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What happens when you go on ratsun during school.

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im in for the 5$ plus whatever else we need to get some stickers on that Prius. Hell get a Ratsun shirt that says "my poor Ratsun members donated this shirt to piss u off!" hell ill even pay for the shirt if it has that on it. i'm far from poor an work my ass of to to make my datto badass

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im in for the 5$ plus whatever else we need to get some stickers on that Prius. Hell get a Ratsun shirt that says "my poor Ratsun members donated this shirt to piss u off!" hell ill even pay for the shirt if it has that on it. i'm far from poor an work my ass of to to make my datto badass


i think we all work hard to make are dattos right to us. by the end of the year his class and car will be covered in ratsun stufflaugh.gif

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Kid, I will guarantee you that the cost of me restoring my 620 plus the cost of the running gear is more than he makes in a year. Many of us here can attest to that as we have built our machines (I'm not bagging on teachers - just idiots who say idiotic things).


Now...Addressing Mr. Prick or Peck or Dickless....whatever his name is, it is best to let him feel big for a moment then make him feel like a douche a couple days later. The best way to achieve this is by being smart. Like someone mentioned, beat him at his own game but do it with class.


Here is my suggestion: There is a thread in the trucks section (I believe there is one for each category) that shows pictures of the best of of the best. Every day, print out on photograph paper a picture of a decked out 510, 620, 210, Z, etc in color. The nicest ones you can find. Slip one a day to this guy in his desk or better yet, sneak into the faculty lounge and slip it into his mailbox slot. Your mindframe must be plausible deniability. "It wasn't me, I wasn't there." "Do you have video or audio for proof?" Once he catches on, which he will, then put the picture in a different place like taped to his car window etc. This will irritate the fuck out of the guy. Again, you stand strong with plausible deniability. Do this for one week.


Find out what he drives. It is more than likely a domestic or a cheap econobox. If it is a Prius it is a big win for you. BTW - keep this to yourself and don't tell a soul. The best scheming is done solo and in secret. Trust me on this.


Lastly, get the t-shirt like everyone suggests and wrap it up like a birthday present. In the card, write in big bold letters...




"For those who appreciate classics."






"For those who are too stupid to realize thier car does more damage to the environment than classic cars but you should know this, it is simple science."






"Simply Gay!"






"What a cheap peice of shit!"






"I also drive sheep."






"I'm clearly broke!"



You get the idea. If it was me, I would take this opportunity to have a shitload of fun. Some of those quotes were just for a laugh. Keep it clean i.e. have some class! Cheers!

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Kid, I will guarantee you that the cost of me restoring my 620 plus the cost of the running gear is more than he makes in a year. Many of us here can attest to that as we have built our machines (I'm not bagging on teachers - just idiots who say idiotic things).


Now...Addressing Mr. Prick or Peck or Dickless....whatever his name is, it is best to let him feel big for a moment then make him feel like a douche a couple days later. The best way to achieve this is by being smart. Like someone mentioned, beat him at his own game but do it with class.


Here is my suggestion: There is a thread in the trucks section (I believe there is one for each category) that shows pictures of the best of of the best. Every day, print out on photograph paper a picture of a decked out 510, 620, 210, Z, etc in color. The nicest ones you can find. Slip one a day to this guy in his desk or better yet, sneak into the faculty lounge and slip it into his mailbox slot. Your mindframe must be plausible deniability. "It wasn't me, I wasn't there." "Do you have video or audio for proof?" Once he catches on, which he will, then put the picture in a different place like taped to his car window etc. This will irritate the fuck out of the guy. Again, you stand strong with plausible deniability. Do this for one week.


Find out what he drives. It is more than likely a domestic or a cheap econobox. If it is a Prius it is a big win for you. BTW - keep this to yourself and don't tell a soul. The best scheming is done solo and in secret. Trust me on this.


Lastly, get the t-shirt like everyone suggests and wrap it up like a birthday present. In the card, write in big bold letters...




"For those who appreciate classics."






"For those who are too stupid to realize thier car does more damage to the environment than classic cars but you should know this, it is simple science."






"Simply Gay!"






"What a cheap peice of shit!"






"I also drive sheep."






"I'm clearly broke!"



You get the idea. If it was me, I would take this opportunity to have a shitload of fun. Some of those quotes were just for a laugh. Keep it clean i.e. have some class! Cheers!



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tell him to make a Ratsun account and actually see what our community is made of before making false assumptions. did you ask what the hell makes him think any of us can't build cars? what a douchebag. if i were you, i'd make him feel like idiot

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Ok, teacher doesn't give a rats ass if your screwing around on the web with your ipod. But when it comes to Ratsun its inappropriate??? Where you in the post-ass or post-tits thread?? If not I would say F him and take it above his head.

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this SAME thing happened to me when i was in high school, but on a different forum. The teacher BLATANTLY said nissans disgust him and i got a detention. Took it to the principle and she said i didnt have to serve it because the reason was invalid, even though i shouldnt be on forums on the school computer. Every forum got blocked after that, but the teacher kept being a dick to me... SO i hacked into his teacher account with no blocks and went on the forums that way... he saw i was on the forums and asked how i got on... this is exactly what i said:


"Your account wasnt THAT hard to get into, so be happy Im not sending porn to your school given email."


never gave a problem after that, and i never had to use his account again. Moral of my story, just out smart him one REALLY GOOD time and that will end it.

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i had somebody take the attendance sheet and they wrote ratsun.net on one page and "prius's are gay but no where as near as the owner." more to come. till the end of the year.

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i had somebody take the attendance sheet and they wrote ratsun.net on one page and "prius's are gay but no where as near as the owner." more to come. till the end of the year.

Dude you're retarded he knows it's you're doing. Should have done it the smart way

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i know he knows. you see the little things are the funniest. im just gonna do little things first just to annoy and piss him off. and then ill do something big when he isnt expecting it.rolleyes.gif Im a mind F*cker. cool.gif

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i was thinking about Saran wrapping everything. gorilla glue his chair to the ground and mouse to the desk. and his keyboard on the ceiling. hanging up a big ratsun banner.(would cost $45)

and he has a sub tomorrow so at the end of the day all the desk will be stacked up. and i will give my self and everbody else a a in his class by hacking in to the computer.cool.gif and thats just the small things :fu:

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oh my god subs are the best.. does your teacher have something like special to him? or does he have a ocd? for example my old teacher had like a organizing OCD, he had his pictures of him and his wife in a specific order, if you switched the order he'd freak.

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idk he is really nerdy, he would break down crying if i broke his calculator. i should print a bunch of mini ratsun logos and put them on the heads of the people in all his pics.

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