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i gots a black eye

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well this happened to me on todays game(soccer)

i jumped to header the ball up in the air and this dude used his hips to knock me off balance and i totally ate it.. hit the ground face head first..

i ended up with a black eye, tremendous headache and i still cant feel my top lip

looks and feels worst in person

when i got home


and through out the day




and just now


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Gave my brother a bloody eye. Don't worry it will pass but will take a month or more to clear. Have it checked but don't loose sleep over it.


Use it to give your enemies the 'evil eye'.




any time you hit hard on your head you should get it checked out, i know it might get expensive but it could save your life.


My dad died from a head injury, it is nothing to take lightly.


yeah thanks man.. i will be getting it checked saturday :D

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On the news today was a segment about injuries at ball games. Two people featured were hurt seriously, better to stay home and watch on TV.


I agree, head injuries really need to be checked out.


Jeff, remember when your eye looked awful? At least it got better!


Get better soon, Tana

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Yeah definately get that looked at blood is not supposed to be there. But awesome that you're playing soccer! Everyone I know talks crap on it.


On the news today was a segment about injuries at ball games. Two people featured were hurt seriously, better to stay home and watch on TV.


I agree, head injuries really need to be checked out.


Jeff, remember when your eye looked awful? At least it got better!


Get better soon, Tana


thanks for the support ;)

i began to play in an actual team when i was 10, i like playing the game but dont really watch it or any sports for that matter :D

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