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b310 parts full partout

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Items are in Puerto Rico, it's a full partout of a 81' b310. I don't have pics at the moment cause i don't have a camera, but ill try and get pics of the parts you ask for with a borrowed cam or cellphone.


Ask what you want and i'll shoot up a price. Try to keep item size minimal cause shipping for exterior parts will be pretty heavy...



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I'll post pics this week since there's a good interest... of the parts asked and everything else...


It's the Big ugly bumper... and it's automatic the driveshaft would cost way to much to ship sadly you would be better off buying one local unless they are way to rare...

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  • 1 month later...

here are the pics of the grill.. .you can see how its slightly bend in the passenger side and a closer look of the cracked part... i had fixed it up with some little epoxy and looked brand new after i painted it but someone put something on top of it and it bent =/ there is also the pic of the emblen that goes with the grill







and to the person above who asked for the front arms here are some pics in case you are still interested... the rust is on the surface only from what i could see in a hurry...





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no problem, too bad it wasnt the one your looking for...


the reason i haven't post prices is since i live in PR shipping might be extremely expensive, like ive replied to others as soon as i get shipping prices ill adjust a price with the shipping so they aren't that expensive...

im mostly interested in getting from $20-$40 for most parts... so anyone interested give me a good price for the part...

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Howdy, would you have any of these parts?

1: Battery hold, I don't mind if it's rusty I just need to find one that's not eaten up.

2: Square style Shift boot cover for inside. Mine is tearing the more I shift gears.

3: The rubber antenna mast hold down clamps (I have no idea what the proper name for them is.)

4: The little chrome gas door knob that holds down the gas door itself.

5: The rubber end caps on the front bumper.

6: Door panels! Don't care about the color as long as the panel behind it is not tore or broken.

7: Radio panel in the dash.


Is this car a hatch back or coupe? If it's coupe with a trunk, I could really use a trunk seal to.



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Howdy, would you have any of these parts?

1: Battery hold, I don't mind if it's rusty I just need to find one that's not eaten up.

2: Square style Shift boot cover for inside. Mine is tearing the more I shift gears.

3: The rubber antenna mast hold down clamps (I have no idea what the proper name for them is.)

4: The little chrome gas door knob that holds down the gas door itself.

5: The rubber end caps on the front bumper.

6: Door panels! Don't care about the color as long as the panel behind it is not tore or broken.

7: Radio panel in the dash.


Is this car a hatch back or coupe? If it's coupe with a trunk, I could really use a trunk seal to.




1. don't think i have it but i'll check as soon as i get to my home town

2. it's auto... if your talking about the plastic covers that cover the shifter assembly yes i have them

3. don't have it

4. they keyslot thing? yeah i have it but you would need the cars key also right? i also have it...

5. the door panels are torn sorry

6. most of the dash was broken when i bought the car so i threw it away, don't think i have it...


i can take pictures of any of the parts on the weekend if you are insterested in any of them

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Aye, let me see what they look like.


I still wanna see the door panels to. I'm just after the back piece that the fabric is glued to.

Also, do you have the big black end caps for the front bumper?



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guys, give me a small break... the pics i was taking were from my new phone, but i got mugged(or however you call robbed with a gun over there) yesterday and they took my phone... ill try to get a borrowed camera to get the pics people asked me for... sorry for the delay...

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