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Idiot drivers just got my front bumper smashed in

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Just when I get my car running perfect, I'm on my way to Intro to Philosophy about a half a block away from my house at a stop light. I'm about 5 feet away from the car in front of me (left him tons of room), for some reason he puts on his reverse lights and starts backing up. I honk my horn over and over then just keep it on and he smashes into the front of my car. I got all his info and just filed a report with his insurance agency.


This is the first time I've ever been in an accident. Luckily it's only the front bumper that took damage. The guy was like well it's only a little bumper no big deal at all and I was like dude wtf you can't just walk into Autozone and buy one of these. He didn't understand... His Saturn was unscratched.


First Dillion's car now mine wtf do Everett drivers have against Datsuns? I don't understand how he couldn't see I was behind him. I was on my horn with hella bright HIDs on.


Will this effect my insurance?




Pics of the damage








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There is nothing that this guy can say if he was going in reverse. He is 110% at fault. File an accident report asap and make sure you mention that. Should not effect your rates at all. Talk to your agent and lay it out. Good Luck.

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Good thing is he didn't take out your hood. :)


True, most of the time when a Z gets any kind of hit to the bumper, even minor, it dents the nose tip of the hood. You were lucky yours received none.....


That really sucks bro. He doesn't realize you can't just "replace" a 35+ year old bumper....

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Just got off the phone with the claims rep for his insurance company. I was told they have to get hold of him first to prove this happened and that they're at fault. They said if there was a police report they wouldn't need to get ahold of him but sadly there isn't. What I forgot to ask was what happens if they can't get ahold of the guy? Any ideas?


I was told to get a quote and fax it over along with pictures of the damage. We'll see how this pans out, hopefully they don't give me a hard time. I'm off to get a quote, I'll keep you guys posted. I'll try a local shops and see if any can even replace it, then maybe the Nissan dealership or Z sport.


Should I call my insurance company? I've yet to tell them I only called his and filed a claim..


I'm glad he didn't take my hood out, my buddy Dave is on his third hood because of this kind of crap. And it might be time for some air horns gota keep those other drivers alert.

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