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Everything posted by Monkeygirl47

  1. I haven't been on this website in so long, in fact I think this is the first time THIS year! I wanted to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. You have no Idea how much it really means to me! It's been rough but I'm hanging in there. It was the worst day of my life it wasn't only that I had to leave behind MM but it was also the fact I was losing a great relationship with my daddy that I've been working on for years. He was someone who I looked up too, he was my hero, my everything. But in the end it felt like he was a complete stranger. It hurt to see how things happened but It's life and it's what I have to live with. I'm graduating in about 3 weeks, I've finished all my classes in LESS than three months. The counselors were very shocked with my improvement, They didn't think I was going to get every thing done on time because I was two classes behind that I had to catch up on. But I am proud of what I have accomplished and without MM I wouldn't even thought about finishing. Many of you might say we are young. Yes we are I may not argue with that. But Matt has helped me through so much. He was the FIRST person to ever stick up for me and made me realize I was never alone. I'm soon going to be out of high school in 3 weeks, even though he is far away; it will never change the way I feel about him. We've been through so much and out relationship is way to precious to give up. Long distance is hard, FIRST time I was able to commit to it and we are doing perfect! As of today, I am stronger than ever. You guys are good people and thank you so much with the support. Maybe one day we will move west. I think it's time that I do something for MM <3. - Thank you once again! It's means A LOT! :D
  2. Hello everyone, Haven't been on here in a long TIME. Hope All y'alls datsuns are doing well <3.

    1. Monkeygirl47


      It's alright. It's the sunshine state (: brings you smiles! lol.

  3. I made a website guys :D. hahah. Not a pro at it at all..But i feel accomplished. 0 members though, Blah

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monkeygirl47
    3. RedBanner


      Ok, well there better be oics there....

    4. Monkeygirl47


      It's a forum. I just made it last night I have no members. If people make an account on there i'm sure there will be.

  4. Work, killed my ass today..

    1. Monkeygirl47


      I work at a car wash freak. lol Thanks.

  5. HA Finally told my mom I WILL be working on week days :D. That made her surprised. I feel proud of myself!

  6. >.< , Grrrrrr... I made a 99 though (:
  7. It is a powerpoint, so matt is going to have to put it on here cause im not that smart >.< Hahah! But I have to say I did an AWESOME job today presenting it and teaching the ninth grade students about them! It was VERY exciting, I thank you guys for giving me plenty of pictures! It turned out great. It shall be up sooon! (:
  8. Thank you all of you! (: I used at least one of everyones :D! It looks great!
  9. Thanks so much! Keep em coming! They all are GORGEOUS (:
  10. Hello everyone, I am doing a project in my marketing class about you guys! I would need some fabulous pictures of your cars! Post as many as you want & I'll try to use them all (: 2 Project on Datsuns I feel GREAT! SO PLEASE HELP ME OUT! I'd love to show your cars off! Thanks!
  11. Hey Ratsuners, I'm doing my project about you guysss! & your gorgeous cars! Upload more pictures :D. I'll use them <3.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jassifrass
    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Neat !!!

      I'll get you some if you can get MetalMonkey47 to pose on my Z-car ,,, with a blue bikini ,,, ollz

    4. Monkeygirl47


      Hahaha DTP that would be AMAZING <3. & thanks! I should start a thread Jennifer thanks! (:

  12. So, I haven't seen one datsun in Florida >.<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MicroMachinery




      No, what's the point of going to Florida if there are no Datsuns ;)

    3. metalmonkey47


      OH lol. I dunno. Must be miserable down there with no pretty cars.

    4. Monkeygirl47


      Pssssshhh I LOVE florida. There are alot of pretty cars! lol. I saw one Datsun and that was last time i was here I think the guy moved >.< Grrr. It was actually pretty..

  13. Ratsuners I misssed you :D.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H5WAGON


      How was the trip...?

    3. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      psst, remmember not to tell her about the you know what with you know who

    4. Monkeygirl47


      I'm in florida still, just got a computer (: Haven't been able to get on lately. The trip is getting better (: & Nismo, if your trying to be all filled secrets I probably already know :D. Haha

  14. So, How am I supposed to know if Datsuns are cruising around in Florida if i'm stuck in the house the WHOLE time >.< Fml. This blows.

    1. south of reno

      south of reno

      Come over to Arizona, everyone should move to my neck of the desert lol its the best thing for an old car, no rust and we have lots of Datsuns here.

    2. Skib


      you just know. I can sense them.

  15. I bet I did better for starters than you did ! So HA!
  16. SO, today was the FIRST time driving a datsun :D Also with it being my first time driving a stick shift (: , FUN!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. 420n620


      Mg47 drove a manual Datsun, learned to change a wheel cylindar & is a HOTTY model. MM47 is a lucky guy, I say shes a keeper noaw where is my sammish, I'm hungry after reading the comments. :}

    3. Monkeygirl47


      Lol thanks guys (: , but if you want sammiches ask MM47 he is the one who makes them. since he is allergic to everything in the freaking book. lol

    4. Master-O-Turbonics


      Your boyfriend didn't swap engines fast enough and now I have to do the same thing.(I was gonna get that little transmission) NOW he is trading Datsuns?!?!?! LAME.


  17. So guess who's a model now? :D. This gal (:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      OMG ,,, (GASP INHALE) ,,, YOU GO GIRL !!! ,,,



      I feel safe to say ,,, I'm a hand model (wink wink)



    3. Jennifer


      congratss! :D

    4. Monkeygirl47


      Wowww DTP :D.


      & thanksss Jennifer (:.

  18. Went to car show with MM47 today! Was fun when another Datsun showed up :D. Lol.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      don't Psssshhh me GIRLFRIEND !!! nuh UH !! (snap snap)



    3. Monkeygirl47


      LOL, I think that just made my day lol! Wow! & I just did! YEAH i went there:D.

    4. Monkeygirl47
  19. So, I'm going to Florida soon in a couple weeks, & I am actually wondering if I'll see any Datsuns:P. If so I'll be SURE to take some pictures(:. I'm pretty excited:P.

    1. INDY510


      DSLR pics or it didn't happen

    2. Monkeygirl47


      you know it! :P haha.

  20. Tehehehe <3 I like teh boobiez and vuhgynuh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47



    3. metalmonkey47



    4. Monkeygirl47


      you mean your GF? haa

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