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Quit my job...

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there is a difference...he showed up to work. There is a time frame in which the employer has to call you to cancel a shift.


I think the "on call" laws changed for California this year also...


I heard something about salery employees being able to collect over time too...I want to read up on this.


but every state is different, so reading up or calling the labor department would be the best.

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ya know, I dont know. I never ran across that in the last 4 years I lived there...alway had a job. I know Texas is a right to work state.


I'll do some reading up on it..... it might be a federal labor law....so no matter what the state wanted to do wouldnt matter.

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.... personally i think that forcing a company to guarantee someone hours doesnt make any sense because the company provided the jobs so they should be able to handle the hours as they please.


Bullshit to that!!! Here, if you are working a regular day and there is a shortage of work they have to pay a minimum 4 hrs. For that you can choose to file, sweep the floor or whatever or go home no pay. How would you like to get up and drive to work all week and be sent home each time? This prevents abuse of employees and a company can learn to call you 24 hrs in advance to tell you there is no work. Companies that do this should be made to pull their heads out of their asses and find work, be more efficient with their planning and work availability or have less employees. In some cases this happens to me but I'm good with it and just go home.

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Bullshit to that!!! Here, if you are working a regular day and there is a shortage of work they have to pay a minimum 4 hrs. For that you can choose to file, sweep the floor or whatever or go home no pay. How would you like to get up and drive to work all week and be sent home each time? This prevents abuse of employees and a company can learn to call you 24 hrs in advance to tell you there is no work. Companies that do this should be made to pull their heads out of their asses and find work, be more efficient with their planning and work availability or have less employees. In some cases this happens to me but I'm good with it and just go home.


i wouldnt like it at all and i agree that a company should give you notice or at least compensate for gas, but if a company is dealing in sales its impossible to predict how a day will turn out which is why alot of places do call in shifts. labour laws were put in place to protect the worker not to punish the employer, even if they have there heads up their asses

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Well I don't want a company to be punished unfairly for sure. But without the threat of it they will take the path of least resistance and call in three people for one person's worth of work and send two home. They need to be more efficient and think ahead.

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bunch of crap.




if Im not on the clock I dont do shit.


cuz Im there to get fuckin paid, and if Im not gettin paid, Im not doin shit. I dont work for free.




Every time i go to an interview i ask the all important question of how much the job pays. I dont return phone calls to the ones that seem offended by the question. The only reason why Im applying for the job is to get paid, not to be a "team player" or "to help the company". Just give me my damn paycheck and ill see you on monday.

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Every time i go to an interview i ask the all important question of how much the job pays. I dont return phone calls to the ones that seem offended by the question. The only reason why Im applying for the job is to get paid, not to be a "team player" or "to help the company". Just give me my damn paycheck and ill see you on monday.



yup, I dont give two shits about "the company" i want to show up, do my job, go home, and get my fuckin pay check at the end of the week.

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i dont get this .... if you are a "team player" give a shit and care about the company... put in a little extra and actually dont suck at what you do... that may be the way, and usually is the "way" to work to the top... that means a bigger paycheck. If all you want is your check than that is probably the most you will ever get

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i dont get this .... if you are a "team player" give a shit and care about the company... put in a little extra and actually dont suck at what you do... that may be the way, and usually is the "way" to work to the top... that means a bigger paycheck. If all you want is your check than that is probably the most you will ever get

but who cares? you own a datsun :lol:

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i used to work at sbarro pizza for 2 years. they would always send me home early, one hour or sometimes two, i'd be lucky to stay four hours. sometimes they wouldn't even call me to tell me not to come. i came and then they gave me that look.(like someone needs to go, and that someone is you). i quit and now work at panda express. the company is more awesomer!!! they are very strict about not working if you aren't clocked in, if you do good job, you get bonuses and stuff :) go apply there people!

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i dont get this .... if you are a "team player" give a shit and care about the company... put in a little extra and actually dont suck at what you do... that may be the way, and usually is the "way" to work to the top... that means a bigger paycheck. If all you want is your check than that is probably the most you will ever get


Another way to look at it, yes. Companies that encourage this in their employees usually get it, those that don't give a shit get that too. I've worked my way up in a few companies but never tried, just did my job and finished it on time. I'm not goal oriented and not a team player as the meaning is understood by most. Could care less about busting my ass for work but I do love my job and that makes up for any lacking elsewhere. I found something I like doing. Never worked anywhere for more than 5 years until I was in my 40s. Always worked indoors until by accident I found where I am now and I love it. Advancement would mean too much responsibility, might have been ok if I was in my 20s but now would seriously detract from the physical work and the zen of it all.

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i dont get this .... if you are a "team player" give a shit and care about the company... put in a little extra and actually dont suck at what you do... that may be the way, and usually is the "way" to work to the top... that means a bigger paycheck. If all you want is your check than that is probably the most you will ever get



I do a good job not because I give a shit about them, I do a good job because I take pride in my work.

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find a job/career you love and you'll never work a day of your life... i worked for a place for ten years, seemed like i got the short end all the time, finally quit, took a sabbatical for two years, now back doing what i love and for a much much better company.

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I run my own company. Staff are made aware of shifts usually two weeks in advance. Hours are set. I make my staff sign a long page job description and a schedule time sheet. I make it quite clear that I won't pay overtime or expect them to work 1 second longer than their shift. I pay completion bonuses, play well above minimum wage(about double min wage) and offer all sorts of perks.


If someone does happen to work overtime by choice to finish a task, I let them unofficially bank the time to take later when they want it.


This past summer was the first time ever that I had to lay people off .. My company runs up to 24 staff for 6 months and 2 year round. This economy sucks .. I hated laying people off weeks early, but if I go under, nobody has a job next year.


I fear and respect labor laws. I see a lot of the crap management practices people here are talking about. You have to decide if it's because management are turds or if it's happening because the company is in trouble. If it's the former, leave,.. If it's the latter, pitch in.

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my girlfriend is a history teacher, she also coaches track, she works 6 days a week and 4 of those days can go up to 12 hours. last week she heard she will probably be laid off due to budget cuts next year. shes always believed that if you worked hard you will be compensated. yeah right.

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<br />my girlfriend is a history teacher, she also coaches track, she works 6 days a week and 4 of those days can go up to 12 hours.  last week she heard she will probably be laid off due to budget cuts next year.  shes always believed that if you worked hard you will be compensated. yeah right.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


This is why I hate the civil service, especially school systems... They don't respect talent , work ethic, innovation, blood,sweat, and tears... They only respect seniority. And with all the rrsps/401k's that took a nosedive during the current depression , the fat dead wood teachers at the top won't retire until they absolutely have to, even if they don't want to be there. They are tragically in it for the money, even if the money is lousy, because it's better than retiring when they should've and eating cat food because their retirement funds had dried up.

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My OT is banked and can be applied to any week to bring the hours up. Any banked time saved increases in value if you get a raise. This is cool. I also have 5 sick days a year so that I don't have to come in with a cold or flu and contaminate others. Skib you have a correct work ethic even if you don't give a shit about the company. Show up, do your job, do it right and get it done... good enough. If you actually like your job, well that's a bonus.

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Skib you have a correct work ethic even if you don't give a shit about the company. Show up, do your job, do it right and get it done... good enough. If you actually like your job, well that's a bonus.


The world needs people like this but that's not the way I roll. I don't want to be that guy when I am 65 doing the same thing for 30 years and never moved a rung up the ladder. I have always live by "onward and upward". Because of this I do not have look for jobs, they come looking for me.

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Skib you have a correct work ethic even if you don't give a shit about the company. Show up, do your job, do it right and get it done... good enough. If you actually like your job, well that's a bonus.


Thats how I roll for jobs I hate, which is most Iv had.


if I enjoy a job or am friends with the owner/boss its a little bit of a different story, then I tend to care

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