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I am a dumb fuck ha ha today

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Ok I didnt wanna tell you guys this but I figured if I didnt Ice would hold it to me for awhile. Anybody have a day where they just wernt thinkin right the whole dam day? Well today was mine. I have been doing my body work for 6 months and today I decided to roll my car don my steep driveway out into the sun so I could clean the gargage. Well I rolled it down and got rollin fast. I decided to put it in first to slow down or stop and noticed no engine compression or resistance. I called ICE and asked if my slave was out of adjustment or what was wrong. After ten minutes o me laying under the car checkin the shit out while havin ICE on the phone he asked "do you have a driveline in it"? Fuck no.....what a dumb ass. Then about an hour later I decided to install the fuse box and fire it up....I installed it and turned the key and nothing. I called ICE back and he walked me trough the problems...turned out I plugged the wrong six pin into the wrong six pin due to the same harness plug......DUH!!!!!! After that I went and drank lotsa beer with the neighboors and came back started messin around with the engine bay....the coil was fuckin on fire! I freaked out, came in put up a post why and called ICE he said was the key on? I looked....yep it was......man I shouldnt havent even touched my car today I was just a dumbass HAHAHAHAH Oh well....no shame! We all have days like this I hope :):P

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Coil shoundnt get HOT even with Key ON.

With points that why theres is a Ballast resisitor.(Left mine on all day till battery died)

If Eleltrical Coil it should be able to handle it.(maybe)


dosnt mean coil will go bad but could damage the insolation.



as for the car rolling I was going to say,"Was there a engine in the car?"

Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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One time I rolled my sport bike out of the garage then rolled the 620 out of the garage so I could adjust the valves cold. I was working away, it was a nice day to do a tune up. I couldn't see something in the back of the engine bay because it was so bright out and the hood caused a shadow.


I push the truck a little to change the angle of the sun and it's working but just not quite there yet. I'm getting a little resistance and give it one last final good push...




The back corner of the bed caught the brake lever on the bike and pushed it off the side stand so it fell onto the bed, dented the hell out of it and wasted the ABS bodywork on one side in the process. In one fell swoop I creamed my two most prized possessions.


SR, I thought you were going to say that it picked up speed and rolled through the neighbors house across the street. It's still a funny story. :lol:

Edited by Figbuck
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Its ok dude. We all have those days, granted some are worse then others but everyone has them. My neighbor forgot he had no brakes and decided to take his 52 ford out for a quick spin. I was looking through my front window and see his truck drive across my front yard right into some huge bushes. It was quite surreal. lol.



One time I rolled my sport bike out of the garage then rolled the 620 out of the garage so I could adjust the valves cold. I was working away, it was a nice day to do a tune up. I couldn't see something in the back of the engine bay because it was so bright out and the hood caused a shadow.


I push the truck a little to change the angle of the sun and it's working but just not quite there yet. I'm getting a little resistance and give it one last final good push...




The back corner of the bed caught the brake lever on the bike and pushed it off the side stand so it fell onto the bed, dented the hell out of it and wasted the ABS bodywork on one side in the process. In one fell swoop I creamed my two most prized possessions.


SR, I thought you were going to say that it picked up speed and rolled through the neighbors house across the street. It's still a funny story. :lol:



Ahahaha dude i thought he was gonna say they same thing, or that it rolled out into another car so something like that, and i can only imagin ur pain with ur bike and the 620. I would be so pissed.

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