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Okay jrock, gonna go ahead and ask you to leave. I hate your negative and asshole tone. Period. Please never comment on Get Garage again, what you say is absolute crap. I more than welcome advice and tips and teasing and experience, Im the beneficiary of Ratsuns group for sure!


But when you yourself say things like "crap cars are a prerequisite of what you buy radio" and "stop sandblasting that toolbox you are going to warp it to shit" it's absolutely useless and not needed!


You don't know what gauge of Metal the box is made out of, you don't know what I'm blasting it with and at what psi, so kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP! I searched for this type of box specifically and trust me it's not warping. This was an old city of Regina toolbox from a Toyota or s10. She is heavy duty. Sandblasting it is creating a texture that I like and it is not and was never supposed to be polished or chrome or smooth. The paint is going to be for a work/toolbox application. The inside is reinforced with steel brackets etc, the center where the hinges are are spring loaded, and like I say this was made to spec for the city at one time.


As for filler get real. It's a reality, it's part of the industry of bodywork Period! It has it's place. As does welding which if u read instead of open your fucking mouth all the time with incorrect info You might learn something.


Not everyone uses what you use or me or skib or whatever. If you don't like the way I'm doing it present your reasons with some facts and drop your attitude and I'll gladly listen with an open ear.


But as for this YOU CANT USE that shit my way is better blah blah blah...I truly wonder what the fuck kind of know it all asshole like yourself has for friends etc?! Who could listen to you all day im truly wondering...




And if this is too rough mods ban me or something because I hate this troll he's been here several times and he is not Chip Foose.


hey fuck tard i said put your filler to bare metal not dont use it.....and clearly i see you like to do it wrong several times before , well doing it wrong again.. so your right I am wasting my breath...oh and put a resperator on when painting with any isocyanate based paint....(anything with a hardner...) thats positive... as in i am positive u will die early if you dont....


I am not negative, i am real, if you dont like constructive criticism then dont post pictures of you doing body work for hours a hour for a dent you wont see in the rocker then paint over a rust spot in the middle of the door...

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This isn't jrocks first attitude to me post. I have zero use for him. I can take instruction. And I take pieces of my trucks down to bare metal everyday! Keep in mind my friend owns sandblast shop and I love the way all my projects there have turned out.


The filler I have used on every vehicle except for the grey truck the first time is Evercoat rage Gold and costs 80$ a gallon. The bondo I did the first time on grey truck was not pro stuff and hence I LEARNED from it and redid the truck with the rage gold.


So Bondo is not what I use it goes on too thick sucks to sand and becomes a rock that is impossible to sand smooth. The rage is an amazing amazing product which I found out about by asking around and by from our local body shop supply store who only sells automotive sanding and painting products.


Not the shit other Guys have tried from Wal mart and I know why you love to hate. I tried that stuff too!





if you had your bearings about you you would know bondo is a name brand for filler....rage gold is a excellent product but no plastic filler should be used where moisture could get to it... i e a rust repair....fillers like rage gold have talk in them that allow them to sand easier and spread nicer but tend to sag on vertical panels...so bondo and rage filler there the same things only different quality....for rust you should use actual metal .... but if filler is needed it needs to be some form a fiberglass filler like duraglass, kitty hair or the likes...but still should never have moisture beable to access it from the either side...Radio, have i ever claimed to be chip foose or the likes ...no but what i can tell you is I have have a 20 year background in automotive paint and been factory trained in both dupont , ppg, spies hecker(owned by dupont..), sikkens, basf and the worst of the bunch sherwin williams in both solvent based and water based... and up until five years ago thats was my expertise then i spent the last five years owning and opperating my own powdercoating and sandblasting business that is profitable in a down economy( when most of my business is construction based...)... so for once why dont you shut up and listen instead of people sharing the right way, then you do it your way and wonder why it turned out like a flaming ball of shit..and going oh well and go and take a picture of your wallet on a tree stump ... or a can of wd 40 in a picnic basket.... i been here since page one of this shit....I dont hate i watch u time and time again ask for advice annd get great advice from many great members then do it your way and spend two pages trying to justify why you didnt do it right....yeah so what, i am a raving idiot. But I take the time and spend five minutes and unbolt a doorhandle instead of ten minutes masking it off, why cause thats the way it should be done.....and cause some one shared that info with me years ago and i took it personal as the way i wanted to represent my projects...


as for a box being spec built....most towns or citys just order what they can get them most of cheapest... much like your box there ....but i forgot your experience in how things work is paramount

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one more thing butt nugget...


tell your buddy nice job on the mazda turned out real clean....and i like the tails but cant run them local dont wanna ticket...


and the real last thing is i am not negative i am just frustrated for people who wanna learn but fail to do the number one thing ....LISTEN...


god gave you two ears and one mouth...so you can listen twice as much and talk half as much.....

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Okay jrock, gonna go ahead and ask you to leave. I hate your negative and asshole tone. Period. Please never comment on Get Garage again...


and the real last thing is i am not negative i am just frustrated for people who wanna learn but fail to do the number one thing ....LISTEN...


Okay jrock, gonna go ahead and ask you to leave. I hate your negative and asshole tone. Period. Please never comment on Get Garage again...



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jrock obviously radio doesn't do body work to your level or standards, nor mine to be honest, but to each thier own. I personally think alot more time and prep could have been done on the black hardbody and the white hardbody but I don't think that was not the point of painting them, saskatchewan uses/used alot of salt on the roads in the winter and getting a coat of paint on no matter how it looks as a rust preventative is a good thing, the next owners can take care of doing all the paint work if so desired for these daily driver work trucks.

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jrock obviously radio doesn't do body work to your level or standards, nor mine to be honest, but to each thier own. I personally think alot more time and prep could have been done on the black hardbody and the white hardbody but I don't think that was not the point of painting them, saskatchewan uses/used alot of salt on the roads in the winter and getting a coat of paint on no matter how it looks as a rust preventative is a good thing, the next owners can take care of doing all the paint work if so desired for these daily driver work trucks.


The black hardbody was a flip i will admit really was just to get it to look one color, the person who bought it didn't care anyways was just looking for a truck to haul around some items. Just a FYI.

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I understand that guys i just have history here since page one.. i have tried to help radio in a nice manner in the past and he has only made fun of my trucks like the dually in my avatar and others i have posted....so i have a little aprehension...its tough when u come back and see the same mistakes being made over and over again...as far as the hardbodies why spend ten bux to make 5 bux...always tried to follow the mantra work smarter not harder... and some days i read this and just scratch a bald spot in my head .....i know it comes across as know it all and my shits better then your shit buts its not... as far as my friends here localluy ... i have lots and they come to me when they need advice and and or help and even better as much as i have helped them they have helped and educated me ten fold...


i even do that here on ratsun... theres people here that have helped me out of some of the stupidest eeasy fixes and walked me through , easy to them, mundane tasks and i always , always pay homage and appreciate those who have helped me...whether king rat, mkoltz, wayno, datsun noob or anybody they all have helped contribute to my projects and i am forever indebited to them .. .and would sandblast and powdercoat anything fro them in a second... i dont do much paint work anymore other than my own but i would also help them any way i could there too...


case in point my humble thanks to the ratsun group as a whole....




i am just one guy building beaters till my wife says i cant no more...

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