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I got a ticket going the speedlimit...

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Driving along in my miata around my favorite cruise spot driving the speedlimit of 45.. verified by both the speedometer and GPS.. I pass a park ranger I notice him turn around rather quickly and start to pull up behind me, I pull over no big deal thinking maybe I have something wrong with my car or something... He then tells me I was going 61mph in a 45.. I explain my speedo said 45.. so he writes me a ticket after checking my insurance.. Fortunately I was fucked over with a smile and he was so happy to show me his fancy radar that can't be jammed but didn't answer the last time it was tuned and checked over. This is fucked up, I plan on fighting it.

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oh man good luck :P if you are absolutely certain that you were going 45, try and have that exact same radar tested. you never know if the cops radar bugged out (it probably did)



I'm gonna buy new speedo cable and hope the judge will let me off as I've never been wrote a ticket for any traffic violations before.


does your gps log data?


Unfortunately only total mileage.



Park Ranger?? ....... . . radar gun??? ........ Miata... . curvy roads .......... . and he caught up to you why??? ........ :lol:



I didn't feel like a night in the clink, thought about it though :lol:

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even the judge doesn't, there's not much evidence that you can hold against the ticket.

and i also pretty sure that the cops word over rules yours (i know is geh)

oh and be respectful, im sure you already know that though

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I'm gonna buy new speedo cable and hope the judge will let me off as I've never been wrote a ticket for any traffic violations before.




Unfortunately only total mileage.





I didn't feel like a night in the clink, thought about it though :lol:

You're going to buy a speedo cable and use that as evidence in court? Bad idea. That's like admitting you were speeding because your speedo was broken, and you know what cops and court have to say about excuses...

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I am wondering if he was moving toward you and you were going 45 would his gun show your speed correctly? Would it add his speed and yours? Would he have to subtract his speed from yours to be correct? If so his math may have been off. May be able to fight it that way

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I am wondering if he was moving toward you and you were going 45 would his gun show your speed correctly? Would it add his speed and yours? Would he have to subtract his speed from yours to be correct? If so his math may have been off. May be able to fight it that way



Yeah was driving towards me.

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You can get him on this. Contact and they have to tell you what kind of a radar system it was. Then what you do is this.

Call the manufacturer and have them send you pdf format the user manual to the radar system they use. Half the time the manual says it has to be calibrated by a TRAINED CERTIFIED PROFESIONAL. A police officer is not a trained certified profesional, also half of them have to be calibrated after a certain amount of time. He will need to bring documents shwoing calibration, when, by who, if certified, blah blah blah. And if he cant, bye bye ticket.


Also if you were on a curvey road, If he caught you on a corner the radar hitting yoru vehicls side as you turn could of tricked it out into reading a higher spead than what you really were. Cuz think of it this way, when u see a car coming down a straight road, you see it for a while, But when it goes around a corner it goes by fast, so on a radar or lazer it would read very incorectly because its a moving surface its trying to read off of.

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If he was driving towards you, that's enough evidence for the judge to think about not giving you the ticket, i doubt that the radar subtracts its current speed from the speed of what it reads, so there you go.

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I had a simalare occurance. But when i showed up paperwork in hand. Validating my speedo worked as its supposed to and reads accuratly. The officer never showed up. so the ticked was dropped. I was more mad then anything on account my gps logs everything i do and i chould prove it. I wanted to shove it in his face. o well. Good luck with the fighting.

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If he was driving towards you, that's enough evidence for the judge to think about not giving you the ticket, i doubt that the radar subtracts its current speed from the speed of what it reads, so there you go.

Really guys? Really? You don't think an onboard radar subtracts the LEO vehicle's speed when doing speed calculation? You can't get radar'ed by a LEO driving towards you on a 2 lane road? lol, good luck with that. Now, if he was sticking a handheld radar out the window as he drove towards you that would be another thing, or if he was lunging forward with a handheld while radar'ing your speed, that's another issue. Also, if he was trying to radar you while you were driving perpendicular, or any degree of angle other than directly towards or away, the radar would read less than your actual speed, approaching zero the closer to perpendicular you are because in relation to him (the radar), you're not moving towards or away from him at any speed. You could be doing a 200mph circle around the LEO radar and it would read zero as long as you're moving perpendicular to the gun.
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If he was driving towards you, that's enough evidence for the judge to think about not giving you the ticket, i doubt that the radar subtracts its current speed from the speed of what it reads, so there you go.



Cop told me once that they adjust for oncoming. Its all calculated. Doesntg mean he was telling the truth.

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Cop told me once that they adjust for oncoming. Its all calculated. Doesntg mean he was telling the truth.


just think about it though, what it would it take to adjust in realtime? i would think alot of technical stuff that the state cant afford, but if its just a estimate according to their speedometers which is sort of accurate, there can be a large margin of error, one that can determine whether or not the person gets a speeding ticket.

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just think about it though, what it would it take to adjust in realtime? i would think alot of technical stuff that the state cant afford, but if its just a estimate according to their speedometers which is sort of accurate, there can be a large margin of error, one that can determine whether or not the person gets a speeding ticket.

It's simple - the in-car radar has an input from the vehicle's speed sensor. Sure, it may be off by a mile per hour or two, but not 15mph. It's not complicated.
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Thats why there is a 5mpg grace. because not everyones speedo is gonna be 100% accurate. u drive the speed limit generally ur safe. if ur speedo reads slow and u use that 5mpg grace and drive 30 in a 25 u might really be going 35.

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Thats why there is a 5mpg grace. because not everyones speedo is gonna be 100% accurate. u drive the speed limit generally ur safe. if ur speedo reads slow and u use that 5mpg grace and drive 30 in a 25 u might really be going 35.

In CA there is also a sliding scale for fines based on speed. It's not really worth the LEO's time, nor the processing staff's time & paperwork, to write you a ticket for only 5mph over the limit...though, times and revenues are changin :P
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In CA there is also a sliding scale for fines based on speed. It's not really worth the LEO's time, nor the processing staff's time & paperwork, to write you a ticket for only 5mph over the limit...though, times and revenues are changin :P


you got that right.

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Car mounted radar (i.e. Highway Patrol radar, you ever see those big antennas on each corner of the car? Thats the radar system) automatically subtracts their speed from your speed. A handheld radar gun does not. He would have to have been looking at his speed and the radar gun and done the math in his head to figure it out. Like said, request a print out of the certified tech who calibrated it, when it was last calibrated, and a print out of the radar log. Any discrepencies or failure to provide any of those will result in a dismissal of the ticket, at least in CA. OK may be different, I was pulled over by a state trooper and he repeatedly ordered me to "remain in the vehicle and keep my hands out the window" even though I had just pulled over, my car was off, I was not getting out, and I had been pulled over for 3 MPH over the limit.

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Car mounted radar (i.e. Highway Patrol radar, you ever see those big antennas on each corner of the car? Thats the radar system) automatically subtracts their speed from your speed. A handheld radar gun does not. He would have to have been looking at his speed and the radar gun and done the math in his head to figure it out. Like said, request a print out of the certified tech who calibrated it, when it was last calibrated, and a print out of the radar log. Any discrepencies or failure to provide any of those will result in a dismissal of the ticket, at least in CA. OK may be different, I was pulled over by a state trooper and he repeatedly ordered me to "remain in the vehicle and keep my hands out the window" even though I had just pulled over, my car was off, I was not getting out, and I had been pulled over for 3 MPH over the limit.


Unfortunately it was onboard, I've been reading on them so I don't think a way to get out of the ticket. I'm preparing to just pay the fine and get over it sucks cause I just had plans to get new tires.



Though, I did get a laugh cause they for a bit kept thinking my car was a 63 Volkswagen due to my insurance having my baja and my miata on the same card.



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yeah there is no way out of a dash mounted radar. I was doing 67 mph (not paying attention was too tired from a looooooong day at the doctors) in a 55 mph and I knew it too. Cop tagged me INSTANTLY as he came over a bridge. So those dash mounted radars are pretty accurate and they are lightning fast. Good luck though. Like everyone said get the calibration log. Just pray the cop isn't certified. Before I could even THINK about disputing my ticket the cop busted out his certification card AND his calibration log that he did just as his shift started.

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