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Is there something wrong with me?

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So I found this '79 810 on craigslist in my area. Owner posted it as a 210 for $200, so I jumped. When I arrived, this is what I found...



It's not too bad. Hasn't been started in months. Cranks nicely, but didn't have time for it to actually start. Rust is at a minimum. Engine appears plenty dry. What I did find has me concerned. Fenders are a bit smashed. Core support is a little tweaked. Only the center of the grill exist. And what is there of the grill, is being held up by sheet metal screws. And the interior looks like a wolverine on meth was let loose. I'm not overly concerned about the interior, except the dash. There are huge chunks missing at the edges of it. I didn't have my camera, so I couldn't document the damage.


I totally see the potential in this. And I've been trying to find an awesome project. For some reason, I just can't get over the fence on this one. Maybe it's fear I won't be able to locate the fenders, grill, core, and a dash. Or maybe I just don't know enough about these.


With how hard it is to find Datsuns in my area, I should've already loaded this on a trailer. Am I insane for not jumping all over this? What am I missing? Why don't I love this car? Normally when I see something Datsun, my wiener wiggles a bit. Stumped.


Thanx guys.

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jump on it dude these things are sick i know of a complete grill and other odds and end are for sale right now and the coupes are insanely rare shit if i were closer i would snag it friday (i get paid then) then i would have 2 of the bluebird line in my stable

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Can't loose for $200. If you decide later that you hate it or it's too beat, you should easily be able to get your money back or maybe even a profit! Besides, hunting for the rare parts in the junkyard is half the fun!



Um, we don't have those here. It's more like peoples' yards, filled with junk.


Does anybody know what diff these come with? And I'm assuming that all the 280zx stuff(struts, brakes) fit on to these? Looking under it, it looks like any 510 I've been under. I need a serious lesson from someone in the know before i commit.



And NismoDr...I get it. I totally get it. You've always had a way with words.

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Dude your local? If you dig it, you gotta jump on it! Does it have a title (or does that matter in your state?) This is way rarer than any B210 in my mind. And from a style judgment, about on par w/ the 210.


As you've seen from the pictures posted, they can look sweet! The worst part was the bumpers, but you would run into that on most B210's anyway.


Hell you could L28 turbo in there! Or 'drool' RB that beyatch!


However if your heart was set on a B210, you will not be satisfied till you have one. TRUST ME. And you should be patient and wait for it. 210's come up often. Heck I am in the worst part of the country for Datsuns and there is one on CL right now. (2 if you count an 80's one.) Plus $200 rollers are usually a lot more commitment than we think. Do some math for seats, grills, Brake parts (if needed) etc, etc. And if you spend all your datsun money on this, and then a 210 shows up on CL and you can't spring for it, you might kick yourself.


But if you are more like, "I JUST WANT A FRIGGING DATSUN!! ANY DATSUN!!" then this is a cool whip!


But to really judge, we need more PICS!!!!!!!

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However if your heart was set on a B210, you will not be satisfied till you have one. TRUST ME. And you should be patient and wait for it. 210's come up often. Heck I am in the worst part of the country for Datsuns and there is one on CL right now. (2 if you count an 80's one.) Plus $200 rollers are usually a lot more commitment than we think. Do some math for seats, grills, Brake parts (if needed) etc, etc. And if you spend all your datsun money on this, and then a 210 shows up on CL and you can't spring for it, you might kick yourself.


But if you are more like, "I JUST WANT A FRIGGING DATSUN!! ANY DATSUN!!" then this is a cool whip!



THIS is seriously my biggest 'fear factor' with the car. My wife has a huge rule for when I do get started on a project...ONLY 1 AT A TIME!!! So...you see my dilemma. If a car comes through that I'm digging, I can't get it if I have one in my lap already. No matter the rarity of it.


Yes. I want a 210. 1979-1982, terribly! But I would love a 521 or a 1200 as well. I really haven't put too much effort/thought into anything else. But this car really has me thinking.


And after doing some pondering/brainstorming...If I had $6K to play with, I'd want this car. But with me only wanting to spend $2500ish, any of the above cars would be right up my alley.


But-I'm still weighing out the pro's and con's. Dammit, why does an RB have to be so expensive?!?:angry:

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for $200 you can't go wrong. you could probably part it out for more than that if worse comes to worst or maybe re-sell it to someone on here that wants it if you decide you don't later. i think that once you get it going,and drive it a bit with that 6 cylinder in there you'll be happy with it. i think i've seen some of the other models(4 doors & wagons) in several different wrecking yards around portland and Boring. you should be able to find your fenders & grille without too much difficulty. someone on here should be able to help you track down the other stuff for it you'd need. be sure to post if you buy it or not so someone else can save it if you don't ! Good luck!

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do eeet! if the 210 comes along we'll just park it at my dad's, bet he wouldn't even notice :lol:


Park it at your dad's? You remember I moved 240 miles away just a few months ago, right? :P

That would be hard to do, given my love for clown cars.


And this 810-I'm having a hard time passing on it. I've always wanted another Maxima!

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