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Sick620 takes over the bay area

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Hey im in the bay area.... I came down with 76bullit for family matters.... Im staying in santa rosa ill be in san francisco tomorrow for the day.... Hey who owns the blue box flare dime in santa rosa im staying like a block from u :) who else on here lives in the area?

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Hey 510keeper if you read this we will be coming thru grass valley monday and we would like to meet up if ur available if someone wants to help me out message the keeper for me... My droid phone I'm using won't let me send pm on here...

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I knew it. He would go there and come out of the closet why he was there :lol:


Well acctually that was in winemuca haha and I left my face book open on andys sisters fone and he opted to fix my status update for me.... And it figures atatus updates cant be deleted via the droid app... Pissing me off

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