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Wrecking Report at PNS


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There's an orange 4x4 620 standard cab in PNS, solid axle front, looks like a Ford V8 or V6, can't remember. Has removable front spring brackets. Would be worth grabbing. Get parts before it's crushed! Also a honeybee, and a B210 and a few other Datsuns with usable stuff. FYI.

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Why don't you tell us why there are no pics?


Sonofabitch! I just realized this thread was useless! :D Sorry, didn't have the camera on me when I was out there.


Pull N Save is hit and miss. Sometimes they screw you, sometimes they don't. It's self service, right across from Spalding Auto Wrecking Imports yard. I'd say if you have a lot of stuff they're more apt to make a bargain, but it depends on which counter person you get. I can generally work some magic with some of them since I used to work at Spaldings and I'm still on good terms with the manager there. They're open 7 days a week, except holidays. 9:30-6:00 for summer hours.

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HRH beat me replying, but I'll post anyway:


Open 7 days a week. $2 admission for the day (get your hand stamped if you need to go out for more tools). Bring your own tools (no torches or generators). 30 day return privilege, with receipt, no questions asked. Don't expect them to answer questions by phone on what parts are on vehicles, although they might tell you if vehicles on the Inventory page are atill in the yard or have been crushed. Loaner engine hoists and wheel barrows available.




Don't put a lot of faith in the "Inventory" page. It isn't always updated often. I'm curious how the "Prices" page compares with Seattle/Portland yards. If Spokane is lots cheaper -Don't Tell Them, please.


I hope the Spokane area guys don't hate me for posting this info, but I know there are a lot of good Datsun parts being crushed every month that someone could use if they were in E WA for some reason. There are two other U-Pull type yards in Spokane I know of, but they are small, so the odds of fresh Datsuns isn't as good as P&S. I can get you addresses if anyone is doing an expedition over this direction.



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Pull n save has a pretty good wealth of datsuns usually.......i just got a rebuilt l20b for a buddy there a couple weeks a go for 140 bucks.........


That orange 620 has a 231 buick v-6 in it Matt...........its a pretty ugly swap too.


Where pull n save screws you is not so much the prices( wich have gone up recently) but they charge a core on almost everything there, pumps, motors, distributors, anything that would be a core at a parts store plus some.....this can range from 4 bucks to 10 bucks, but still adds a premium if you aren;t careful.



No one at Pull n Save gives a rats ass if we used to work at spaldings, half the time i feel like they would charge us more because spaldings ppl get treated a helluva lot beter and PNS guys do.........the only time i gotanything discounted at PNS is if the guy on the counter was someone I used to know from there.



Good wealth of Datsun stuff out here, I wish i lived closer to check it out more often.



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A Buick motor huh? I didn't look too carefully at it, not that I'd know a Buick from a Ford probably anyway. I only do Datsuns! :) I actually prefer the Pick and Pull up north in the Mead area, just a lot less selection of Datsun stuff. Still their prices are much more reasonable and only a dollar to enter the yard.

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Oh it's like everybody loves raymond up in here.........we "own" the land next to our n laws, we are buying it from them, and everytime a project or somethign comes home i get my stuff jumped about what i am going to do with it, where am i gonna park it etc etc.................idiots don't mind having a mechanic around everytime they f something up (weekly) but when I get something here to make some cheddar on they try to melt my cheddar before i can grate it and put it on a taco and sell it for 1.99................

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  • 10 months later...

that 8 foot fence wont keep my mother in law out though................thats the main problem


If you are in a property purchase agreement with them and you are on time with the payments; tell her to eat a dick. As long as you are adhering to ordinances, she can hang glide jack shit canyon.


My brolove(no homo) Garret had a place with nothing but fields around him for years. Then some tardwits bought up all the land and put shitty over priced houses on said fields. He tried the do the whole "good neighbor even though you fucks moved in LONG after I did" thing, but every time he did so much as drop a hammer, some yuppie fuck was calling in a noise ordinance on him.


$200 in time and fees later we found out that his property is just barely beyond the city limits. So we threw a fucking rock concert in his back yard. Cops called, cops showed up, cops shown city boundary limits, cops left after eating some BBQ.


He followed up the concert by papering the neighbors with Notices of Intent to bring charges against the neighborhood association and residents within if they continued to harass him through false law enforcement summons. Best part was, on the back of the notices was an invite to the next BBQ for "Any and everyone who isn't being a dick."


He's made friends with about a third of the neighborhood now. :)

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If you are in a property purchase agreement with them and you are on time with the payments; tell her to eat a dick. As long as you are adhering to ordinances, she can hang glide jack shit canyon.


My brolove(no homo) Garret had a place with nothing but fields around him for years. Then some tardwits bought up all the land and put shitty over priced houses on said fields. He tried the do the whole "good neighbor even though you fucks moved in LONG after I did" thing, but every time he did so much as drop a hammer, some yuppie fuck was calling in a noise ordinance on him.


$200 in time and fees later we found out that his property is just barely beyond the city limits. So we threw a fucking rock concert in his back yard. Cops called, cops showed up, cops shown city boundary limits, cops left after eating some BBQ.


He followed up the concert by papering the neighbors with Notices of Intent to bring charges against the neighborhood association and residents within if they continued to harass him through false law enforcement summons. Best part was, on the back of the notices was an invite to the next BBQ for "Any and everyone who isn't being a dick."He's made friends with about a third of the neighborhood now. :)


Well, story time with Father Wild. I got a divorce from that crazy bitch and her crazier family. Looking back every fucking facet of my life was manipulated and controlled by them, turning an intelligent, ambitious free thinking helluva nice guy into a worrisome, tip-toeing chunk of used up meat that was virtually unrecognizeable to my friends, family and loved ones. I dumped over 50,000$ into property improvements, purchase and home remodel out there and ended up with dick for it financially.


And in the end what I got out of it would be worth another 50,000$..........ME MOTHERFUCKER! I am me again! I got the hell away from all that shit, and reading those posts from last year, as funny as I was trying to be, was the god damn truth and I fucking hate the guy who wrote those, who he was then. I am back, better than I ever was and kicking some serious ass personally, professionally and datsunally!


I saw that bitch yesterday, broke down on the side of the road with her new boy, and she tried flaggin me down, I gave a strong pimp wave after I was off and up out!




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Well, story time with Father Wild. I got a divorce from that crazy bitch and her crazier family. Looking back every fucking facet of my life was manipulated and controlled by them, turning an intelligent, ambitious free thinking helluva nice guy into a worrisome, tip-toeing chunk of used up meat that was virtually unrecognizeable to my friends, family and loved ones. I dumped over 50,000$ into property improvements, purchase and home remodel out there and ended up with dick for it financially.


And in the end what I got out of it would be worth another 50,000$..........ME MOTHERFUCKER! I am me again! I got the hell away from all that shit, and reading those posts from last year, as funny as I was trying to be, was the god damn truth and I fucking hate the guy who wrote those, who he was then. I am back, better than I ever was and kicking some serious ass personally, professionally and datsunally!


I saw that bitch yesterday, broke down on the side of the road with her new boy, and she tried flaggin me down, I gave a strong pimp wave after I was off and up out!






How do you know you've found the right woman? When you think to yourself, "Losing half of my financial assets would be worth it."

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Well, story time with Father Wild. I got a divorce from that crazy bitch and her crazier family. Looking back every fucking facet of my life was manipulated and controlled by them, turning an intelligent, ambitious free thinking helluva nice guy into a worrisome, tip-toeing chunk of used up meat that was virtually unrecognizeable to my friends, family and loved ones. I dumped over 50,000$ into property improvements, purchase and home remodel out there and ended up with dick for it financially.


And in the end what I got out of it would be worth another 50,000$..........ME MOTHERFUCKER! I am me again! I got the hell away from all that shit, and reading those posts from last year, as funny as I was trying to be, was the god damn truth and I fucking hate the guy who wrote those, who he was then. I am back, better than I ever was and kicking some serious ass personally, professionally and datsunally!


I saw that bitch yesterday, broke down on the side of the road with her new boy, and she tried flaggin me down, I gave a strong pimp wave after I was off and up out!






Cool Bill, now tell us how you are really feeling :lol: :lol:

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I love airing out all of my personal shit in a junkyard report thread!


Jason, how do you tell you have found the wrong woman? When you would give up 1.5 times your financial assets to be rid of her.



Wildman, fuckin up marriages since 08'





It's not airing out your issues; it's group therapy. :)

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