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PETA members go missing

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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


Well nothing wrong with treating animals properly, and not just pets. This includes food animals too. If we farm animals for food like beef then it's only sensible to not waste the leather. You could be a vegetarian and still wear chaps when riding your Harley. But I do see some of their stuff as quite reasonable. Food animals deserve ethical treatment and protective, humane laws. Most domesticated animals would starve or freeze if released into the wild, so should be well looked after when in our care.


Hey if you don't want to eat animals or wear their skins, fine, don't. I was vegetarian for 7 years, big deal, I still don't eat much meat, but enjoy it muchly when I do. A few zellots will make any cause (or religion) look ridiculous. I think someone took some time here to fabricate this story to poke fun at some PETA zellots. Where does it end??? If not animals why not plants too? Maybe they PETA) should have ethical treatment of plants too. Members could abstain from eating or wearing animals and plants.

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