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New or used rear box flares?


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Unless you're building a car for the SCCA please DON'T DO BOX FLARES, they look like complete ass unless the car is fuckin on the ground (i.e. almost layin rocker).


Exhibit A:



Exhibit B:



Exhibit C-1:



Exhibit C-2:



You'll notice that while Exhibits A and B look like ass (not just because of the box flares, but much of the overall style, exhibit C, actually looks pretty sick, not this is a fourfold problem.

1: A and B have short rear boxes, while C has rear boxes that are the full length of the panel.


3: A has an ugly airdam, B has no airdam (what? why would you do that?) and C has a tasteful airdam.

4: C is a RACE CAR, is a silhouette race car, it's a tube frame chassis, with a body that looks LIKE a 510, the other two are streetable road cars, that want to LOOK like racecars.


Let me finish by saying:


Ladies and gentlemen of the Original Poster, please do not put box flares on your 510, they do not work for street cars, and they are not legal with most vintage racing associations on 510s. Any other style of flare looks better on a 510, be it BRE flares (but please don't do BRE stripes):


or ZG flares (but please use better wheels):



There are plenty of ways to make a 510 fit wider wheels without box flares, and all of the alternatives look better than boxes. Now I know, I'm not the best person to be giving advice on 510 styling, but I've learned from the errors of my ways, and you should learn from other people's mistakes (no I didn't do box flares, I did fender mirrors that look bad).


Thank you.

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.... but, if you must... Futo Fab has them.



You might also ask that guy that's deboxing his 510 if he didn't destroy his when he took them off. But make sure you make it clear to him that the car is already boxed, and that you are not just undoing his hard work by reboxing a different 510. But please, take his route, and get rid of the box flares.

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Thats some funny shit Xander, I could have taken my rears off without destoying them but I tore em up.I do have the front fenders still but most guys like the full box style not my half box setup. I agree with you Xander, Im not a big fan of bubble flairs but they are a pretty easy fix for a boxed 510 and preserve the basic shape of the 510 and much easier than my route.

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BRE stripes. I think they're OK, but way overdone. I actually like rising sun hoods, but only on ratty cars, on a nice car, it's dumb. The BRE livery is way overdone though. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the ACTUAL BRE cars, but I'm really sick of seeing street cars, race cars, and modern cars done up in BRE livery. That's really what I was getting at.


Hey, I like solid color cars.


Thread hijack over.


There Dimer4Life, Everat's got a set of fronts for you (albeit they're half boxes). Oh, nvm, you're in Cali. Oh, they're in New Hampshire, so you're gonna have to pay for shipping there too. Well, good luck. I do highly suggest that you also post looking for the actual steel panels, and do what Everat is doing.

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Let me finish by saying:


Ladies and gentlemen of the Original Poster, please do not put box flares on your 510, they do not work for street cars, and they are not legal with most vintage racing associations on 510s. Any other style of flare looks better on a 510, be it BRE flares (but please don't do BRE stripes):


or ZG flares (but please use better wheels):



There are plenty of ways to make a 510 fit wider wheels without box flares, and all of the alternatives look better than boxes. Now I know, I'm not the best person to be giving advice on 510 styling, but I've learned from the errors of my ways, and you should learn from other people's mistakes (no I didn't do box flares, I did fender mirrors that look bad).


Thank you.


We must be twins, separated at birth. Couldn't agree more. Any type of flair detracts from the original style with box type being the epitome of gauche. I realize that in some cases something must be done and a compromise made. Box flairs are not a compromise they are selling out to bad bad taste without even trying.


I can live with these:




Don't mind the BRE style stripes but only if they don't say 'BRE DATSUN' . It isn't a BRE so why say so? The stripes shout 510 DATSUN and somewhere in everyone's head they are saying 'I've seen those on a race car... '. Good enough, the point has been made.


Oh yeah, hood pins. Not needed on a street car, does not make it a race car any more than BRE stripes, and are as useless as a nipple piercings.


NO SUNROOF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ditto on the hood pins.


The one thing I have seen that I really liked was on... somebody's goon, they had a fender from a car that had said BRE DATSUN, but the fender only said BRE, and in sharpy behind it they made it say BREADVAN, I loved that touch.


Oh yeah, sunroofs. I didn't even notice that, eugh. Let's throw a big heavy piece of glass and other crap up as high as possible to make as large of a roll moment as possible.


Also, racing seats without harnesses, just grab some recaros out of a VW or some e30 seats, they'll be more comfortable, look better, and hold you almost as well.


There's a lot of things I like about that car, but there's a lot I don't. I think I like the little corner marker detail on the bumper, and I like the wheels, the color, and the mirrors. But the stripes, the hoodpins, the seats and the sunroof can fuck right off. I'm OK with the flares, but I don't love 'em. Oh, just noticed his wink mirror, I love those. Ooh, and I love the stance. I don't love the shaved vents, but I'm surprisingly ok with it.


^ Honestly though, I think the list of things I like on this car is longer than the list of things I like on my own car. :(


But hey, it's his car, and I'm sure he loves it, and that's what really matters (or she).


Hood pins, the automotive equivalent of nipple piecrings. They're trying to say "I'm a badass", but really all they say is "I'm a dumbass".


No offense to people with nipple piercings.


Edit: The car wagon I was thinking of is WagDatto's wagon. That car is fuckin cool!

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Saw the reflector. Probably illegal to remove the side marker lights but if I was doing it I would get the '68 arrow head ones. Don't know about the rears. Chrysler made little amber and red bull's eye ones in the mid late 60's that I always liked. The Pontiac Firebird had red rear Firebird shapped markers but all good things came to an end when they were federally mandated to be a certain minimum size and shape in the late 60's. I guess so that drivers found them universally more noticeable. Too bad. Not keen on shaving a safety device like side markers but I like the reflector idea. Hope the rears have red ones.


The rims look kind of like Panasports and if they aren't, they should be.


Don't care for the side mirrors design. They are identical to a friend's '64 MG Midget back in the '60. Didn't like them either, but so what.


Charcoal gray color is fabulous and would go great with functional amber and red side markers, again too bad. The color is probably why you don't mind the shaved pillar vent , it hides a lot of things.

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I really don't like the box flares at all. Its also not my car, I'm currently trying to talk him into a set of bubble flares. I have a set of fenders for him so we will see. I'd be more than happy to get another box flared 510 off the road :D


On another note, I am going back and forth whether to put fender mirrors of my soon to be painted 510. What are some opinions on them? I've never had them. Anyone know of any nice looking ones?

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Seeing as how I was silly enough to chose a box flared 510, I has a question in regards to the "must be dumped to look good" theory. I agree wholeheartedly with this theory, but I have a twist on it that I wanted to run by the masses.


Seeing as how the wheelwell lip is lower in the rear on box flares, I had contemplated re-radiusing it to match the front allowing for a more "modern" fitment of wheel and tire. Dare I say a Hella Flush type, mind you I did specify type, of wheel/tire fiment. Anyway, the thought was with a matching height between the front and rear a larger wheel could be used and still look even while the car was dumped but still level.

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Ultimately there is no right or wrong just opinions. It's dealers choice for how you want your ride to look. I realize it's hard to fit the larger tire you want and compromise creeps in. I grew up in the muscle car era and like the looks of wider tires on the back rather than all 4 the same. Not insane wide just enough to tell. If the arch needs to be increased try it.

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i agree with what most of these guys are saying about box flares they just dont look good in my opinion i do not agree with the hood pin comment hood pins make sure your hood is shut have you watched your hood at freeway speeds? think of all the force that is being put on that latch to keep things closed anything extra to make sure it stays shut is a good thing in my book but then again i like over kill im the one who made seat brakets out of 1/2 plate

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mike you havnt lived if you think nipple piercings are useless


Guess I'm a purist. Nipples can't be improved on. Form follows function.


Hood piercings are like cutting wheel wells and sun roofs. The body should stay intact and pure.

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