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Someone that my wife goes to church had this happen to them, not quite the same however. They were still paying off their house. And even with documents showing they have never missed a payment, BOFA foreclosed on their house. Go figure. They ended up just letting them foreclose on it, bought a chunk of land cash and built a new house.

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I wouldn't have accepted the check. Banks sure as shit won't accept a check once the trucks show up to your house. I would have seized everything, including all the money and possession in the vault. :) When people bitch you stole grandma's diamonds, tell them to take it up with BoA.

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Yeah, I won't bank with B of A. Learned that a long time ago. With US Bank now, they're alright. The downside is my mortgage is through B of A, can't do anything to change that. Oh well.

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