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engine vs motor

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this drives me nuts


engines are fuel driven diesel gas etc


motors are electric, like the blower motor.


when someone calls a 454 chevy big block a motor it aint right, a gas engine is an engine not a motor.


i know we all call racing motor sports, but i was taught old school, bieng that i am almost 40 if it is under the hood and burns fuel its an engine.


motors are for grandpa,s electric scooter.



am i wrong?

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Just because someone told you or you say something doesn't make it true. Referring to an internal combustion engine as a motor is perfectly fine vernacular, get over it.

So tired of people parroting this falsity.





Main Entry: 1mo·tor

Pronunciation: \ˈmō-tər\

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin, from movēre to move

Date: 1586


1 : one that imparts motion; specifically : prime mover

2 : any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion: as a : a small compact engine b : internal combustion engine; especially : a gasoline engine c : a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy




mo·tor (mtr)


1. Something, such as a machine or an engine, that produces or imparts motion.

2. A device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, especially an internal-combustion engine or an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electric current into mechanical power.

3. A motor vehicle, especially an automobile: "It was a night of lovers. All along the highway ... motors were parked and dim figures were clasped in revery" (Sinclair Lewis).


1. Causing or producing motion: motor power.

2. Driven by or having a motor.

3. Of or for motors or motor vehicles: motor oil.

4. Of, relating to, or designating nerves that carry impulses from the nerve centers to the muscles.

5. Involving or relating to movements of the muscles




mo·tor (mōt′ər)




1. anything that produces or imparts motion

2. an engine; esp., an internal-combustion engine for propelling a vehicle

3. motor vehicle

4. Elec. a machine for converting electric energy into mechanical energy


Etymology: L, a mover < motus, pp. of movere

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FkcC23AzR4 (she must of said "motor" instead of "engine" ( joking ;)


I understand what you are saying ! ( yes engine seems more powerful of a term , but it's minor details really ? )


Yahoo Language Translator was actually a little interesting !




German saying "Engine" = "Maschine"

French saying "Engine" = "Moteur"

Dutch saying "Engine" = "Motor"

Italians saying "Engine" = "Motore"

Portugese saying "Engine" = "Motor"

Spanish saying "Engine" = "Motor"


If you put time , sweat , and money into something I can see why you wouldn't call it a "motor" ;)

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Well if the root is latin odds are its going to be the preferred term in latin based languages lol.


I use both terms depending on which flows better in the sentence.

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Man you guys are uptight. Instead of mincing words, go out and work on your Datsun motor/engine/mill/donk/powerplant ...




Dude, this is pretty tame "shop talk" ??? "cognitive dissonance occurs" :lol: Look , if ya can't have fun , or help somebody with a project or car/truck then life sucks. BTW I will be out working on my Z tonight with my nut sack stuck to my leg if it makes you feel better ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I expect you to do the same then ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: hahaha !


Later ggzilla ,



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Well if the root is latin odds are its going to be the preferred term in latin based languages lol.


I use both terms depending on which flows better in the sentence.


Chances are if I try to talk another language to a native of it more likley than not I will accidentally offend them , so I prefer to not talk at all ! LOL ( unless I know then then it's ok ! LOL ! )

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some people have the same pet peeves between gas and fuel...Most common people will say they need gas, even if there vehichle is a diesel, but the die-hard people will say its not gas, its diesel fuel...same kinda thing...

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I never heard anybody call diesel "gas", but I'm sure there are those that do. Probably the same people that occasionlly put gasoline in their diesel vehicle. That's not the same thing, it's just plain WRONG.


Two different things. Every car manufacturer calls it a "motor" and it is CORRECT. "Engine" is also CORRECT. Look it up in any dictionary or encyclopedia, such as the ones already quoted.

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I never heard anybody call diesel "gas", but I'm sure there are those that do. Probably the same people that occasionlly put gasoline in their diesel vehicle. That's not the same thing, it's just plain WRONG.


Two different things. Every car manufacturer calls it a "motor" and it is CORRECT. "Engine" is also CORRECT. Look it up in any dictionary or encyclopedia, such as the ones already quoted.


maybe it was just me, my old man has his own diesel pumps, and i would always say something like "well im gonna go put gas in the plow truck and do some plowing" and he would be like, its not gas its fuel oil...


The way i look at it, its like Tylenol, someone can say they want tyenol, and to keep it on track that means they want acetaminophen...probably not the best example since ALOT of over the counter pain relievers are pretty much the same, but go by different names...


example. My wife is newly preg. first one. She had killer headaches for the last few days. Says she can only have Tylenol. We had some Excedrin tension headache (acetaminophen, and caffeine) She was like i cant take that the doctor said i could only take Tylenol...aside from the little bit of caffeine its the same...bah...its all schematics

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