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My car scares children!

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this is funny,, what you wanna bet her "custom motorcycle" is nothing more than a honda 90 with a suppressor on it,,LOL. my truck has stock exhaust on it and i took it out finally for its maiden voyage after 3 years of sitting in the yard. it was backfiring like mad due to a vacuum leak i didnt know about, when the cops showed up they just laughed because they didnt believe people called, they stated that the neighbors thought i was throwibg out m-80s or somthing from my truck. just shows how ignorant people are about cars in general,,, if they dont know how to work on them then they shouldnt have the right to complain!!!!!! now that the truck is running, it is time to start the body and interior work on it.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

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That reminds me of a buddy who used to work maintenance with me when I was at NAU. Huge Mopar guy, had a Ramcharger with a new 440 in it, and pretty much no exhaust.


He went downtown in Flagstaff to pick up a buddy the morning of Tequila Sunrise, and his shit was LOUD, and a hungover girl came out screaming at him, so as she beat on his window, he said, "What?" and revved the shit out of it until she got tired and went back into some establishment. Fing awesome. We're talking rattling windows loud here.


Classic! :D


I was going to put a quieter muffler on the 510, but I find it's very satisfying when I'm in traffic and some nice new car is next to me. They get really antsy.

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In point of fact the Lady yelled FIRE causing you to panic and pull off the road quickly. That constitutes irresponsible behaviour, possibly even Reckless Endangerment, similar to Inciting a Riot or Panic. Then she proceeds to verbally assault you, make false accusations about Oil Leakage and other sundry comments?


I would have said "Call the COPS Please", then had her arrested. Especially if you did go over a curb in response the FIRE part of her yell. "Gee Officer, my Rim was much straighter until I jerked off the road in a panic when this lady said FIRE, only to learn there wasn't one."



But then I am an evil bastard who takes pleasure in putting people like that lady in their place.

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People just like to bitch. I got bitched out big time in Lake Oswego(oregonians will know the area). I pull into a gas in my dumped '73 Scout 2wd which was just running open headers at the time. If let idling long enough it would load up so Id just blip the gas every now and then. So, I pull in, blip the gas and shut her down. this lady in front of me jumps out of her newer mercedes and starts in. first asks me if being that loud in neccesary. I answer "absolutely, I wouldnt have it any other way", That pisses her off and she keeps going. I get back in the truck, but since Ive got the top off she just stands there and keeps bitching. So, she finally quits bitching and gets in her car and pulls out. I pull out right behind her. As soon as we're on the road I stand on it and get in front of her. At the next light, I line locked and did about a 4k dump and left her in a serious cloud of tire smoke. I turned at the next street, so when the smoke cleared all that was left for her to see was a pair of 12" rubber patches about 25ft long :fu:

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