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Why I'm giving up soft drinks

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This is a story like no other.


You may have noticed by now that I love Dr.Pepper. Well, at the store the other night I picked up a few 1.5PT bottles to drink. I threw one in the freezer a few hours ago to make a slushy.


I was sitting down at dinner an hour or so ago and decided I was thirsty. Reached into the freezer and pulled it out. It was mostly fluid still. Now at this point, I had started to open it after closing the door and a few moments later..... KABOOM!!!!! The bitch exploded in my hand.laugh.gif There was Dr.Pepper EVERYWHERE. In all the adjacent rooms. At this point, I was still regaining my hearing in my right ear and was rolling on the floor covered in Dr.Pepper laughing my fucking ass off. My dad walked into the room and just stood there. My little brother is sitting in his chair laughing like a hyena and my mom was screaming words that I though only George Carlin knew how to use properly. It's on the ceiling, the walls, the floor EVERYWHERE. Now my first reaction was OICS I MUST HAVE OICSSSSSSSSSSSS cuz I knew DTP was gonna want to see this. Well sorry guys, my dad was going to kill me if I went for my camera without cleaning it up. :( He was threatening my car so I HAD to clean it up. However I do have a pic of the ceiling above where I was :)

Unfortunately, I was laughing to hard to pay attention and let it soak into the walls and stain them so I'm probably gonna have to repaint it. I just finished mopping up the floors with Purple Power from my car.

Ehhh I was gonna type more. But I'm still laughing to hard and soon I'm going to be babbling incoherent bullshit.

I cleaned most off the ceiling, but heres what didn't come out.


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Sounds about like the time I was at a friend's house and heard a loud bang from downstairs. Went down to find the vent top of his fermenting raspberry wine had clogged up and blew the top off, shooting raspberry froth straight up into the vaulted/angled ceiling, which then deflected it across the whole kitchen.

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This used to happen to me at 2, 4 and 10. (Both a.m. & p.m.)





Dr. Pepper is da bom, man. You either love it or you hate it. No in-betweens! It always fizzes up when first opened; even if it's been setting for awhile. The most effervescent soft drink on the planet. There's something like 150+ knock off store brands and attempted clones of the stuff...Dr. "whatever"...none of them come CLOSE...altho' I reach for Albertson's Dr. Chill once in awhile...

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THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME WITH DR PEPPER BEFORE!!!!! I had a 2 liter in the freezer and it was still liquid and I just barely cracked the lid AND.... KABOOM!!! I wonder why dr peppers do that.... :huh: it was all over my house in just the same way!

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