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I think I'm getting scoped out...

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the club is garbage.



you can cut through a steering wheel in 3 seconds with tin snips. its the softest bit of metal on a car so it will bend when your head hits it and cause less damage to you.





i say park them so they block each other in, then throw a chain around the axl of the "1st" one and the "2nd" one and lock it. then put a metal garbage can or something that will make a bunch of noise over the chain. if they try and move it you'll hear it and have time to reload.



id also put the 1st one in neutral, then remove the shifter, dizzy rotor, and batt then wire up the horn to the always hot big wire on the starter. or wire the horn to the door dome light switch.

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We jummpered a wire from the head light's to the the horn on a co worker's car . He got. Home went to bed got up at 3 am to drive to work turned on his lights and woke up the whole neighbor hood lol he was so pissed. So the next day we tied big zip ties to his drive line . Good times


Kill switch works wonders!

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Nothing missing, no doors opened (I can tell).


Of course now the neighbors probably thing I'm beyond crazy, since I strung concertina wire (I have 5 rolls of military surplus "portable fencing") across the driveway.


Got woke up by police sirens this morning, though. They pulled someone over within a block of the house. Dunno what that was about, but they'll sit in the school parking lot a couple blocks away and watch for suspicious activity.

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They seem to hang out about bar-getting-out time. Rollies Tavern is notorious for drunk driving departures, plus I'm less than half a mile from the Lakewood Forza Coffee shop (that's where the 4 Lakewood officers were gunned down in 2009). Pierce County Sheriffs patrol 112th quite frequently due to the constant drug trade and the number of metal thefts that happen at businesses there. I've been pulled over by them for not having a license plate light. Which is not why they pulled me over, but that was their story (though the light was out).


Of course, they don't do anything about property crime or the 2 prostitutes living (and working) on my street out of their houses, one of which is only 2 doors down. Same house was a drug house a while back, and 4 years ago it had 20+ people living in it (it's a 900sqft house). The owner doesn't give a rip about who he rents it to, much like the house in between mine and it.

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