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Everything posted by Monkeygirl47

  1. Lol, yes there was three. I removed one. This world is filled with surprises. lol.
  2. As am I. lol. Which I believe it would be different if it was nude. lol. Yes indeed it is me. I took the photos myself as well.
  3. MM47 thought you might like these. DSC_1223 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr DSC_1229 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr
  4. Photoshoot of myself tomorrow? Yes indeed!

    1. RedBanner


      Mike.... miiiike..

  5. Thank for catching my error. lol. I meant to say send me a picture of your absolute favorite photo of your datsun. I decided to make a drawing to the ones who entered this thread. And I picked out your name, so I am going to be painting a poster of your datsun :p. It's never too late :). Thank you entering the sketch zone :p.
  6. MM47 seems to showing me off a little right about now guys.. lol
  7. OMG.... lol... Out of ALL the ones you have this one...? haha.
  8. It's always better when it's warm though :p.
  9. No one could handle my boobies.. lol. Sorry guys! :D.
  10. LOL. MM47 and I need to do some Datsunbooby shots :P.
  11. Well, of course it has. Boobies are a man's life :p. lol.
  12. Lol, go ahead! I'd be gladly to draw some naky sketches :p. BOOBIES all the way!
  13. Lol, So everyone wants Naked Females Sketches?! DEAL. lol. I'd be happy to draw them all for ya ;p. Haha. LOL, I draw some AWESOME naked sketches. I drew on for my dad... weird to say! Ask MM47. :p.
  14. UPDATE: Computer is not uploading my photos at the moment... Me, about to go NINJA! :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: But, I am able to do the drawing! AND.... the WINNER is.... DRUM ROLLL..... :frantics: CONGRATULATIONS. To Wayno!! :w00t: :w00t: You have Won a Painting of your Datsun on a big poster from me :thumbup: . If you'd like you could PM me, send me your absolute photo of your Datsun, and I'd be happy to paint it! Thank you guys! I shall be doing something like this maybe possibly every month! But it will be over all the Ratsun people. :). So everyone has a chance! :)
  15. Alright guys, I apologize with not posting any sketches! But tomorrow ill be sure to upload some for sure!! I also have an idea, I am going to do a drawing for whoever ended up in this thread! Whoever wins I will paint a picture of your Datsun :). Thank you so much for being a part of my sketch book <3. -mg47
  16. Google maps! Type in: 52.376552,5.198303 Dead body being dragged into the river. NO JOKE!!! Omg...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Dguy210


      Lol, this is why I have problems when people ask me about stuff sometimes...

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Monkeygirl + MM47 = GOOD


      DTP = bad


      Dguy210 = Breaking Bad smarts yo ! (the show lol)


      again not Fawking with Dguy210... somehow I'll end up in about 73.32 mason jars in everybody elses basement but his... don't ask me how ... ask him ;) haha jk

    4. Dguy210


      Well I don't have a basement for one...


      but seriously my old job required me to work with cadaver parts sometimes. So many stories...


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