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I wonder if Michael Jackson will pull through???

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Ya know, he has that song "Black or white" where he says it dosen't matter if you're black or white, but it seems to matter to him. He says it was some kind of disease that made his skin turn white...:confused:


IF he goes to heaven, will he be black or white? Will he have his 'fro and the rest of his nose back?! :rolleyes:



Man... you don't clearly understand how fucked in the head this guy was and how much he changed until you see this:



Edited by hughdogz
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I heard due to the fact Micheal Jackson was 90 percent plastic he was gonna be melted down and made into Lego's so that kids can play with him instead.....thats just what I heard.


wow did that travel fast. i got it in a text message bout an hour ago and my wife got it in an email early this morning. crazy.




Moonwalker for MAME... its HILARIOUS




Triumph the insult comic dog at the trial



Dave Chappelle

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i heard they where going to melt michael jackson down and turn him into legos so kids can play with him for a change


At least read the thread before you try and make a joke.

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live CNN just confirmed that Micheal Jackson has died.


Farrah now Michael Jackson , whos next. I hear thing happen in 3's


R.I.P sad day



Well they do come in three's. Billy Mays is dead.

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Billy Mays is 4 though no? Ed Mcmahon, Farrah Fawcett then MJ now Bill and prior to Ed by only a few days was David Carradine. I think we have one more left to make 6 :-/.

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the informercials are gonna suck even more now! :(




Beat it...


thats more like DD :D


A couple are doing yard work and the wife goes to take a shower. Her husband is looking for a rake and can't find it. He yells up to his wife, 'Where's the rake?'


She can't hear: She replies by shaking her head.


So he points to his eye (I), hits his knee (need), then makes raking motions.


She replies by pointing to her eye, points to her left breast, grabs her ass, then points to her crotch.


He runs up stairs and says, 'What?'


She says, 'I left tit behind the bush.'

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F'kin awesome!!! "...it seems justified to punch a hooker when she bites your tongue. Apparently, prosecutors agreed, because they declined to prosecute either one."




MJ's will has been found, he left his debt to bernie madoff (:fu: and search if you dont know who he is!)

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