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Wwho would buy a Japanese car? The quality was awful. Made out of recycled tin cans. Clown car. It'll never be a challenge to the cars already sold here.


well said. They'll be out of business in a few years as GM dominates the market now and always will.

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All the Big 3 are importing. They've been "Buying Foreign" since at least the 60s. Chevy Aveo made in Korea. Fords sold in USA made by Mazda in Japan. Chrysler buys Mitsubishis and resells them to Americans. More recently they have been switching from buying american parts to buying Chinese parts, even if the american part is the same price. It is now a global marketplace.


The bail out is ostensibly to save the local economy, save jobs, and not simply to keep "american" companies going.

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Tax Dollars are going to Bail Out the Big 3 and 1 of them is IMPORTING? :blink:


Anyone up to starting a Revolution? Sheesh!:cursing:



I say we go to all the dealership and steal the cars and throw them into the bay!


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in the 60's, what car did the big three import and rebadge in the 60's

i can think of a few trucks like the luv and couriour in the 70's

and some small cars.


i would like to know what chevy, ford or chrysler car was made over seas in the 60's and imported.

if there is one i bet it didnt do well



parts yes but built cars i need to see proof.

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what car did the big three import and rebadge in the 60's
Among others: Chrysler Simca (France), Ford Cortina (Europe), Buick Opel (Germany). Not all were rebadges but they were not made in america, just imported by the Big 3 and sold in america. Edited by ggzilla
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Among others: Chrysler Simca (France), Ford Cortina (Europe), Buick Opel (Germany). Not all were rebadges but they were not made in america, just imported by the Big 3 and sold in america.



Id prefer something from france or germany over american.

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But the big reason they started importing cars was partly because of the oil crisis back then, plus prices going up and people driving more, realizing 8-12 mpg REALLY sucked. Besides that, the big 3 couldn't build a decent 4 cylinder if god had given them the blueprints. American power had to be V8 or if economy, why not a gigantic displacement "tiny" 6 cylinder.


What's amusing is the very vehicle that got Ford into the game was powered by a four cylinder, and those things were perfectly utilitarian!


What's even more amusing is a large part of the reason Japanese 4 bangers kick so much ass is because the government had strict regulations on engine size, forcing them to do more with less, and because of our rebuilding efforts after we bombed them in WWII. All the stuff we threw away (gave to them) as antiquated technology, they figured out and made better. Which gets us to where we are today.


And still during all of this Ford Europe was actually building sweet little 4 banger cars that didn't get to come over here. I remember watching a special where Ford CEO stated that even with Ford Europe's success, they wouldn't be able to bring those cars over here because of too much cost to retool, etc. There were some other reasons, but I can't remember.


Regardless, Chinese cars are a losing battle, even if it IS a global economy.

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the big reason they started importing cars was partly because of the oil crisis
That's a common idea. However the Big 3 started importing cars many years before the oil crisis of 1974. The modern trend was a reaction to increasing sales of VW in america, long before the oil crisis. It wasn't even a reaction to Japanese cars. In 1970 VW was still the #1 import. Edited by ggzilla
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